Hong Kong Flora and Vegetation - Includes information on plant study sites and trails chosen by the Quality Education Fund. - http://www.hkflora.com/
Wetland Link International Asia Symposium - Provides information on the 3-day symposium. Topics covered include public education, the planning and development of wetland education centres, and habitat management. - http://www.wli-asia-symposium.com/
Friends of Tai Long Wan - Documents the organisation's campaign to limit property development in Tai Long Wan, Sai Kung. Also includes information on environmental education and conservation. - http://www.tailongwan.org/
Shell Nature Watch - Butterfly Explorer - Provides information on butterflies commonly found in Hong Kong, and solicits reports from the public about acts that threaten their ecology. - http://www.greenpower.org.hk/shell-net/
Safer Living - A series of public education activities about natural disasters, organised by multiple government departments. Provides event details and schedule, and offers photos and videos from these events. - http://saferliving.info.gov.hk/
Endangered Species Protection - Provides games and educational messages about endangered species. Produced by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. - http://www.afcd.gov.hk/english/conservation/con_end/con_end.html
Green Fun - Promotes the "greening" of Hong Kong and healthy living through educational activities. - http://www.greenfun.org.hk/
Eco Expo Asia - A trade event featuring green enterprise and green living. Provides fair details, exhibitor list, event schedule, and information for participants. - http://www.ecoexpoasia.com/
Green Peng Chau Association - Promotes public awareness of environmental issues, concentrating on Peng Chau's environment and local culture. - http://www.greenpengchau.org.hk/
Hong Kong Science Museum - Introduces the museum's collection, current exhibitions, and educational services for students. Also provides news updates on science topics. - http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/Science/
Hong Kong Space Museum - Provides programmes and exhibitions on astronomy and space science. Includes information about the museum, programme information, astronomical facts, and resources for school teachers. - http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/Space/
The HK-BEAM Society - Operates the Hong Kong Building Environmental Assessment Method. Provides a description of the standards, list of certified buildings, news and events. - http://www.hk-beam.org.hk/
Hong Kong Lepidopterists' Society - Includes events, introduction to butterflies and moths in Hong Kong, information about the group and links to related websites. - http://www.hkls.org/
The Conservancy Association - Advocates environmental protection and sustainable development. Provides educatinal information on conservation, heritage and recycling, and electronic newsletters. - http://www.conservancy.org.hk/index_E.html
Greenpeace China - Provides information on environmental issues and activities concerning the Greater China region. - http://www.greenpeace.org/china/
The Environmental Campaign Committee - Promotes public awareness of environmental issues and encourages the public to contribute actively towards a better environment. Introduces current projects and funding application procedures. - http://www.ecc.org.hk/
Hong Kong Bioinformatics Centre - Acts as a central data resource for the benefit of Hong Kong biotechnology and industrial community. Provides computational equipment, technical expertise and molecular biology-orientated databases. - http://www.hkbic.bch.cuhk.edu.hk/
The Council for Sustainable Development - Engages the public to discuss Hong Kong's sustainability issues. Provides published reports, discussion papers, bulletins, articles and online discussion forums. - http://www.susdev.org.hk/
Science in the Public Service - A joint campaign by government departments to let people know more about their scientific achievements and the application of science and technology in providing services. - http://www.science.gov.hk/
Green Council - Aims to encourage the industry to include environmental protection in their processes. Includes descriptions about their green label scheme, and educational material. - http://www.greencouncil.org/
Biotechnology Research Institute - Supports research and development projects in biotechnology and fosters co-operation among academia, government and industry. - http://www.ust.hk/~bri/
Hong Kong Alternatives - A group that advocates for a major urban green park in the shorelines of West Kowloon. - http://www.hkalternatives.com/
EarthCare - Organisation working on sustainable development. Contains news on the latest activities. - http://www.earth.org.hk/
Hong Kong Harbour - SOS - Save Our Shorelines - Working to protect natural coastlines, and enhance developed stretches of coast in Hong Kong. - http://www.saveourshorelines.bizland.com/
Hong Kong Outdoors - Focused on enjoying and protecting wild Hong Kong. - http://www.hkoutdoors.com
Friends of the Harbour - Aiming to protect Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour from excessive reclamation or other encroachments. - http://www.friendsoftheharbour.org/
Living Islands Movement - Promoting sensitive and sustainable development of Hong Kong's islands. - http://www.livingislands.org.hk
Consortium of Chemical Products and Processes - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Aims to facilitate the development of the business and technology of chemical processing in the Asia-Pacific region. Facilities, collaborations, publications, courses and software. - http://www.ust.hk/ccpp
David Green - Independent Environmental Consultant - Expertise in environmental impact assessment, environmental auditing, noise control, environmental management systems, public health and occupational safety, indoor air quality, contaminated land and asbestos management. - http://www.davidgreen.org/
EDEN - Environment Defence Education Nurture - EDEN is a student-run, teacher-backed environmental organization running at King George V School in Hong Kong - http://www.kgv.edu.hk/eden
Green Power - One of Hong Kong's main green groups; site includes an online eco-tour. - http://www.greenpower.org.hk/
Friends of the Earth - Environmental protection organisation;promotes recycling, renewable energy and other green measures in Hong Kong. - http://www.foe.org.hk/