A Moon Like Blood - Campaign page of an online campaign with information on player characters and a game log. - http://www.selkie.net/ua/
Brotherly Love - The campaignlog is featured in form of a calendar. - http://www.paradoxdruid.com/ua/brother.htm
The Dark Adapted Eye - This campaign is based around an LA Webzine about the weird and occult called the "Dark Adapted Eye". It features a 'blogger' campaign log. - http://www.linkline.com/personal/stevenhoward/ua/
Tim's Unknown Armies Game - Summaries of some UA sessions. - http://www.onr.com/user/bturner/unknown_armies/ua_index.html
The New Inquisition - Page with very comprehensive logs of a continuing UA campaign. - http://web.mit.edu/~ashultz/Public/UA/