KB5HPL - Peter Nystrom offers an overview of his station and operating activites; includes a short, personal biography. (League City, TX) - http://www.peterandamy.org/Public/KB5HPL.html
W1HUE - Larry East provides online access to his articles on amateur radio equipment modification for QRP use. (Tucson, AZ) - http://users.dakotacom.net/%7ew1hue
N0NBH - Paul Herrman with information applicable to ham radio. Topics include repeaters, echolink, VOIP, satellites, digital, solar propagation, space conditions, and MUF. (Sierra Vista, AZ) - http://members.cox.net/n0nbh/
KA9P - Scott McDonald shares information about vintage shortwave radio, spook radios, and operating from the cayman islands as ZF2SC. (Clarendon Hills, IL) - http://www.scottysskunkworks.com/
K5MQ Ham Radio - Dave Teague shares information about his station and operating habits. Other information includes audio recordings from around the world. (Jena, LA) - http://www.k5mq.com/
KE4PIC - Frank Cupp provides introductory information about himself. Amateur Radio content is limited to an APRS tutorial and links to W4CA - Roanoke Valley ARC. (Roanoke, VA) - http://cuppnet.com/
KK3Q - Virtual shack of Floyd Larck who operates out of Florida; former callsigns: KD4KU and WD4HSA. Information about contesting, 10-X and CW is available. (Orlando, FL) - http://www.kk3q.net/
K9STH - The virtual radio station of Glen E. Zook. Contains a number of articles covering various topics with a special emphasis on lightning protection and grounding.(Richardson, TX) - http://k9sth.com/
KG2IC - Mr. Howes has information about the T368 transmitter and his Collins and Johnson radios. - http://web.mac.com/brucehowes/iWeb/Bruce/Welcome.html
KI6ETL - A 'bLog style site maintained by Dave Breiland. Features include information sharing his experiences with the Kenwood TH-D7A as well as other radios and technologies. - http://www.ki6etl.org/
K5KJ - Storm Chase information as compiled and presented by Sam Barricklow. Includes Storm Chase reports, Storm News and Archives with photographs of tornadoes, floods, lightning, hail, and storm chasers. (Garland, TX) - http://www.k5kj.net/
W4EAT - Carl Starnes is active with the Carolina Slow Net (CNS) and on digital frequencies. His site is primarily limited to links to his associations, but also contains details about his digital station. (Stanfield, NC) - http://www.qsl.net/w4eat/
N5BSD - The virtual shack of John von Gonten, where he shares information about his hardware and antennas. Visitors are invited to sign a guest book. - http://www.n5bsd.com/
AA0MZ - James Klinger offers a personal biography and information about his station. Also available are QSL card search, 10-10 number lookup, logbook listings, organizations, clubs and satellite locating methods. (Wetmore, KS) - http://www.mikezulu.com/
N1EH - Eugene Harriman offers links to computers, aviation, electronics, astronomy, photography, and other interests. Some basic station information is provided. (Plymouth, MA) - http://www.qsl.net/n1eh/
AA6E - Martin Ewing features a QSL archive and Ten-Tec ORION web log on his website. Links to personal and family content is also available. (Branford, CT) - http://www.aa6e.net/aa6e/
N2CQR (also M0HBR and CU2JL) - Currently stationed in London, Bill Meara presents Gadgeteer, a site for electronic homebrewers, and is one of the hosts of the SolderSmoke podCast. His site covers a wide variety of topics related to amateur radio and amateur astronomy. (US Diplomatic Co - http://www.gadgeteer.us/
KL7R - The virtual shack of Mike Caughran; one of the hosts of the SolderSmoke podCast. His website contains a wealth of information on homebrew projects. (Juneau, AK) - http://kl7r.ham-radio.ch/
N3JI - Joe Isabella discusses the benefits and controversies surrounding the subject of Extended Single Sideband (eSSB). He also shares information about his shack and experiments with eSSB. (Lewisville, TX) - http://mysite.verizon.net/res1t267/
KB5JBV - The personal website of Richard Bailey; much of the content is geared toward those with an interest in the digital side of Emergency Communications and traffic handling. (Mesquite, TX) - http://myweb.cebridge.net/kb5jbv/
