Karen Pryor's Clicker Training for Dogs - Basic information is provided as well as problem-solving and opportunities for further learning and involvement. - http://www.clickertraining.com/training/dogs/
Clicker Training for Deaf Dogs - Provides alternative ways to mark desired behaviour. - http://www.myaussies.com/clicker.html
K9 Clickers - Free articles can be downloaded which cover basic and advanced methods. - http://homepage.ntlworld.com/k.westgate/
The Well Mannered Dog - Site of trainer and teacher Shirley Chong. Includes a list of products and services, photo gallery, mailing lists, and training tips. - http://www.shirleychong.com/
Clicker Training Fast Start - A step-by-step guide includes suggestions about treats, clickers, and shaping. - http://www.magicpaws.com/
ClickerTrain - A centre in Virginia offers local classes, nationwide seminars, and free on-line sample articles from their Journal. - http://www.clickertrain.com/
Gary Wilkes' Click and Treat - A founder of this method offers free articles, a schedule of seminars and a list of products for sale. - http://www.clickandtreat.com/