Diagnosis Down Syndrome - Personal, loving stories from parents on adoption of a Down Syndrome baby. Also stories from those that found out during the pregnancy, and those that had a diagnosis after. - http://leeworks.net/DDS/
Down Syndrome : A Parent's Resource - Information about Down Syndrome, and a collection of parents' stories. - http://www3.sympatico.ca/terry.edwards/Shelby.html
Rachel's Story - Has a diary by Rachel's Mum to chart her milestones. Also a hospital diary on Rachel's heart surgery. - http://freespace.virgin.net/rachels.story/
Ryan's Story - Ryan's birth and diagnosis, Down Syndrome links, and family pictures. - http://leeworks.net/Lee/ryan.html
Logan's Link - Logan's story, Down Syndrome links, and picture galleries. - http://www.c-magic.com/logan/
ELIJAH-dot-NET - Pictures of Elijah at various ages, with links to information on Down Syndrome. - http://elijah.net/
Down's Really Up - Jonathan's story. - http://www.81x.com/DownsReallyUp/MeetMe
Darbi's Place - Pictures, a mom's story, and information about Darbi's open heart surgery. - http://coolbeansdesigns.com/darbisplace/index.htm
George and Charley - Pictures and links. - http://homepages.tesco.net/~d.w.dossett/index.htm
Rose - This family's story of how they almost lost their daughter after heart surgery, and her life since then. - http://www.therosepage.com
Fabio - Fabio's story, pictures, poems and information on Down Syndrome, as well as links and addresses of organizations and parents groups in the U.S. and worldwide. - http://www.down-syndrom.ch/Fabio_E.htm