KC5SWS - The personal site of Andrew Kochie. Contains information of particular interest to traffic handlers as well as other local resources. (Arlington, TX) - http://www.kc5sws.com/
KA5ROW - Shack and antenna pictures from Doug Cain, with the Hazer Tram System. Polyphaser Grounding System. Links to various online resources. (Poteau, OK) - http://www.ka5row.com/
WD9EWK - The personal web site of Patrick Stoddard (WD9EWK/VA7EWK). Little technical information, but plenty about the operator. (Phoenix, AZ) - http://www.wd9ewk.net/
KI4GZD - The virtual ham shack of Gregory Branch. Information includes public service, contesting and local repeater frequencies. (Morganton, NC) - http://www.ki4gzd.com/
WC8J Projects - The virtual ham shack of Rich Burgan with special emphasis on solar power, weather and satellite technologies. (Hilliard, OH) - http://www.wc8j.net/
N5TIM - A collection of links and information assembled by John Galvin for the Radio Amateur interested in public service communications. (Garland, TX) - http://www.qsl.net/n5tim/
N5KD - The website of avid DX'er Peter Hicks. Presents information about his shack and quest for the DX Century Club Award. A list of his recent contacts and a webfeed of the W5FC repeater is also available. (Dallas, TX) - http://home.earthlink.net/~n5kd/n5kd/index.html
KE1GF - William Smith is dedicated to the use of Class-E amplifiers and Class-D modulators for AM amateur transmitters. Features photos and technical information about his pursuits. (Hopkinton, MA) - http://www.1gflabs.com/ke1gf/
WA4HMX - Information about the station of Dow Pierce. Describes equipment used with photographs of local area. (Meadowview, VA)) - http://home.comcast.net/~wa4hmx1/
K8SN - The Nabkey family from Michigan shares amateur radio information, photos and links. - http://www.k8sn.org/
K4KAL - Amateur in Marietta, Georgia shares station and QSL information, and photos. - http://bellsouthpwp.net/l/a/labord_k/weather/Current_Vantage_Pro.htm
WB5APD - Bob Dodson in Dahlonega, Georgia features items for sale, a 144 Mhz QRT grid and map of states worked, and links to weak signal VHF/UHF and other resources. - http://bobthayerjr.com/wb5apd/
WY3A - Bill Patton shares amateur radio information with unique content on the RockMite QRP Transceiver and the Heathkit GR-81 Regenerative receiver. - http://www.qsl.net/wy3a/
Mattie's AE7MC - A Extra-Class youngster shares her amateur radio hobby for kids worldwide with a photo and lots of links. Listen to young Mattie make an actual QSO as the page loads. - http://www.ae7mc.co.uk
WC6W - Marv shares station photos, classifieds, vintage electronics for sale, and equipment links. - http://wc6w.50webs.com/
TF2WIY - A US serviceman in Iceland shares his station photos, QSL information and his personal thoughts. - http://www.hal-pc.org/~kg5u/tf2wiy.html
KD8CDL - Mark Henry shares station information, his hobbies, photos and links. - http://www.kd8cdl.com
W1GMQ - Les in Concord, California shares his photos, his story, QSL card and links. - http://www.spaiser.net/w1gmq/
AD0K - Features a blog on ham radio issues, software downloads, and links related to DXing and contesting. - http://www.ad0k.net/
WE9V - Station description, personal information, photos and links. - http://www.we9v.com/
WB5GMK - Personal and station information, plus DX tips. - http://webpages.charter.net/wb5gmk/default.html
KD4SAI - Roland Bousquet and this site enables visitors to share ham radio knowledge and experiences, fcc rules, mods, and news. Includes a ham radio swap and sell area. - http://www.qsl.net/kd4sai/
KC4LZN - John Wilson discusses when and why I became a ham and some other interesting information about me. - http://www.gotwilson.com/kc4lzn/
KC0DMH - Jonathan and Sara Imberi has full duplex capabilities. With links to many interesting sites for amateur radio operators and information for those who are not. - http://www.ham-shack.com/
