Hypnosis Secrets - Hypnosis certification courses for home study. - http://www.hypnosissecrets.com/
Hypnotherapy Training Institute - Licensed school provides schedule of international courses, with a brochure to download. Based in California. - http://www.hypnotherapy.com
Mind Motivations - Offering corporate and individual training, as well as sales of resources. Includes articles, an Australia-wide directory of practitioners, and purchasing information. - http://www.mindmotivations.com/
Hypnosis Motivation Institute - Nationally accredited college of training in hypnotherapy and clinic offering hypnotherapy services. (Tarzana, CA) - http://www.hypnosis.edu/
Hypnotherapy Academy of America - Comprehensive certification program in hypnosis and hypnotherapy. School is located in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Free hypnosis newsletter. - http://www.hypnotherapyacademy.com/
Hypno-Mind-Power - Directory of practitioners, training, resources, California and Nevada. Articles, newsletter, hypnosis products, seminars and workshops. - http://www.hypnomindpower.com/
Zoilita Grant, MS CHT - Self healing hypnotherapy manuals, books, tapes and instructor kits. Classes available in Boulder, Colorado. - http://www.selfhealing.com/
How to Choose a Hypnosis Course - Guideline to help select a hypnosis course, with questions and requests to ask of a prospective hypnosis teacher or school. - http://www.hypnosisinstruction.com/
Academy for Professional Hypnosis Training - Professional hypnosis instruction and certification classes in Hollywood, California and the Midwest. Upon successful completion, participants receive national certification as hypnotherapists. - http://www.hypnosiscourse.com/
Finding True Magic - Jack Elias, CHT, offers seminars, advanced trainings, and mentorship courses in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy / NLP. Seattle, Washington. - http://www.findingtruemagic.com/
Hypnosis Training Online Modules - Using self hypnosis for self improvement, weight loss with hypnosis. How to hypnotise someone in 30 seconds. - http://www.soothsayer.co.uk
Hypnotherapy/Psychotherapy Training College - Hypnotherapy, Counselling, Psychotherapy training to professional practice Diploma level. Accredited courses recognized by a wide range of professional organization in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy. - http://www.bcspctraining.co.uk
Island Hypnosis Educational Centre - Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy training. Certification with the International Medical and Dental Association. - http://www.islandhypnosis.com
Mottin and Johnson Institute of Hypnosis - Offering Hypnotherapy Certification, and the latest advanced training in person or through correspondence. - http://www.donmottin.com/
The New Focus Institute for Clinical Hypnotherapy - On-site and distance learning in beginning to advanced hypnotherapy, accelerated learning, and related disciplines. Both metaphysically and medically oriented. ABH-approved. (Canoga Park, CA) - http://www.new-focus.com
Hypnosis 101 - On-line hypnosis scripts, home study course for learning hypnotism techniques. - http://www.hypnosis101.com/index.html
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute - Home Study Certification Trainings, synthesizing Transpersonal Psychology, clinical hypnosis, NLP, past life regression, intuition, medical hypnotherapy. - http://transhypno.com
Hypnotic World - Free hypnotic scripts, case histories, problem and treatment information, weight loss facts, and other resources. - http://hypnoticworld.com
The Robert Shields College - Information available to download or buy on CD. - http://www.hypnotherapy-training.info/
The National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy - The National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy provides training in Hypno-Psychotherapy at venues in London, Glasgow, Liverpool, and Northern Ireland - http://www.hypnotherapyuk.net
North American Institute of Neuro-Therapy - Distance learning offering the most modern, neurological approach to mental training (hypnotherapy.)The only program offering Subverbal Shifting. - http://www.therapyofthefuture.com
Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc - Internationally recognized hypnosis center for training, sessions, self-hypnosis, classes, books, tapes. Articles and online groups for hypnosis, hypnotherapy, EFT sessions, and self-hypnosis. - http://www.hypnosiscenter.com
Infinity Institute/IMDHA - The Infinity Institute learning experience offers students the opportunity to learn hypnosis, hypnotherapy and therapeutic touch academically and experientially. - http://www.infinityinst.com
Academy of Curative Hypnotherapists Ltd - A non-profit organisation teaching the use of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes. Code of ethics, contact information, and workshop dates. - http://www.ach.co.uk/
Hypnotherapy Training - Diploma training for hypnotherapy and stress management in the UK. London, Cumbria, Dublin and Ednburgh. - http://best-hypnotherapy.co.uk/
Brief Strategic Therapy Foundation - Study and application of hypnosis and Brief Therapy. Professional Vocational Practitioner Training. (London) - http://www.bstfoundation.co.uk/
Harvest Clinic - Glasgow - The Harvest Clinic of Health. Glasgow - http://www.harvestclinic.co.uk
The Quest Institute - The training and personal development to promote use of hypnotherapy and NLP for people with serious illness. - http://www.questinstitute.co.uk
