Elite Purity Test - A series of questions to determine how close you are to being a true Elite fan. - http://www.unmusic.co.uk/elitepurity/elitepurity.html
Mufossa's Elite - Includes fan fiction and a set of military rank badges. - http://www.alioth.net/~mufossa/elite/elite-index.html
Guardians of the Free Spirit - Provides introduction to the Van Maanens Star system. - http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/gotfs/
Imperial Archives - Describes the Imperial Navy, including rank structure, with links to fan fiction. - http://rowan.bravepages.com/Library.htm
Witch Space - Set of artwork and animations of Elite ships and logos, including VRML models and paper ship nets. - http://mackayj.doosh.net/
Elite Fiction Ring - Fan fiction webring. - http://www.sslmit.unibo.it/zat/EFR.htm
Eywtkaticawata - A collection of Imperial Courier information, including a history, technical data, and stories, and the Imperial Courier Owner's Association. - http://eywtkaticawata.alioth.net/
George Hooper's Art - Contains a ship identification guide, cutaway diagrams of ships and equipment, replacement music, guides to editing and modifying the games, and the original Order of Elite, a list of pilots who have obtained 'Elite' status. - http://www.hooplah.com/encounters/
Elite Ships - Elite 3D ship viewer using DirectX or Java. - http://www.neilwallis.com/elite.htm