N5LXI - Dallas, TX, frequency list and net schedule, printable QSL card dividers, HF operation guide, and biography. - http://www.n5lxi.com/
KC8NAH and N8MR - Details travels/DXPeditions various lighthouses and includes photo gallery. - http://www.kc8nah.com/
WP3C - Information about the author's station and QSL gallery. - http://www.wp3c.qth.com/
N6RT - Includes station Info, DXpedition info, and contest scores. - http://www.qsl.net/n6rt/
AD6IW - Goran Popovic offers a slideshow featuring his 23 CM synthesized transverter, LNA and other microwave topics. (San Jose, CA) - http://www.ad6iw.com/
K3ROJ - Includes pages on old test equipment, 10 GHz microwave, ATV, and PSK31. - http://www.k3roj.com/
WB1S - Includes photos and descriptions of antenna projects, radio errata and also some links to similar sites. - http://home.comcast.net/~wb1s/
W6DEK - This amateur offers repeater information for the Los Angeles. California area. - http://www.w6dek.com
KB6NU's Ham Radio Blog - Personal journal of an average ham's adventures in amateur radio. - http://www.kb6nu.com/
WA6NOL - California amateur provides personal and equipment information, photos, events and links to construction projects. - http://www.wa6nol.com/
WNC Hams - Western North Carolina amateurs present HAM information, photos, local event schedules, VE test sessions and links. - http://www.qsy.com/wnc/index.html
K2VY - Dan Holben shares his photos, plus personal and station information. - http://www.k2vy.net/
KC7NYR - Mark shares some amateur radio information and links to HAM resources. - http://www.qsl.net/kc7nyr/
KC9GEZ - Indiana amateur shares station and personal information, photos, links and editorial. - http://www.qsl.net/kc9gez/
WB8ERJ - Mike in Mansfield, Ohio, presents station information, a photo or two, and plenty of links. - http://www.wb8erj.com/
KD0AR - This amateur presents some vintage radio technical information and photos, plus a Linux discussion area. - http://www.kd0ar.homeip.net/
KB9TMP - A Christian amateur from Indiana shares his station information, photos, personal thoughts and links. - http://www.qsl.net/kb9tmp/
KD7IYT - Kyle Burgess shares station information and lots of links. - http://www.cedarcomm.com/~kd7iyt/
K2EAG - Matt & Angela Brown share their amateur radio activities including WNY Clubs, NTS, IRLP and EchoLink. - http://brownbuffalo.com/radio
KC3OL - This amateur shares a forum of open discussion on amateur radio projects. - http://www.kc3ol.dynip.com
K4ZZR - South Florida operator shares station photos, including equipment and antennas. - http://home.bellsouth.net/p/PWP-k4zzr
W8MHB - Michael Burkhardt's Ham Radio Shacketeria has station information, photographs, and interactive morse code practice exams. Includes ham radio flash cards. - http://www.w8mhb.com/
WB8NUT - Cincinnati-based resource for local APRS activities. Includes repeater directory and links. - http://www.wb8nut.com/
W9AMR - Larry Yaw presents photos of his radio shack and equipment, and information on radio repairs and modifications. - http://www.w9amr.com/
WM8C - Christian amateur shares his hobbies and inspirations, free downloads, web and HAM radio tools, software tutorials, photos and links. - http://www.wm8c.com/
K2ADA - New Jersey amateur shares local repeater and station information, plus a library of links. - http://www.k2ada.net/
N3SVB - Deleware amateur shares family and station photos, callsign lookup and links. - http://www.n3svb.com/
Atwood Family Amateurs - The Atwood family in California shares e-mail, photos and links to local emergency services. - http://www.loren-jim.com/Radio.htm
KØBG - A "How To" place for mobile amateur radio operators. Features alternator and noise suppression techniques, photo gallery and helpful links. - http://www.k0bg.com/
W7WK - Steve shows us QSL cards from many DX contacts, and a small library of links. - http://home.bresnan.net/~w7wkmt/
KD7IBG-7 - Where is KD7IBG-7? Through his APRS tracker, you'll find this Oregon amateur most anywhere. - http://www.qsl.net/kd7ibg/
KA2R - Alexander Poliakova with information on the Russian speaking amateur radio club and links to the Bellingham Radio Museum. - http://www.qsl.net/ka2r/
