Dread - A game of modern horror in which investigators struggle against the forces of evil. Features a conflict-resolution system, back story, spells, monsters, demons, cultists, and secret societies. - http://www.rafaelchandler.com/dread.html
Creations End - Makers of a game entitled "Creations End". Contains product information and sales. - http://www.creationsend.com
Nyboria: The Dark Side of Roleplaying - Oering original material for various games including Kult, World of Darkness, SLA Industries, Unknown Armies, and setting material taken from Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. - http://www.nyboria.de
Horror Rules: The Simply Horrible Roleplaying Game - A horror comedy game based on popular movies such as "Tremors," "8-Legged Freaks" and "The Evil Dead." - http://www.crucifictiongames.com/hr_main.html
Demonground - Electronic fanzine for modern horror roleplaying. Free downloads in zipped PDF format. - http://www.demonground.org/
The World of Bloodshadows - One new monster and one new spell for West End Games' Masterbook-based "fantasy noir" game. - http://home.online.no/~tobak/bloodshadows/blood.htm
Confrontation - A cyber-gothic role-playing game based on the original Necromunda proto-type. It has realistic rules and greater scope for complex and non-linear role-playing. This site offers a quality example of this system. - http://confrontation.8k.com