White Wolf: Vampire The Requiem
- Official site. Details of new releases, discussion forums, downloads and online store.
- http://www.white-wolf.com/vampire/index.php
Vampire the Requiem: The New Deal - Messageboard based chronicle. Includes guidance on posting format and gaining xp. - http://vampirerequiem.proboards2.com/
The Invictus - Resource site for the Invictus covenant, covering etiquette, oaths and character concepts. - http://www.theinvictus.com/
Diablerie Roleplaying Network - IRC gaming community that plays Vampire the Requiem. Provides instructions for use, storylines and resources. - http://www.diablerie.org
St Louis by Night - Chronicle set in St Louis offering chat and forum based roleplaying. - http://www.stlouisbynight.com
Carthian . com - Resource site focused on the Carthian Movement covenant. Including play tips. - http://www.carthian.com/
Ordo Dracul .com - Resource site featuring player made devotions, bloodlines, disciplines, fan fiction and discussion forums. - http://www.ordodracul.com/
Wikipedia - Overview of game including coverage of clans, covenants, differences vs Vampire: The Masquerade and links. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampire:_The_Requiem