WD5GNR - Al Williams serves up amateur radio information, projects, downloads, and a library of resource links. - http://www.wd5gnr.com/
KI7F - Denver amateur, Bill Wolverton, shares his DX logs on shortwave, 10-meters, and AM. - http://ki7f2.blogspot.com/
KL0AD - Alaskan satellite and VHF amateur presents his station information and photos. - http://www.herricknet.net/kl0ad/
AI7R - Arizona amateur shares station and antenna information and free screensavers. - http://www.presenceknown.com/radio/
KC2HWB - New York amateur shares a library of links to traffic and weather information, regional repeater maps, APRS data, and satellite links. - http://www.kc2hwb.com/
KB3KAI - Maryland amateur, David Stansbury, offers an automated Maryland weather station feed and data display, plus some local links. - http://www.kb3kai.com/
W8ZR Jim Garland Amateur Radio - Homebrew, boatanchor collections, and personal ham radio history. - http://www.w8zr.net/
KB3JXQ - Includes photo gallery and tuning and repair information for the Yaesu FT-101 series tranceiver. - http://kb3jxq.snycomp.com/
AD4DX - Willis Asher shares information himself and his Kentucky-based amateur radio station. - http://www.qsl.net/ad4dx/
AC6WO Amateur Radio Classes - Instructor of amateur radio licensing classes in Temple City, California. Also includes testing session information. - http://home.pacbell.net/cochise/
N9TOK - Dealers listing, callsign database, chat room, equipment for sale and trade, and links. - http://user.mc.net/omni1/
KB4QLZ - Includes equipment list and photographs, online swap shop, and contesting information. - http://www.kb4qlz.com/
AI9T - Includes station photos, antenna photos, and operating mode information, and links. - http://mysite.verizon.net/res6tjof/ai9t/
N3NTJ - Matthew shares his favorite links and information related to ham radio, sports, weather, and news. - http://home.earthlink.net/~n3ntj/
KA3UTS - Pennsylvania-based amateur offers AMSAT, and DX information, QSL and contact frequencies. - http://home.comcast.net/~nohto/ka3uts.htm
N6HB - Focuses on contesting. Many related links. - http://www.n6hb.org/
KA1NVZ - Alaska-based amateur with links and vintage information. - http://www.telmore.com/ka1nvz.html
N1IB - David Schornack details equipment used and has links to APRS reports for his stations. - http://www.n1ib.com/
K5MBX: Charlie's CQ Room - Details the life of the author and includes an online product manual store. - http://hug-a-bug.com/
K5JWM - Includes small biography, live camera feed, and photo gallery. - http://home.earthlink.net/~k5jwm/
KF9KP - Profiles hams at work, play, and in an emergencies. Also describes the author's past in ham radio. - http://www.amateur-radio-net.us/
K0KN - Detailed information about the AO-40 satellite station of Kyle Yoksh. Includes articles and hardware data related to various amateur radio topics. (Olathe, KS) - http://www.qsl.net/k0kn/
AAV5TH - James "Jay" Craswell with information on U.S. Army Mars including membership requirements, history of Army Mars, and other Mars topics. - http://www.qsl.net/aav5th/index.html
K1JN - Joe Natale with personal information and links of interest to amateur radio operators. Lookup log of all contacts since 7 July of 1979. - http://www.qsl.net/k1jn/
WX3ROB - Robert Hill, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, with information on local repeators, sports car racing, swing music and other information. - http://wx3rob.net/
AA5SH - Charles (Michael) Morgan with basic information on his radio shack. - http://www.qsl.net/aa5sh/index.html
AA5PH - A very basic introduction to James Pogue with personal pictures and links to other radio sites. (Cleburne, TX) - http://www.qsl.net/aa5ph/
K4BB - Bob Beeman shares his station and personal information, plus field day photos. - http://www.qsl.net/k4bb/
WJ50 - Texas amateur lists propagation beacons, and offers 10-Meter information for beginners. - http://www.qsl.net/wj5o/
W1WC - David Bauchiero's pages with related links and content for beginners and seasoned ham operators. - http://www.w1wc.com/
