Dr. Frog's Recipe Page - Includes a 1687 description of a dish of Parcht Locusts, and directions for marinating bee grubs in coconut cream. - http://www.frogsonice.com/froggy/recipes.shtml
Grow-a-Brain: Entomophagy (Insect Eating) Archives - Blog with links and photographs covering all aspects of eating insects, from recipes to newspaper articles to personal experiences. - http://growabrain.typepad.com/growabrain/entomophagy_insect_eating/
Fried Green Tomato Hornworms - Sample recipe from a cookbook by David George Gordon. - http://www.olympus.net/dggordon/EatASample.htm
Weird Foods: Bugs - Includes a list of insects and other arthropods eaten in various cuisines, and a few recipes including Banana Worm Bread and Cricket Chip Cookies. - http://www.weird-food.com/weird-food-bugs.html
Bug-Eating - Various articles and links to using insects as food. - http://eat.bees.net/
Insects as Human Food - Hosted by Ohio State University. Entomologists, farmers and chefs who are promoting edible insects, a foodstuff better known in academic circles as "Microlivestock." Article, recipes, and nutritional information. - http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/2000/2160.html
Iowa State University's Tasty Insect Recipes - Offers links to insect suppliers and a few of the tastiest recipes such as banana worm bread and chocolate chirpie chip cookies. Also provides nutrition information for some common insects. - http://www.ent.iastate.edu/misc/insectsasfood.html
Weird Recipe List - Recipes for odd dishes some including insects. - http://www.bertc.com/recipes.htm
Survival.com - Eating Bugs - Article from Hoods Woods Survival Training Center. - http://www.survival.com/bug.htm
Descending the Food Chain - An article in New Times, Broward-Palm Beach, Florida. - http://www.newtimesbpb.com/issues/2000-04-27/nightday.html
Cafe Insecta - Offers cooking classes and demonstrations. Includes photographs from several events and three sophisticated recipes featuring crickets. - http://www.cafeinsecta.com/
Insect Snacks from Around the World - From the University of Kentucky Department of Entomology. - http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Entomology/ythfacts/bugfood/yf813.htm
Insects as Food - Information on the current importance and the future potential of insects as a global food resource. - http://www.food-insects.com/
Bugfood! - Offers a variety of recipes and links to satisfy anyone's bug-filled food craving. - http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Entomology/ythfacts/bugfood/bugfood.htm
The Eat-A-Bug Cookbook - David G. Gordon shows 33 ways to cook grasshoppers, ants, water bugs, spiders, centipedes, and their kin. Buy, look through reviews, or read about the author. - http://www.olympus.net/dggordon/EatABug.htm
Food Insects Newsletter - How-to articles about harvesting and preparing insects. - http://www.hollowtop.com/finl_html/finl.html
Bay Area Bug Eating Society (BABES) - San Francisco Entomophagists. Recipes, nutrition information, FAQs, and pictures. - http://www.planetscott.com/babes/