Empire of Sand
- Contains rules, scenarios, deity information, monsters, and prestige classes for Egyptian culture campaigns. Also features information about existing Egyptian based regions in the official settings.
- http://www.hallofhero.com/sand
Layonara - 3rd Edition gameworld with information for pen and paper and online players. - http://www.layonara.com/
Things That Go Hack And Slash In the Night - A website featuring many 'storyhours' of the owners games that are written up in named episodes similar to a television series. - http://surge.ods.org/things_dnd/index.html
Taming the Frontierlands - Heroic adventure at the edge of the known world. With house rules, player fiction, and campaign notes. - http://chat.carleton.ca/~smuegge/frontierlands/
Lands of Skye - A D20 fantasy world containing many new maps, rules, feats, items and personalities. Contribute or build your own campaign here. - http://skye.stonescape.net
World of Hyerune - History, map, mythology, and who's who of John Ruder's gameworld. - http://legendsofhyerune.com
Griznuq - Running summary of an ongoing campaign. - http://www.griznuq.com
Teolin - History, geography, and adventures within this gameworld. - http://www.home.zonnet.nl/ylorea/
Urbis - A World of Cities - A new fantasy world for the d20 system that focuses on urban adventures and the impact of magic on society. - http://juergen.the-huberts.net/dnd/urbis/index.html
Intrepid Heroes - Information about various campaigns being run by the webmaster, their plotlines and characters. - http://www.intrepidheroes.com/
Girru.Com - Source materials from a group that has been playing together for 20 years. Included are character descriptions, new creatures, and prestige classes. - http://www.girru.com
Hyborian Age - A gameworld with monsters, spells, magical items, adventures, and characters. - http://hyboria.xoth.net/
These New Dark Ages - Features history, character descriptions, house rules, new feats, spells, equipment, and new monsters for a campaign set in a post-apocalyptic 21st-Century United States ravaged by magic. - http://www.beasthold.org/
Tor Faerlan - Character creation rules and background information for a new campaign setting. - http://www.raflar.com/
World of Fehl - Maps, characters, history, astronomy, and religion for a new campaign world. - http://xuriel.com/
The World of Angariaf - A new campaign where characters aspire to godhood, includes background information, monsters, and prestige classes. - http://www.griffjon.com/companions/angaria/