N8EMA - Jeff Wood, amateur radio operator located in Amelia,Ohio. Includes information on GMRS radio, severe weather, and Clermont County, Ohio. - http://n8ema.com/
K5WW - Station history, activities, log, and links to software. - http://www.qsl.net/k5ww/
AB6XI - BO SUK SUH in Rowland Heights, CA with information about his family home, family pictures, his station, and retirement activities. - http://www.qsl.net/ab6xi/index.html
AC6DD - Nikola Cimburn with pictures of Slovenia and his job. Information and pictures of WRTC 2000. - http://www.qsl.net/ac6dd/index.html
AC6LC - Clarence Clement with a nice photograph of the sun with many sunspots. - http://www.qsl.net/ac6lc/index.html
W6REC - One Amateur's history in the hobby - http://w6rec.com/duane/amateur/amateur.html
AA5V - Steve Miller in Sapulpa, Oklahoma with some nice pictures from the TRO repeator site. Links to many different radio clubs in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area. - http://www.qsl.net/aa5v/index.html
WA4TLI - Bert Carter, with links to dx radio clubs, station equipment, and family email addresses. - http://www.qsl.net/wa4tli/
AC6NN - Craig Young with links to linux, and other amateur sites. - http://www.qsl.net/ac6nn/index.html
AA6WK - Skip La Fetra with bicycling information as related to ham radio and links to San Francisco Bay area sites and repeators. - http://www.lafetra.com/Skip/AA6WK/
AC6GD - Stuart Dake with information concerning Navato CA, and other sites around the bay area. - http://www.qsl.net/ac6gd/index.html
K0KP - Minnesota amateur offers inside information for beginners, plus local links. - http://www.qsl.net/k0kp/
KC6UUT - California amateur presents station information, photos, links and free online Great Circle Bearing/Distance calculator. - http://www.qsl.net/kc6uut/
KG9AE - David Norris brings station information including APRS weather reporting, propagation beacon, VHF/UHF simplex, HF/shortwave, and a few old radios. - http://www.webaugur.com/dave/kg9ae/
AB6BR - Tony Flusche with links to radio, water skiing, snow skiing, and racketball. - http://www.qsl.net/ab6br/index.html
K4TX - Virginia amateur offers tips on beam antenna design and construction. - http://www.qsl.net/k4tx/
AC6VV - John Minger with information about the danger of driving while using the radio, what is ham radio and the Pasadena Radio Club. - http://www.qsl.net/ac6vv/index.html
AD4C - Hector Padron QSL manager for CO7EH, with information on his Cuban homeland, his amateur radio station, and links to his favorite websites. - http://www.qsl.net/ad4c/index.html
AB5MU - Gregory (Scott) King in Nettleton, Mississippi, a disabled ham who monitors 146.92. - http://www.qsl.net/ab5mu/index.htm
KT5C/R - THE ATHENS REPEATER Athens, Texas Amateur Radio Club with pictures of recent field day and information on 2 meter and 80 meter nets. - http://www.qsl.net/aa5ti/index.htm
AA5UC - Dallas/Fort Worth And North Central Texas Police, Fire Frequencies And Trunk Tracker Codes. Plus Scanner & Amateur Radio Links. - http://www.qsl.net/aa5uc/index.html
AA5PK - An introductory look at operator Glenn Miller. Includes background on the author and station description. (San Angelo, TX) - http://www.qsl.net/aa5pk/
AA6J - William Jeffrey with information on boy and girl scouting radio merit badges and repeators along the Pacific Crest Trail. (San Marcos, CA) - http://www.qsl.net/aa6j/
AB4KN - George Daniel with countdown to next space shuttle launch, repeator directory for Peachtree City, GA. Pictures of home QTH and antennas. - http://www.qsl.net/ab4kn/index.html
N4ZO - Gus in Pawleys Island, SC. - http://web.sccoast.net/users/n4zo/
AB4JG - Bobby Brown with information concerning the Franklin County (Alabama) Amateur Radio Club including pictures of his statio. - http://www.qsl.net/ab4jg/index.html
AB4OD - Claudio Leiva with station and QSL information, pictures of wife and family and favorite links. - http://www.qsl.net/ab4od/index.html
AB4VA - Paul Anderson with personal history, family, and hobbies. - http://www.qsl.net/ab4va/index.html
