Underwater Images Stock Library and Journalism - Underwater Images by Perter Pinnock features galleries and published articles from South Africa, the Indian and Pacific Oceans. - http://www.peterpinnock.com/
Ocean Arts Hawaii - Underwater photography of Glenn T. Poulain from the shores of the Hawaiian Islands. - http://www.oceanartshawaii.com
Pacific Pinnacles Stock Photography - Serving Hawaiian Islands stock photography requirements with underwater and scenic images. Also features a photo gallery of underwater images of Hawaiian Sea Life. - http://www.pacificpinnacles.com
Morris Gregory - Underwater photography in UK and foreign waters, including Red Sea,Maldives,Borneo and Bonaire. - http://freespace.virgin.net/morris.gregory/
Marli Wakeling - Marine life and nature photography from the Caribbean, Indo-Pacific, and British Columbia. - http://members.shaw.ca/mwakeling/index/index.htm
Glen Cowans & Louise Stazzonelli - Underwater and wildlife photography from Australia and the world. - http://glencowans.com/uview.htm
Roger Carlson Photography - Underwater photography in a searchable gallery from California, Cozumel, Caribbean, and Cocos Island. - http://www.rogercarlsonphotography.com/
Keith Flood - Underwater photography from northern California and Hawaii. - http://www.keithflood.com/
James Mathias - Dive down 'Below the Blue Horizon' and enjoy a fascinating glimpse of sea life through an artist's eye! - http://www.belowthebluehorizon.com/
Mirko Zanni - Gallery of photography covering underwater, people and scenery themes. Includes author profile. - http://www.mirkozanni.com
Lynn Funkhouser - Photographer specializing in underwater, environmental, travel and nature photography - http://www.lynnfunkhouser.com
Danny Taennler - Ocean Spirits features nature & wildlife photographs - http://www.oceanspirits.ch
Morgan Reef Photography - Jane Morgan's images from the UK, the Red Sea, Southeast Asia, Australia and the Caribbean. - http://www.morganreefphotography.com
JoFan Photography - Underwater photography by Stefan Liden and Johanna Ahlberg. Locations include Hawaii and Scandinavia. Field reports are published about our adventures under the surface. - http://www.jofan.net
Subaquaphotos - A collection of digital reef, wrecks and wildlife photography. Features galleries, biography, equipment and commentary. [English and French] - http://www.subaquaphotos.com/
Cold Water Images - Kawika Chetron. Cold water subjects from Monterey, Carmel, Big Sur and the Channel Islands. - http://www.coldwaterimages.com
Paul Whitehead - Underwater photographer specializing in animal portraiture and behaviour in South East Asia, including species identification, animal behavior and marine species portrait photography. - http://www.whiteheadimages.com
Mike Veitch - Big Blue Images specializes in stock images of the Pacific. Locations include Palau, Yap, Philippines, NZ, French Polynesia, and Cocos Island among others. - http://www.bigblueimages.com
Tobias Bernhard - Details the BG Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2001. Includes a biography, a gallery and links to his published articles. - http://website.lineone.net/~tobias.bernhard/
Andrew San Gabriel - New York-based photographer presents gallery of underwater images, including turtles, coral, sharks, and other fish. - http://andrewsangabriel.com/
Jack and Sandy's Underwater Photography - Pictures of fish, coral, creatures, and divers taken in the Caribbean, Red Sea, and South Pacific. - http://www.uwphotographs.com/
Bernardo Sambra Photography - Includes biography, portfolio, log book, prints for sale and contact information. - http://www.bernardosambra.com
Borut Furlan Underwater Photography - Includes information about the author, equipment, extensive gallery and underwater photography in Slovenia. [English and Slovenian] - http://www.borutfurlan.com
George Stathakopoulos - Features albums from Puget Sound, Cancun, the Bahamas, British Columbia and Key Largo, as well as upcoming trips and favorite shots. - http://www.scubageorge.com
Beautiful World Films - Dedicated to the protection of our world through exploration, education and filming. Includes photo and video galleries, and contact information. - http://www.bwfilms.com
Mike Johnson Marine Natural History Photography - Underwater and topside photos from southern California and Baja including blue whales, ocean sunfish, plankton, and shoreline. - http://www.earthwindow.com/
Truk Lagoon - Gallery by Jorma ÖSter of wrecks of Truk Lagoon. - http://www.shutter.fi/truk/
Simon Brown's underwater photography - A collection of pictures and articles photographed and written by Simon Brown. - http://www.simonbrownimages.com
Richard Simms - Showcase of underwater and other photographs from the Red Sea, South of France, Spain, West Indies, Philippines, and British Columbia, Canada. - http://www3.telus.net/r.simms/
Shark Shots - Shark photography by Mike Parry. - http://www.sharkshots.com
Jesper Ole Jensens Photo Gallery - Underwater photographs from diving in Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines. - http://www.yezber.dk
Robert J. Karman - Above & Below Photography features a collection of photographic images and trip reports. - http://rkjarman.com
