YB3TD Rivai
- YB3TD is the website of Radio Amateur Rivai (Riv) from Gresik city, East Java. Located 25 km away, north from Surabaya, capital of East Java.
- http://www.yb3td.com
YO5CRQ - Zoltan Bordas provides information about his amateur radio activity, and other hobbies; includes contesting with PSK31. (Baia Mare, Romania) - http://www.yo5crq.ro/
9A5BDD - Personal webpage of Ivan Palcic, dedicated to the world of ham radio. Includes biography, news and events from Zagreb Radio Club as well as a photo gallery. (Novalja, Pag Island, Croatia) - http://www.palcic.hr/9a5bdd/english/
IZ8GCB - The personal website of Gaetano Migliozzi. Information pertaining to contest calendar, DX news, cluster, qsl manager, contesting, personal log, etc. is available. (Caserta ,Italy) - http://www.iz8gcb.com/
PE2PE - Freek Emck shares his activity logs and a QSL gallery. Also available are various HowTo manuals (HTML and PDF). - http://www.pe2pe.eu/
PA9JJ - Jan Buitenhuis presents his station and QSL information, log and links. (The Netherlands) - http://www.qsl.net/pa9jj/
PA0SIM - Dutch amateur, Jan Simons, shares his ideas on local and non local QRM as well as noise reduction using Digital Signal Processing. (Venlo, NL) - http://www.pa0sim.nl/
DL3RTL - Daniel Moeller provides information about his ham radio station. Content includes a bio, shack basics, antenna overview and other specifics about his operation. (Berlin, DE) - http://www.fading.de/dl3rtl/index_start.html
OH1GTF - Janne Pulkkinen, musician and radioamateur, shares information about his shack and homebrew projects. - http://www.oh1gtf.com
OE1CWJ - Christian Wieser describes station, 50 MHz regulations in Austria, sporadic-E, troposcatter, meteor scatter, and aurora propagation. - http://www.oe1cwj.com/
SV1JSB - Grecian amateur,Andreas Porevopoulos, shares information on his station, CW and QRP radio. Also includes photos, a virtual logbook and homebrew projects. - http://users.hol.gr/~sv1jsb/
EA3TC - Barcelona amateur, Juan Bergay, offers station photos, history and logs. A resource page offers listings and external links for a variety of subjects. Content translations available in English, Spanish and Italian. - http://www.qsl.net/ea3tc/newpage03.html
MM0DQP - Presenting amateur radio information for beginners. - http://homepages.tesco.net/familymckay/
UR0MC - Radio operator Roman Tkachenko in Rubezhnoe, Ukraine. The site contains information about his station and operating practices as well as local facts. (Ukraine) - http://www.ur0mc.com/eng/index.html
IW5EDI - The virtual station log of Simone Mannini. Entries include DX, designs and contact information. (Florence, IT) - http://www.iw5edi.com/
OZ5KG - Particulars of the homemade equipment and antenna comprising the amateur radio station of Tommy Bay. Includes a collection of vintage radio information and digital photography with a special album of photos of the Middle Age castle of Spottrup. (Holstebro - http://tommyspage.dk/
ON2BBP - The cyber homestead of Joost Luyten of Belgium. In addition to station facts, the site contains information about VLF and magnetic loop antennas. (Antwerp, BE) - http://on2bbp.byze.be/
LA6RHA .YL - Chronical of the radio DX-expeditions from all over the world of Unni, a female operator from Norway. Includes logs and photos. - http://home.online.no/~la6rha/index.htm
ON5ZO - Franki Van Neyghem of Belgium presents details of his station, QSL cards, history, and photographs. - http://www.on5zo.be/
F4AZF - VHF operator shares photos and station information. - http://www.f4azf.com
DL1OLI - German amateur provides VHF information, homebrew plans, links and photos. - http://dl1oli.gottlob.org/
OZ1HMN - Danish operator shares personal and station information, photos and links. - http://www.larsr.dk
HB9TPL - Swiss amateur shares description of home made antennas for 160, 80 and 40 m bands, plus a discussion of digital mode performance. - http://www.hb9tpl.ch
K5CXO - James Murph shares his hobbies of amateur radio and flying. - http://www.k5cxo.net/k5cxo/
ON4CCP - Belgian amateur offers contest and station information, photos and links. - http://users.skynet.be/on4ccp/
SP9RCL - Polish amateur shares photos of his shack and tower. - http://sp9rcl.webpark.pl/
LZ1BJ - Boytcho Hadshiyski shares his DX log and station photos. - http://www.qsl.net/lz1bj/
HA8ET - Features a vacuum tube database, power amplifiers information, and technical articles. - http://www.pollak.sulinet.hu/www/radio.html
DF1PAW - Andreas Weller explains his station, log periodic antenna, digital radio mondial (DRM), and FT-897. - http://www.df1paw.de/
DL4SBF - German amateur offers station and amateur radio information, photos, and links. - http://www.mydarc.de/dl4sbf/
DF2ZC - German VHF amateur presents contest and QSL results, personal information and links. - http://www.df2zc.de