AC4V V - Kenneth Bickel presents repeator frequencies for the Louisville, Kentucky area including 2 meter and 70 centimenter. - http://www.qsl.net/ac4vv/index.html
WB6VUB - Michael Yaworski with links to amateur radio clubs in southern California, manufactures, dealers, organizations, exams, and other informational sources. - http://www.mpicomputers.com/ham
KC2CPF - Kevin Stickelman with call sign lookups, database manipulation. Custom Access Programming for Field Day. - http://www.stickelmeister.com/
AC4WW - Doug Glass with information from the Aiken Contest Club, IOTA, and DX-peditions. Links to other sites of interest. - http://www.qsl.net/ac4ww/index.html
W2AGN - John Sielke with boatanchors, QRP, and glowbugs. - http://mywebpages.comcast.net/w2agn/
KD4TT - Charles Moss with links to information about the International Space Station and other sites of interest to amateur radio operators. - http://kd4tt.20m.com/
KM6CQ - Daniel Baker, HF, VHF, mobile, in semi-trailer truck. Pictures of his station mobile, and family pets. - http://www.qsl.net/km6cq/
AJ5TT - APRS Information among related Ham Radio links. - http://home.swbell.net/kd5iho/AJ5TT/AJ5TT.htm
N2FFL - Station pictures, links, and New Jersey repeater information. - http://www.qsl.net/n2ffl/
AC4FD - Amateur Radio station in New Jersey with an online logbook and battery information. - http://www.qsl.net/ac4fd/
KC1YR - Sharon Gartenberg (also T99YR) featuring photos, contest information, links, and a little about the ham radio activities. - http://www.kc1yr.com/
WE4B - Florida amateur offers local testing information, RACES/ARES information, SKYWARN data and links. - http://www.qsl.net/we4b/
KF4RAV - Kentucky amateur presents station and regional ARES information and links. - http://www.qsl.net/kf4rav/
K7USJ - 7J1AIL - AP reporter, Steven Herman (K7USJ, 7J1AIL) of Henderson, Nevada & Tokyo, Japan, presents his favorite news links. - http://tvtokyo.com/steve.html
W2YR - New Jersey amateur presents an on-line log search, complete description of his station and favorite links. - http://mysite.verizon.net/w2yr/index.htm
AB0NR - Jeff Pautz with family pictures,personal information and work information. - http://www.qsl.net/ab0nr/index.html
KC5MEW - Texas amateur presents station and SKYWARN information, local links and photos. - http://www.qsl.net/kc5mew/
WA0SXV - Technical information about equipment, software, projects, and antennas. - http://www.wa0sxv.us/
WC3X - Amateur Radio and regional information, with focus on the U.S. and Caribbean area. Great DXing locations and spicy recreational havens. - http://wc3x.com/
KL7J - Les Buchholz's resources for DX, SSTV graphics, and Alaskan humor. - http://www.qsl.net/kl7j/
K3FSS - Franklin Speicher with public service frequencies near Pittsburg, Pennsylvania including fire, police, business and aviation. - http://www.qsl.net/k3fss/index.html
K3FP - Robin Staebler with information about Medical Amateur Radio Council and many pictures. - http://www.qsl.net/k3fp/index.html
K8CX - Photos of ham radio operators, ham shacks, antenna farms, contest stations, ham collectibles, and dx recordings in real audio format. - http://hamgallery.com/
AA1LL - Paul Gili with USAF MARS information, antenna construction information, and links to may ham radio sites. (Mason, NH) - http://www.qsl.net/aa1ll/
K1BYD - Stephen A. Warner with links to weather in Roebling N.J. Information on solar flare index, and personal pictures. - http://www.qsl.net/k1byd/index.html
AK1P - Paul Maciel with links to ARRL and QRP radio clubs. - http://www.qsl.net/ak1p/
AB0X - Mike Crabtree with information on the low band antennas, DXCC, QRP, and links to other amateur sites. - http://www.qsl.net/ab0x/index.html
W8VBV - Minnesota HAM presents his station history, photos and links to many regional clubs. - http://www.qsl.net/w8vbv/
AB2DX - Dennis Sabato and his email and QSL card. - http://www.qsl.net/ab2dx/
AK2F - Woody Peitzer with pictures of his family, repeator information for Morristown, NJ and information on his 10 meter beacon. - http://www.qsl.net/ak2f/index.htm
