Jumozy - Online Massage CE Courses
- Jumozy, accredited by NCBTMB, provides online continuing education (CE) courses for massage therapists. All content including demonstrations from award-winning videos is online, available 24/7, with printable certificates of achievement upon completion
- http://www.jumozy.com
Personal Growth and Development Systems - Workshop and seminars for reiki, emotional freedom technique, hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, massage, iridology, and kundalini awakening. - http://www.personalgrowthdevelopment.com/
Beaumont College of Natural Medicine - Offers residential full and part time courses leading to certification, with training and courses for massage, aromatherapy, and reflexology. Based in the UK. - http://www.beaumontcollege.co.uk/
College of Natural Medicine - Offers degrees in natural, complementary, integrated and holistic health. Larnaca, Cyprus. - http://www.collegenaturalmedicine.com/
Open College - Distance learning diplomas. Home study courses in Acutouch, Hypnotherapy, Reflexology, and other complementary medicine subjects. - http://www.opencollege.info
Clayton College of Natural Health - Offers classes in natural health and nutrition through distance learning. Includes information about tuition, admissions, scholarships and grants, and payment options with a catalog request form. - http://healthy.ccnh.edu/
Vitalitate.com - Information on courses for stress management through The Radiance Technique. - http://www.vitalitate.com/english.htm
Nursing Schools Directory - A guide to nursing schools. Includes career resources, school profiles and a variety of education options. - http://www.allnursingschools.com
Alternative Training - Distance learning courses in conventional medicine for alternative practitioners. Based in the UK. - http://www.alternative-training.com/
CompMed Alaska - Specializes in education and research in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Lyn Freeman offers classes to medical professionals, universities, organizations, and the public. - http://compmedalaska.com/
Heart to Heart Associates - Non-profit dedicated to education and advocacy of research in the fields of health, medicine and personal development. Founded by Gloria Alvino in Brookline, Massachusetts. - http://www.hearttoheartassociates.com/
Sentio - Seminars and counseling in Reiki, Avatar, ReSurfacing, spirituality, rebirthing, Native American medicine. Based in Bristol, Connecticut. - http://www.sentio.org/
Changing Your Mind for Health - Practical, inspiring, down to earth instruction in confident and competent use of the mind-body approach to health. - http://www.xubera.com
Healer Within - Education programs and K-8 classroom materials for healthy living. Sponsored by the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, Missouri. - http://www.healerwithin.org/
Postural Restoration Institute - Established to explore and explain the primary mechanical, neurological, and physiological contributions of postural kinetic and kinematic movement dysfunction. Courses offered in Lincoln, Nebraska. - http://www.posturalrestoration.com/
American College of Osteopathic Pain Management and Scleroptherapy - Sclerotherapy, prolotherapy (proliferative therapy), stimulates the body's nature healing processes to strengthen joints weakened by traumatic or over-use injury. Based in Wilmington, Delaware. - http://acopms.com/
International Alliance of Healthcare Educators (IAHE) - Coalition of healthcare instructors and curriculum developers united to advance innovative therapies through high-quality continuing-education programs. - http://www.iahe.com/
Edison Institute of Nutrition - Distant learning courses offering a Certificate, BASc and MASc programs in Holistic Nutrition. (US, Canada, UK) - http://www.edisoninst.com/