Tara School of Hypnotherapy - Based in Liverpool offering hypnotherapy training. - http://www.tara-hypnotherapy.co.uk
Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis - The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis provides professional hypnosis training courses along with hypnotherapy training and the professional use of clinical hypnosis. - http://www.eich.co.uk
Bennett/Stellar University of NLP - Offers NLP training, NLP seminars and certification as well as certification in hypnosis, Reiki, and personal growth training. - http://www.imagineit.org
Hypnoway Hypnosis Training Institute - Offers a comprehensive foundation of information designed to prepare the health professional to integrate hypnotherapy into an existing health practice and allows the lay person to become a competent practitioner. Graduates will receive advanced certifica - http://www.hypnoway.com/
The Academy of Professional Hypnosis - Offers Certification in Basic, Advanced, and Advanced Clinical HypnoCounseling. Licensed by The New Jersey Dept. of Education. - http://www.hypnoacademy.com/
Canyon College - Offering professional certificate courses in hypnosis and clinical hypnotherapy with online studies and video. (Caldwell, Idaho) - http://www.canyoncollege.edu/hypnosis.htm
Hypnosis Institute International - Provides training in Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy with National certification available. (Wailuku, Hawaii) - http://hypnosisinstitute.com
Hypnosis Institute of Texas - Hypnosis training for Stage Performance and therapeutic intervention. (Dallas, Texas) - http://www.hypnosisworld.com/
North Shore Hypnosis Training - NGH Hypnotherapy Certification Training in New York. Students learn to practice a wide range of techniques and services. - http://northshorehypnosis.com/NGHCertifications.html
Knightsbridge Institute of Hypnotherapy and NLP - Offers training in neuro-linguistic hypnotherapy leading to certification, NLP Master classes leading to certification, NLP for health professionals and business.(Oregon USA) - http://ourworld.cs.com/hypnoschool
HCH - Institute for Hypnotherapy and Psycho-Spiritual Trainings - A California state licensed institute offering certifications in hypnotherapy and energy therapies including Reiki and EFT. CE credits for RNs and MFTs. (Lafayette, CA) - http://www.hypnotherapytraining.com/
The Northern College of Clinical Hypnosis - Professional practitioner training in Clinical Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy in the North of England. Independently accredited diploma in Clinical Hypnosis qualification. - http://www.northerncollege.org
International Association Of Hypno-Analysts - Distant learning or in house courses for a career in Hypnotherapy and hypnoanalysis. (Cambridge, UK) - http://www.hypno-analysis.com
Association for the Alignment of Past Life Experience - (AAPLE) is the organization that trains members in the Netherton Method of past lives therapy, which includes clinical hypnotherapy. - http://www.aaple.com/
Master's Center for Personal Development - Certification programs that can lead to a new career and continuing education for hypnotherapists and wellness practitioners. (Yardley, PA) - http://www.masters-center.com/
Ontario Hypnosis Centre and School - A government accredited school and clinic for hypnosis. (Canada) - http://www.ont-hypnosis-centre.com/
Live more of your life with Self-Hypnosis - Teach yourself Self-Hypnosis, autosuggestion and improve the quality of your life. - http://www.maxpages.com/autohypnosis
Academy for Hypnotic Studies - Dedicated to the study, practice, and teaching of traditional and Ericksonian Hypnosis. - http://www.hypnoticstudies.com/
Hypnosis for Health - Hypnotherapy Resources Packs for therapists new in practice and those wishing to expand their range of services. - http://www.hypnosisforhealth.cwc.net
Hypnosis Education and Hypnotherapy - Distant learning courses for hypnotherapy certification and hypnosis studies. (Deland, Florida) - http://hypnosiseducation.com
New England Institute of Hypnotherapy - Hypnotherapy correspondence courses and distance learning. School for hypnotherapy certification. (Chester,VT) - http://www.neih.com/
SoulWorks Hypnotherapy Training School - Teaches a form of hypnotherapy called "Imaginal Hypnotherapy," which is a natural extension of Transpersonal (beyond the personal ego) Psychology. E-mail counseling/supervision. (Boulder, CO) - http://www.soulworkshypno.com/
The Meta Institute - An approved training institute in Minnesota offering hypnosis classes as well as certifications for hypnotherapist and master hypnotherapist. - http://www.metainstitute.com/hyp_final2.html
Academy of Human Sciences - Since 1977 teaching Psychophysical Therapies and Humanistic & Clinical Hypnotherapy to professional level. Forster (NSW midnorth coast). - http://www.humansciences.net.au
Hypnotherapy Training By The Orca Institute - Offering Hypnotherapy and Counselling Certification training through onsite and distance learning. (Vancouver, BC, Canada) - http://orcainstitute.com
The Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy - The ICHP offer comprehensive Certificate and Diploma courses in all areas of ethical, clinical hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnoanalysis and psychotherapy, through distance learning and advanced practical classwork. - http://www.hypnosiseire.com