AB2AP - Gennady Moshkov with a photo album, his resume, contest awards, all Russian speaking radio club, contest activities,and other links many with photos. - http://www.qsl.net/ab2ap/index.html
AC2G - Bob Lisnak gives his license history, with photos of his home and shack, and links to local and national radio clubs and organizations, 10-10 International, AM International. - http://www.qsl.net/ac2g/index.html
AA2GF - David Borkowski provides an overview of his interest in VHF and weak signal transmissions. links to VHF, 6 meter, and 2 meter sites are also available. (East Aurora, NY) - http://www.qsl.net/aa2gf/
N1WGK - Frederick Johnson and links to Red Cross, and FEMA. Also Connecticut repeater clubs. - http://www.qsl.net/n1wgk/
K3BS - Robert Ray with information about Pennsylvania Volunteers and other civil war units, and pictures of family and friends. Vietnam veteran information and reflections. - http://www.qsl.net/k3bs/index.html
KG4MDB - US amateur presents station and QSL information, photos and links. - http://www.dmaidon.com/mfiles/ham.shtml
K5LAD - Station information, photos, and links. - http://www.hayseed.net/~jpk5lad/
AA0XB - Donald Lester with links to skywarn and qrz.com. - http://www.qsl.net/aa0xb/
AA0NI - Daniel Reynolds provides a self-penned curriculum to help those interested in becoming an amateur radio operator. Somewhat out-of-date, but a good reference. (Oklahoma City, OK) - http://www.qsl.net/aa0ni/
W5WWW - Ronald Fields in Katy, Texas with law enforcement information, live police scanner feeds and requirements for Texas State Troopers. - http://www.qsl.net/w5www/
AE0Q / V31RY - Glenn W. Pladsen with lots of pictures of ham radio operators and links to tattoos, information, software and related subjects - http://www.qsl.net/ae0q/index.html
AA2UZ - I am Tadeusz Koch, with pictures of me at home and in Poland. - http://www.qsl.net/aa2uz/index.html
AA3GN - Joe Landis with information on operating VHF, UHF, his equipment, planned station improvements and a photo. Includes links to other VHF and UHF sites. (Hatfield, PA) - http://www.qsl.net/aa3gn/
AA3PX - Lawrence Thomas, Jr. with antenna construction hints and beverage antenna information. Tributes to Nikola Telsa and Harold Beverage with photos and inverted L information. - http://www.qsl.net/aa3px/index.html
AA3QB - Jason Thompson with information about himself, VHF, UHF, Cw and encouraging words about the hobby. - http://www.qsl.net/aa3qb/index.htm
AA3RL - Michael Banz with discussion of dipole antenna heights (including plots), transmission line calculations (downloadable format), and field test and evaluation of GAP Titan antenna. - http://www.qsl.net/aa3rl/index.html
WZ5BC - Louisiana amateur presents station information and photos, a forum, and links. - http://www.wz5bc.com/
W5JH - Jerry Haigwood and the construction of a ham shack with pictures and discussion. - http://www.swlink.net/~w5jh/
W8DRO - John Harmon and amateur satellites, space, ISS, shuttle, Mir, Nasa. - http://www.qsl.net/w8dro/
WB8CEH - Wes Soper's home page providing information regarding ham radio, scanning hobbies with a personal biography. - http://homepages.msn.com/HobbyCt/wb8ceh/
WA8PHD - Louis Albert became a ham radio member in 1991. I always wanted to be a ham but I really could not learn the code. Pictures of antenna farm, gear, and family. Dyslexic and Attention Deficiet Disorder and amateur radio. - http://ifip.com/wa8phd.htm
AB2FW - Charles Barkowski with links to EME discussion page. - http://www.qsl.net/ab2fw/
W0TFH - Morris Haman and the 3.905 SEMO net on 80 meters Sunday morning. - http://www.showme.net/~mhaman/
NE5B - Links and station information. - http://texasparadise.com/ham/ne5b.asp
KB0H - Gary Ross Hoffman's with general information, help for beginners, Morse code hints and tips, ham jargon and information and listing of St. Louis area ham radio clubs. - http://www.cvil.wustl.edu/~gary/Ham/ham_main.html
WO9LF - Mir and RS-13 information, live web camera for the ham radio shack, also personal information for Brian Opalka - http://briano.com/
