Kobayashi, Fumi - A Japanese records/information management consultant explains his life and presents his photographs of Japan and the USA. - http://homepage2.nifty.com/zxz/
Kato Tetsuro's Global Netizen College - A Japanese professor's page advocating peace, the return on abducted Japanese, and essays. - http://www.ff.iij4u.or.jp/~katote/exchange.html
Kristen's Japan - Personal writings on a different life in Japan and perceptions of world events. - http://www.mediatinker.com/blog/
Konnichiwa Y'all - American couple's expat life in Osaka. - http://www.jeffanddebbie.8m.com/
Ken Cotton - Information on PCs and network related items. - http://www.kencotton.com/
KaKiKo Web - Includes an easy homepage maker, and bbs. - http://tokyo.cool.ne.jp/penchan/