DG7LAN - "Andy" Schinkel explains quality HiFi-SSB transmissions with photos, a forum and links. - http://www.ssbaudio.net/
ON6MU and ON2DHT - Belgian amateur presents a resource of ham radio information, exams, software and links. - http://users.belgacom.net/hamradio/
VE3IXI - Dave Cooper shares his station and personal information, photos and links. - http://home.cabletv.on.ca/~ve3ixi/
HB9CIP - Swiss amateur shares HAM radio and station information, photos and links. - http://web.ticino.com/hb9cip/
DK1NR and DF9NM - Ronald and Manuela Nagy with photos and information about VHF pioneer Georg Zapf, DL3LI. Also includes QSL card photos. - http://www.dk1nr.de/
PD0CIF - Hobbies and station information presented by this Dutch amateur. - http://members.home.nl/harm.siepel
NL-7909 - Dutch Shortwave listener shares his DX awards, logs and links. - http://www.veron.nl/project/awards
SM6FHZ - Swedish amateur presents station and personal information, photos and regional links. - http://home.swipnet.se/2ingandlin/SM6FHZ.htm
KC2NDA - Amateur radio information, circuit diagrams, antenna construction tips, repairs and links. - http://www.hamradio.cc
I0QM - Italian operator, Bob, offers station, propagation and QSO information, as well as photos, homebrew instructions and links. (Milan, IT) - http://www.i0qm.org/
QRZ Israel - Israel amateur community features club and membership information, stories, a photo gallery, news and links. - http://www.qrz.co.il
PA3GQB - Dutch amateur shares his station information, downloads, links, live European webcams, and QSL contacts. - http://www.pa3gqb.nl
F5RDH - Homebrew enthusiast presents technical information, photos and lots of links. [German - English] - http://www.f5rdh.com
OZ2BC - Danish amateur shares station and QSL information, local weather and links. - http://www.oz2bc.webbyen.dk
4S7OF - Sri Lanka amateur offers a searchable log book, operating schedules and links. - http://www.bandeeni.com/4s7of.htm
LA0EM - This amateur shares HAM radio clipart and images, plus handy technical information. - http://home.c2i.net/hamradio/index.html
OZ2KNL - Danish amateur shares his favorite links, his repeater list for European countries, and a guestbook. - http://www.oz2knl.dk/uk
SM2YQZ - Kjell Eriksson shares personal and station information, photos and links. - http://hem.bredband.net/sm2yqz
K2LEO - Claudia shares station and personal information, photos, and a section dedicated to her worldwide DXpeditions. - http://www.ik1pmr.com/k2leo/
SQ7IKR - Polish amateur, Paul Zalewski, shares station information, photos and local links. - http://paul.desire.pl
VE3KH / VE3KDH - Kevin Hobbs presents HF and Moonbounce information, station descriptions and links. - http://home.cogeco.ca/~ve3kh/
DL7IQ and DL7IO - Find out all about these folks, their DXpeditions, antenna projects, and more. - http://www.dl7io.de
JO1PCT - Japanese amateur shares his equipment list and station information, personal philosophies, photos and links. - http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~iu1h-amn/
VK2RF as 3D2RS - Chronical of a DX-pedition from Fiji. Contains photos, equipment list, log. - http://twiki.customer.netspace.net.au/fiji/index.htm
JW3YJA - Norway amateur presents station information, QSL database and local links. - http://www.jw3yja.com
LA9NKA - Norway amateur, Anders, shares amateur radio information, IOTA listings, radio modifications and links. - http://www.kvalvaag.net/la9nka/
5Z4FT - Kenyan amateur shares station and QSL information, photos, and links. - http://www.qsl.net/5z4ft/index.html
PE2KW - Raymond Valk, Den Haag The Netherlands, shares station and QSL information, photos and local links. - http://www.pe2kw.com/
Peter NL-7909 - In the Netherlands, Peter operates an award-winning listening station. He shares his photos and station information. - http://nl7909.luistert.nl
SP9UPK - Polish amateur presents station information, QSL, photos and links. - http://sp9upk.webpark.pl/
OE1RIB - Richard Prinz talks about several of his equipment development and favorite amateur projects. - http://www.min.at/OE1RIB/
PA3FVB - Describes the author's mobile HF and VHF station setup. - http://www.qsl.net/pa3fvb/
LW3HAZ - Information about antennas, propagation, chirping, balloons, and weather satellites. Located in Argentina. - http://jcoppens.com
IK1PMR - Italian amateur radio presents his biography, station information, photos and DX links. [English] - http://www.ik1pmr.com/
DF7TV - Thomas Martin with QSL card, DXCC list, and K2 semiconductor database. - http://www.qsl.net/df7tv/
DL4TA - Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, Germany. Q-codes, Z-codes, List of countries. - http://www.qsl.net/dl4ta/
JF9EXF - Japanese amateur presents a web atlas for HAM and DXCC. Includes WAC continents, CQ zones, ITU zones, grid locator, and beam map. - http://www4.plala.or.jp/nomrax/
LA6YEA - Norway amateur presents station and QSL information, photos and links. - http://www.qsl.net/la6yea/
