Hong Kong Community Weather Information Network - Gathers and publishes weather information from a network of automatic weather stations situated in schools and the community. A collaborative effort of the Hong Kong Observatory, the Department of Applied Physics of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University an - http://weather.ap.polyu.edu.hk/
Environmental Protection Department: Air Pollution Index - Lists air pollution index readings from monitoring stations around Hong Kong. Provides advice to the public, past records, trends and air quality reports. - http://www.epd-asg.gov.hk/
NOAA NWS - Hong Kong Weather - US government site provides hour-by-hour weather conditions for the past 24 hours for major cities and locations in the country. - http://weather.noaa.gov/weather/HK_cc.html
BBC Weather Centre - Country Guides: Hong Kong - Provides climate and weather information, facts and statistics about the country, along with five-day forecasts for major cities. - http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/world/country_guides/results.shtml?tt=TT002190
Friends of Meteorology - Organises meteorology functions and events, including talks, lectures and site visits. - http://www.fom.org.hk/eng_introduction.html
Weather Wonderland of Hong Kong - Contains weather information, news about meteorology, and weather archives. - http://www.weatherland.org.hk/
Weather Underground of Hong Kong - Provides weather forecast and weather charts syndicated from observatories around the world. Also hosts a tropical cyclone forecast contest. - http://www.weather.org.hk/
Hong Kong Observatory - Provides weather forecasting, tropical cyclone warning, radiation monitoring and assessment, and various other meteorological and geophysical services. - http://www.weather.gov.hk/