Johnston Geology Museum - Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas. Collection includes vertebrate and invertebrate fossils, plant fossils, evaporite and other mineral specimens, and sedimentary structures. -
The Miller Museum of Geology - Earth science teaching museum for local schools and natural-science interest groups in eastern Ontario. Located at the Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. -
Mineralogical Museum - Harvard museum which features a broad spectrum of mineralogical and geological specimens, including the Smith Meteorite Collection. -
Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum - Features fossils from West Texas: pictures, sales of casts, scheduled events. -
Royal Tyrrell Museum - Features ten signature galleries devoted to paleontology, with 40 dinosaur skeletons with more than 110,000 fossil specimens. Includes hours of operation, admission and directions. Located in Drumheller, Alberta, Canada. -
Weinman Mineral Museum - Features gems, minerals and fossils native to the state, as well as international collection. Includes virtual tour, special events, hours, prices and directions. Located in Cartersville, Georgia. -
University of California Museum of Paleontology - Collections include fossil and modern organisms representing prokaryotes to vertebrates collected from all continents. Limited exhibits open to the public. Includes hours, special events, short courses and directions. Located in Berkeley. -
Fundy Geological Museum - In Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, with an active fossil research program and excellent educational programs. Site topics include dinosaur bones, gems and minerals, and Bay of Fundy tides. -
Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences - Part of the University of Cambridge. Information on education, research, exhibits and events. Admission free. -
The Nature of Diamonds - Overview of the Diamond Exhibition presented at the American Museum of Natural History. -
Diamonds - Overview of an exhibition presented at the Museum of civilization in Quebec. Features dozens of jewels on loan from public and private collections all over the world. -
Dakota Dinosaur Museum - Rock, mineral and fossil specimens, including a complete Triceratops skeleton, in Dickinson, North Dakota. -
James Madison University Mineral Museum - In Harrisonburg, Virginia. Features 500 crystals and gemstones from around the world. -