DL5AZA - German amateur offers free QSL manager download and database. - http://www.qsl.net/dl5aza
IK4AUY - Italy amateur presents station information, contest, and homebrew gallery. - http://www.qsl.net/ik4auy/
DL7JV - Berlin-based amateur offers station and QSL information, photos and links. - http://www.qsl.net/dl7jv/index.html
UA3ZTZ - Young, Russian amateur describes his station, shares photos and links. - http://www.qsl.net/ua3ztz
ON4LDU - Belgium amateur presents personal and station information, QSL gallery, and links. - http://www.qsl.net/on4ldu/
PE1RKI - Holland-based amateur presenting station and SSTV information, photos and links. - http://www.qsl.net/pe1rki/index.html
CT1ETE - A Portuguese amateur and his HAM radio resource. Includes photographs, propagation information, and QSL data. - http://www.qsl.net/ct1ete
VK3JEG - Australia-based HAM presents station information, technical bulletins and links. - http://www.qsl.net/vk3jeg
MM3AWM - Scotland-based amateur presents station information and photos. - http://www.martinhiggins.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/index.htm
OK1VAW - Czech amateur presents station information and photos. - http://www.qsl.net/ok1vaw
I1WQR - This amateur presents over 4000 HAM radio links. - http://www.i1wqrlinkradio.com
EC1AME - Fernando Cassanova brings XYL links in English and Spanish also pictures of his home in Ourense,Spain. - http://www.qsl.net/ec1ame/index.html
9M6MU - Alfons Undan from Keningau Sabah, Malaysia with FAQ, photographs, and links. - http://www.qsl.net/9m6mu/
VA6DAD - Provides ham radio web rings, swap and shop, and call sign look-up. - http://www.qsl.net/va6dad/hamradio.html
Radiomar - I6YOT and IW6MKI UBA personal HAM radio stories. [English] - http://www.radiomar.net/homepagen.htm
SV3FUO - Greece-based operator offers complete station and QSL information. - http://www.qsl.net/sv3fuo
CT1ETT - Roger Gonzaga of Portugal with QRP information, his profession as a surgery professor and club affiliations. - http://www.qsl.net/ct1ett/
CT1EKD - Dx bulletins in English and Portuguese by Pedro Namora. DX-peditions locations and operating times. - http://www.qsl.net/ct1ekd
DE0BRF - QSL collection of DE0BRF short wave listener with many photos of cards received. Information concerning the AGDX, EDXC, ARRL, ISWL, and RAC. - http://www.qsl.net/de0brf/index.html
YO5OFH - Csaba Gajdos with links to his hometown in Transylvania including pictures of his home and family. - http://www.qsl.net/yo5ofh
SV1CPO - Greecian amateur offers cluster information and e-mail directory of radio amateurs in Greece. - http://www.sv1cpo.ampr.org
OK1SHF - Czech amateur presents station and QSL information, propagation data, links and photos. - http://www.volny.cz/zdenek.bezouska/index.htm
XE2WCG - Tampico, Mexico amateur offers station photos and information, plus links. - http://www.qsl.net/xe2wcg/index.html
ON4YA - Belgium amateur shares personal and station information and links. - http://users.skynet.be/on4ya
DF3WV - German-based operator offers station and contact information. - http://www.df3wv.de
IK5ZTT - Introduction to ham radio, folklore of Pisa, and links. - http://www.qsl.net/ik5ztt
DG3GAG - German amateur shares station information and photos. - http://www.qsl.net/dg3gag/
UR3IJC - Biography of Andy Nechaevsky of Donetsk, Ukraine, with QSL artwork and links. - http://www.qsl.net/ur3ijc
SV3EAO - SV3EAP - Grecian amateurs present station and QSL information, photos and local links. - http://www.qsl.net/sv3eao
EA3TA - Spanish amateur offers station information, meteor scatter data and links. [English-Spanish] - http://www.qsl.net/ea3ta
OZ9AAR's moonbounce website - Danish amateur offers station and moonbounce information, photos and links. - http://www.moonbounce.dk
PA0WLB - Netherlands amateur presents station and HAM radio DX information, propogation, downloads, and links. - http://home.planet.nl/~pa0wlb/
27 IDX 106 - Iceland amateur presents station and QSL information, local weather and links. - http://www.hn.is/idx
N0FOL: Amateur radio devotionals - Inspirational and devotional thoughts using illustrations from amateur radio by amateur radio operators. - http://home.snu.edu/~hculbert.fs/narf.htm
RW3AG - Russian amateur presents station and QSL information, photos, local links and weather. - http://www.qsl.net/rw3ag
JP1LRT - Japanese operator presents station information, photos and links. [English] - http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~vj5y-tkur/cq-e.html
PA10604 - Netherlands-nased amateur offers station and personal information, photos and links. - http://home.hccnet.nl/kunder.de
OE8YDQ - Malta amateur presents station information, a library of photos and links. - http://www.oe8ydq.com
LU1YNE - Argentina amateur presents personal and station information, photos and links. [Spanish - English] - http://www.qsl.net/lu1yne