Extratv: Lotte Berk - Brief description of this form of exercise. - http://extratv.warnerbros.com/dailynews/rxtra/08_01/08_25g.html
Brad Appleton's Stretching and Flexibility - Free online book covers physiology, flexibility, types of stretches, and techniques. - http://www.cmcrossroads.com/bradapp/docs/rec/stretching/
The Bar Method - Describes this exercise system with photographs and testimonials. Includes details of classes in California and Connecticut. - http://www.barmethod.com
Fitness Habit Stretching - Information and how-to's on stretching and back strengthening. - http://home.earthlink.net/~fitness_habit/3_Stretching.htm
David Holt's Stretching and Flexibility - A long-distance runner describes how to stretch the leg muscles correctly. - http://home.sprynet.com/~holtrun/stretch.htm
Stretching for Tai Chi Chuan and Wu Shu - Good stretching advice for practitoners of the martial arts. - http://www.stanford.edu/group/taichi_wushu/stretching.html
Thomas Kurz's Column - Articles about correct stretches and maintaining flexibility, written by a sports trainer. - http://stadion.com/column.html
Lisa Balbach's Stretching Exercises - Instructions from a certified aerobics instructor. - http://k2.kirtland.cc.mi.us/~balbachl/stretch.htm
Movin with Marty - One-page article on how to stretch properly. - http://www.coastside.net/USERS/runner/articles/stretch2.html