Davey, Sean - Professional photographer specialising surfing and ocean travel, adventure and water photography. - http://www.seandavey.com
Bennett, Neil - Stock photo library of underwater images and world travel sold through his company, Seven Seas Explorer. - http://www.sevenseasexplorer.net
Rock, Tim - Stock Underwater and cultural images from the South Pacific based in Guam. - http://www.doubleblue.com/Mainpages.html/frameset.htm
Mondragon, Jennifer & Jeff - Searchable website containing thousands of stock underwater and marine images from around the globe. - http://www.mondragonphotography.com
Mondragon, Jennifer and Jeff, - Specializing in underwater, science, wildlife, and natural history stock photography worldwide. - http://www.mondragonphoto.com
Dombrowski, Brian - Florida photographer and cinematographer offering stock film / video footage and Stock photography stills of underwater and marine images. - http://www.subsurfacemedia.com
Bell, Gary - Searchable picture database of endangered, rare, and common underwater animals. Includes fish, sharks, marine mammals and reef pictures of Great Barrier Reef, Australia. - http://www.oceanwideimages.com.au/
Radvaner, Bernard - Underwater stock gallery with photos of tropical fish, corals, and sharks. - http://www.lightandsea.com
Colla, Phillip - Specializes in photography of wild marine mammals (whales, seals, sharks) and the California kelp forest. - http://www.oceanlight.com/
Fleetham, David - Underwater photography from Hawaii. Searchable stock photo files. - http://www.davidfleetham.com/
Frink, Stephen - Underwater stock photography specializing in UW destinations, subjects, and tropical fish (by common OR Latin name). - http://www.stephenfrinkcollection.com
Factor, Beverly - Specializing in underwarter and marine photography. Also has stock coverage of islands and wildlife. - http://www.beverlyfactor.com
McLaughlin, Janice and Greg - Stock underwater and nature photos, with subjects including fish, eels, invertebrates, and feeding and cleaning behavior. - http://www.somemorephotos.com/
Dirscherl, Reinhard - Collection of underwater images from all over the world. Also includes some travel images. - http://www.underwaterphoto.biz/
Parsons, Gavin - Strong collection of underwater and topside images available for editorial, advertising and promotional materials. - http://www.h2o-images.co.uk
Svensen, Erling and Rudolf - Large variety of marine environments and species, including aquaculture. - http://shop.uwphoto.no
Wood, Bill - Stock photos of marine life from Australia's Great Barrier Reef. - http://www.billwood.com.au/
Corneli, Barbara and Helmut - German underwater photographers specializing in northern Europe marine life images. - http://www.corneli.de/
Watt, James - Stock marine photo library features underwater images including whales, dolphins, and sharks. Digital and film images. - http://www.wattstock.com/
Villoch, Carlos - Underwater photos of fish, whales, sharks, dolphins, turtles, coral, divers and many other ocean creatures. - http://www.magicsea.com/
Segars, Herb - Nature photographer specializing marine fish and invertebrates of the eastern United States, including humpback whales, manatees, turtles and seals. - http://www.gotosnapshot.com/
Cole, Brandon - Specialist in worldwide marine environments; Searchable web site includes whales, dolphins, sharks, manatees, and salmon. - http://www.brandoncole.com/
Gordon, Ethan - Underwater images of marine life, including sharks, bass, and crabs. - http://www.ethangordonphoto.com/