Elite Tournament - Introduction to an internet based multiplayer space combat game, with background, storyline and download. - http://www.elitetournament.50megs.com/
Timo K Suoranta's glElite - News, background information, documentation and screenshots from a project to create a space-roleplaying framework, based around the Teddy graphics engine. - http://glelite.sourceforge.net/
Elite Memories - An experimental flight simulator written in Dark Basic. Includes system requirements, screenshot and a download. - http://koti.mbnet.fi/~ketonen/db/elite/elite.htm
Elite Plus: Planetside - Includes project news and development information, a technical brief, storyline, forum and download. - http://www.planetmic.com/orbit/eliteps1.htm
EdzUp - Describes the development of Star Flight 2000 and Elite Multiplayer, with feature lists, progress reports and screenshots. - http://www.edzup.co.uk/