KA7MPX - Pictures of rigs, amplifiers, and antennas used at Russ's station. - http://www.ka7mpx.com/
NL7Z - 160 meters band, top band with links by Kevin Forster - http://www.mtaonline.net/~nl7z/
KC8AMH - Steven Babcock includes links to U.S. Naval Observatory clock and information on amateur radio communications. - http://www.remotecontrolhelicopter.com/hamradio/
W2WDX - Contains station photos and information. - http://www.qsl.net/w2wdx/
WB4FAY - Information on VoIP and internet linking and APRS in the Birmingham, Alabama area. - http://wb4fay.com/
KN5L - Station information, photos, contest logs and links. - http://www.kn5l.net/
K8IVC - Featuring information and links on amateur radio, scanning, technology, and nostalgia in the metro Detroit area. - http://mywebpages.comcast.net/k8ivc/index.html
WA6BOB - John Orton with digital, satellite and other links. - http://www.csun.edu/~vfeen0br/wa6bob.html
WA4DNS - Located Lake Panasoffkee Florida, find history on Panasoffkee, Dominican Republic, facts on the State of Florida, and caribbean weather. - http://www.qsy.com/
N4C - Photos of DX special session commorating 60th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. - http://sondancer.net/n4c/
W2BLC - New England amateur offers a large collection of amateur and reference links. - http://www.w2blc.com/
N0KWA - Ham radio, astronomy,and Talisheek from James Dillon - http://www.qsl.net/n0kwa/
N5IW - CW, boat anchors, resonant speakers, QRP, and plenty of pictures from David Hassell Sr. - http://www.qsl.net/n5iw/
N0FYT - Information on becoming a ham and other ham radio links from Ed Ferguson. ICQ, battery power, and disaster preparedness are also covered. - http://www.qsl.net/n0fyt/ham.htm
N9BOR - Michael Dinelli is located in Skokie, Illinois, 13 miles north of Chicago's loop. R. L. Drake web resource information. There is also information about learning and using morse code. - http://www.qsl.net/n9bor/
K5STA - Radio club of Stewart J. Braud atomic clock, voice chat,qsl bureau, - http://www.eatel.net/~stewart/
WA9USY - Ham radio information, freeware and shareware, SSTV, and PSK31. - http://www.qsl.net/wa9usy/
K4IBC - Weather ATV Repeater project with pictures, schematic block diagrams, and parts supplier listings by Bill Bennett - http://www.qsl.net/k4ibc/
KG5VK - Home page of Louisiana amateur radio operator Steve Smith. Antenna stacking units, and antenna pictures - http://www.qsl.net/kg5vk/
KE6JAB - Ronald Ross and Sheryl Schindler transmit pictures back from their trip to Antartica. - http://www.thistle.org
KD1YV, N1PNT, and N1SLE - Amateur radio at its finest, a family hobby the Ritterbusch Family Page. Bethel, CT Office of Emergency Management. - http://www.qsl.net/kd1yv/
W1VET - Personal page featuring a collection of vintage telegraph keys. - http://members.cox.net/w1vet/
KB9TYC - Wisconsin amateur and his equipment list, repeater frequencies, and local weather information. - http://www.kb9tyc.com/
WE6R - Six meter repeater list for California by Keith Beard. - http://www.we6r.com/
K3ASI - A page on SSTV (Slow Scan TV) including where to get the software, hardware, and tips by David L. Woolstrum. - http://www.qsl.net/k3asi/
KC5FM - Lloyd Colston a member of the Mayes County Amateur Radio Club, has been its president and also an officer of the Northeast Oklahoma Radio Amateurs Club, foreign exchange students, Tulsa National Weather Service - http://www.lloyd.colston.com/kc5fm.htm
KA4CPO - Tennessee amateur shares his station information and tips about visiting the region. - http://www.ka4cpo.com/
KB5XG - Digital modes PSK31 and SSTV with software and manufacturer links from Len Freise. - http://www.qsl.net/kb5xg/
W4RNL - Original articles, antenna modeling notes and extensive antenna design information from L. B. Cebik. - http://www.cebik.com/
W6BXQ - John Sanders presents his biography, station information, monitor frequencies, photos and links. - http://home.bellsouth.net/p/PWP-W6BXQ
KC9AXZ - Jon Rohde presents his equipment gallery, reviews, and favorite links. - http://www.kc9axz.com/