Photodive International - Galleries of photographs by Rick Tegeler. - http://www.photodive.ca
Andy McLeod - Provides freelance television and film services specializing in underwater photography. Includes video clips, qualifications, and photos. - http://www.andymcleod.com
Andy Belcher - Features many South Pacific and Asian Pacific locations. - http://www.andybelcher.com
Lloyd B. Cunningham - Features photographs from glacier-carved Lake Okoboji in northwestern Iowa, United States. - http://sio.midco.net/lloydfsd/
Marty Snyderman - On-line course, portfolio, biography, stock library, and information on how to order. - http://www.martysnyderman.com/
Robert Michelson - Includes gallery, biography, North Atlantic and Caribbean Marine Life, and photo/video stock list. - http://www.pbmphoto.com
Cathy Church - Underwater photo professional in Grand Cayman. Includes gallery, information on courses, equipment, and news. - http://www.cathychurch.com/
Ethan Gordon - Specializes in underwater stock photography, as well as destination and fishing stock photography. Includes gallery, news, contact information, and biography. - http://www.ethangordon.com/
Fathom This Underwater Productions - Focuses on the underwater life of British Columbia through digital video and still imagery. - http://www.fathomthis.ca
Tjeerd Wouters - "Wouters Web". Includes gallery, biography, equipment used, and contact information. - http://www.wouters-web.com
Douglas Rice - 'The Depth Finder'. Includes images of shark dives. - http://www.thedepthfinder.com/
Josep Clotas - Oceansub. Photography from the Mediterranean and Tropical seas. - http://www.josepclotas.com
UnderWaterPhotos.net - Underwater photography of Jason Heller. Contains underwater photographs of coral reefs and their inhabitants. - http://www.underwaterphotos.net/
Tomas Nezel - A collection of photographs about marine life around the Maldives. - http://www.nezel.ch/uw/
Colin and Lexie Munro - 'Marine Bio-images' underwater and marine wildlife photo agency. - http://www.marine-bio-images.com
Peter Matheisl - 'A Good Dive' includes photographs from Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Thioman, Redang, Sipadan Mabul, Thailand, Singapoore, Hong Kong. - http://www.agooddive.com
Jeff Rosenfeld - 'The Vibrant Sea' includes photographs from Australia, Bahamas, Bonaire, Channel Islands, Cocos Island, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Philippines, Puget Sound, San Benito Islands, and Sea of Cortez. - http://www.vibrantsea.net/
Tony White - 'Sea of Dreams' includes tropical fish pictures, deep-sea ocean photography, coral reefs, pictures of bass fish along with information on photography training. - http://www.seaofdreams.co.uk
Gunther Deichmann Photography - Underwater, landscaping and nature photography based in Manila, Philippines. - http://www.deichmann-photo.com
Nick Mulonas - 'Nickscape' contains photos of many different diving destinations, including Palau, Papua New Guinea, St. Lucia, Roatan, Cozumel, Belize, and the St. Clair River, Michigan. - http://nickscape.net/uwphotos/
Oceanic Dreams - Wolfgang Leander, photographer, has captured images using a single breath of air. [requires Flash] - http://www.oceanicdreams.com
David Da Costa - 'Digital Oceans'. Includes some land photos along with biography and contact details. - http://www.david-dacosta.com
Jürgen Freund - Marine environment photography, with a variety of subjects from around the world, especially Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines. - http://www.scubayogi.de/
David Fleetham - Site showcases some of David's high-impact shots. Features several published shark photos. - http://www.davidfleetham.com/
Joel Penland - Site contains nice freshwater and saltwater photography galleries. - http://www.jpenland.com
Tony Wu - Underwater photography from various Asian and Pacific locations. Nice articles too. - http://www.tony-wu.com
Miro Andric - Undersea photographs from the Croatian Adriatic. - http://www.croundersea.com
David Stephens - Photographs and articles from the UK and around the world. - http://www.underwater-photography.co.uk
Stephen Frink - Florida Keys underwater photographer. - http://stephenfrink.com/
Robert Zimmerman - Aqua Shots Waterworld Photography - Portfolio features many freshwater subjects in and around Florida. - http://www.waterworldphotography.com
Boo Nilsson - Features a variety of information about Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Fiji, Honduras, and California - http://members.cox.net/uwphoto/index.htm
Rudolf Svensen - Wide variety of images from various marine environments. - http://articles.uwphoto.no/
Marcel Widmer - Over 500 photos from Thailand, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and Fiji by the award winning Australian photographer. - http://www.seasidepix.com
Marcelo Mammana - Light Underwater - All black & white photography featuring wrecks and underwater scenics. - http://www.light-underwater.com/files/indexen.htm
James Lee - Deepscape Photography - Underwater photography featuring the award winning photography of James Lee - shipwrecks, marine life and reefs. - http://www.deepscape.com
