A Guide to Puppy Training and Care
- Learn about the latest puppy training techniques designed for new as well as experienced dog owners. Includes advice on crate training, puppy care, dog behaviors and training older dogs.
- http://www.puppy-training-solutions.com
Neuman K-9 Academy, MN Dog Trainining
- Our dog training Academy specializes in dog obedience, boot camp, and problem solving. We provide clients with a well behaved canine companion that will meet and greet people under control. Trust your canine companion with a Certified Master Trainer!
- http://www.mndogtraining.com
Family Dog Training Center: Articles - Features training and competition issues, written by an American Kennel Club judge and the president of a training club. PDF format for downloading. - http://www.familydogonline.com/Articles%20of%20Interest/Articles.htm
Tarheel Canine Training - Free articles cover drive, control, protection, and obedience. - http://www.tarheelcanine.com/
Dog Training Methods - Library of articles covering most commonly used dog training methods. - http://www.petpeoplesplace.com/resources/articles/dogs/dog-training.htm
American Dog Trainers Network - Articles cover many areas including problem-solving, dog psychology and choosing a trainer. - http://www.tonypassera.com/thedogsite/www//new/
Bark Busters Home Dog Training - Offers puppy education and conducts group lessons in basic obedience for adolescent and older dogs, as well as one-to-one training at individual homes. Includes franchise information. - http://www.barkbusters.com/
Canine Care Group - A holistic approach is taken to training, behavior and problem-solving. - http://www.caninecaregroup.net/
Food Training - Discussion of the arguments for and against this method. Suggests food types and commands to use. - http://www.basset.net/kay4.html
Training the Multi-Purpose Dog - Suggestions for successfully combining activities such as conformation, tracking and obedience. - http://www.basset.net/kay10.html
Training Articles - Provided by the Golden Retriever Club of Victoria. Downloadable pages about obedience exercises, tracking, puppy training, retrieving and search and rescue. - http://www.grcv.org.au/training/
Puppy Training - Explains how basic obedience can be started within a few weeks of birth. Descriptions of each stage and advice for achieving success. - http://www.netpets.org/dogs/reference/training/pupobed.html
Dog Training Basics - Free articles covering issues such as puppy control, working with rescued dogs and teaching leadership and respect. - http://www.dogtrainingbasics.com/articles.htm
Mountain View Dog Training - Offering advice and explanations on a number of issues relating to behavior, agility, puppy-raising and competitions. - http://www.mountainviewdogs.com/
Dobbs Training Libraries - Free articles for handlers and trainers of hounds, working dogs, stock dogs, Schutzhund and gun dogs. - http://www.dobbsdogs.com/library/
Dog Tricks, Tips & Insights - Advice on training, grooming, and flea control. - http://www.lacetoleather.com/dogtricks.html
Pat Scott Dog Training - Free but copyrighted articles on a wide range of related topics. - http://www.k9webs.com/patscott/home.shtml
Dog Behaviour Advice - Free articles on many aspects of obedience and agility training, problem solving, socialisation and training equipment. - http://www.dogbehaviouradvice.com/
Dog Training Guide - Advice and instructions cover house training, commands, leash work, behaviour and tricks. - http://www.dogtrainingguide.com/
All Pro K-9 Training - A listing of professional trainers and schools throughout the United States, searchable by state. - http://www.allprok9training.com/
Dog Owner's Guide - Topics include manners, behaviour, housetraining, aggresssion and specific training problems. - http://www.canismajor.com/dog/topic1.html
Online Dog Trainer Search - Owners in the US can enter their zip code to find a professional in their area. - http://www.dogtrainersearch.com/
North West K9 - An archive contains free articles on service and police work as well as behaviour. - http://www.nwk9.com/nwk9_reading.htm
Danmark9 - A former police handler offers information on behaviour, obedience and tracking. - http://home.centurytel.net/danmarcanine/
Dog Training Articles - A professional trainer provides articles on all types and applications. - http://leerburg.com/articles.htm
Unleashed Newsletter - Free on-line articles, as well as past issues, are provided by a US training service. - http://unleashed.animaltrainers.com/archive.htm
Dog Training by Suzanne Clothier - Free articles cover topics including head halters, prong collars, scent games and rewards. - http://www.flyingdogpress.com/artlibreg.htm
Canines of America - A central resource covering many aspects of behaviour. - http://canines.com/
Dog Training Online TV Show - Archived episodes cover many aspects of behaviour and are free to watch. - http://www.bananatv.com/dog_training.html
Practical Dog Training Tips - A professional trainer provides free advice, a newsletter and access to a forum. - http://www.neilsnet.com/
Basic Dog Training - Free online version of the manual that accompanies each electronic collar. - http://www.e-collars.com/basic-dog-training.html
The Harmony Programme - This alternative to "dominance reduction programmes" is described in detail. - http://a1harmony.com/
Dr. P's Dog Training - A university-sponsored library of articles on behaviour, training and dog psychology. - http://www.uwsp.edu/psych/dog/dog.htm
Raising your Dog - The Monks of New Skete explain their approach. - http://www.dogsbestfriend.com/
Questions and Answers about Dog Training - This part of the Great Canadian Dog Encyclopedia invites submissions from amateurs and professionals alike. - http://www.llewellynsecurity.com/noframes/nfbook.htm
K9 Trainers - A worldwide directory of professional dog trainers and schools. - http://www.k9trainers.com/
The Dog Tales - Advice is given on problem-solving and understanding behaviour. - http://www.home.earthlink.net/~thedogtales/
Obedience FAQs - Articles provide answers to common questions about behaviour and all forms of training. - http://www.doglogic.com/apdtfaqs.htm