Dan Burton - A professional photographer from England who specialises in underwater, commercial, stock, travel & ipix photography. - http://www.underwaterimages.co.uk/
Dorys Foltin - 'Liquid and global vision' - shots using models. - http://www.dorysfoltinphoto.com
Deeanne Edwards - A gallery of photographs depicting marine life from tropical and temperate oceans, including fish, invertebrates, and marine mammals. - http://marinelifephoto.com
Lyubomir Klissurov - 'The Wonderful Underwater World'. - http://klissurov.dir.bg
Bill Garvin - Underwater and Nature Photographs. - http://www.garvinphoto.com
Juergen Spiess - Site features underwater images from the Maldives, Egypt and Croatia. - http://www.spiess-online.com
Reinhard Dirscherl - Underwater Photos from a BBC-Wildlife Winner. Scuba divers, dolphins, sharks, fishes, coral reefs, critters, whales and shoals of fishes. - http://www.underwater-photo.net
Clara Taylor - Sample images of tropical fish and sea life along with top side photography. - http://www.clarataylor.com
Barry Lipman - Marine life, travel, and wildlife photos from around the world. Don't miss the technical information section--very helpful - http://barrylipman.com
Carlos Minguell - Underwater photos by an award-winning photographer. Site in English and Spanish. - http://www.ocean-photos.com/
Dagmar and Wolfgang Fritz - Underwater pictures and slideshows from all over the world. - http://www.uw-fotos.de
Pere Rubio Longimanus - Underwater and nature photography worldwide. - http://www.longimanus.com/
Steve Norvich - Dive trip reports including underwater images, links to interesting photography sites. - http://underwaterphotos.com/
Jim Christensen - Photography in the Florida Keys, Bonaire, Belize, the Cayman Islands, the Hawaiian Islands, and Palau. - http://www.uwphoto.net/
Shirley Brown - Underwater photography instruction, stock photography, commercial photography, Florida and the Caribbean. - http://www.sjbphoto.com
M Westermeier - Underwater photography exhibits and some nature photography. - http://www.mwestermeier.com/
J McDermott - Underwater images mostly from the channel islands off the California coast. - http://home.earthlink.net/~jmcdermott/
Michael Patrick Wong - Malaysia, Beneath the Waves. - http://www.mir.com.my/rb/photography/underh20/
Matt Weedon - Exclusive Seaside Collection - Underwater photographic prints available for purchase online. - http://www.weedonphoto.com
Bob Cumming - Underwater photography from around the globe. - http://www.bcummingfish.com
Søren Petersen - Images from the chairman for the underwater photographers in the Danish Sportsdiver Federation. - http://home13.inet.tele.dk/sss/
Fumio Kato - Marine Photo Blue Dolphin - Located in photo agency in Japan, 311 dives, 8years shooting with NikonosV and a Canon EOS5. - http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~bdolphin/index2.htm
Fabio Ehrengruber - Underwater photography from around the world. - http://www.wgn.net/~fabio/
David Hall - Encounters in the Sea Gallery - Underwater coverage of animals found on or near tropical coral reefs and temperate kelp forests. - http://www.seaphotos.com/
Joe Belanger - 'California Marine Life' Images and descriptions of commonly encountered marine life of Southern California area. Includes ordering information for Joe's books. - http://www.californiaunderwater.com
Teresa Zubi - Ignore the strange navigation and you'll find a large collection of photos and animal behavior. - http://www.starfish.ch
Bertrand Chauvel - Undewater photography at Bunaken Island, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. - http://www.divefroggies.com/bchauvel.html
Phillip Colla - Photography of marine mammals from the eastern Pacific and the California kelp forest. - http://www.oceanlight.com
Dave Forcucci - Photographs of colorful sealife displayed in galleries and free screen savers. - http://www.underseaimages.com
Ralf Astrom - 'Shades of Blue' - images from Finland, Thailand, Norway, Sweden and St. Lucia. - http://www.shadesofblue.com
Norbert Wu - Underwater and nature photography; books; stock library; film work; commercial assignments. - http://www.norbertwu.com
Lines and Shadows - Jeff Dudas presents images from Europe, North America and the Indo-Pacific region. - http://www.linesandshadows.com
Mark Magner - Some of the unusual and exciting photos taken by Mark who describes himself as an amateur photographer, traveller and scuba diver. - http://www.magnergraphix.com/ScubaPics/scuba1.html
Sergio Sarta - Between 1989 and 1991, Sarta won almost all the most important underwater photographic competitions in Italy and abroad. Site features galleries of his work including his B&W images. - http://www.sergiosarta.com
Pauls Scuba - Creative underwater pictures. - http://www.valleyins.com/scuba/
Bruce Hall - Underwater photography of Southern California. - http://www.visualsummit.com
Walt and Mimi Miller - Galleries of Caribbean, Indo-pacific, Galapagos, and Sea of Cortez photos. - http://www.ramblincameras.com/
Rob Darmanin - 'Aquatic Images' - Explore the beauty of the underwater world as captured by camera. - http://www.aquaticimages.com
Fredy J. Brauchli - Gallery of scuba diving pictures from the world's best dive spots. Large selection of nudibrach photos. - http://www.subaqua.ch