Kobolds Ate My Baby! - Publishers' site for the "Beer and Pretzels Role-Playing Game" set in a town that's been ravaged and pillaged from a nearby tribe of Kobolds. This time, you're the devilish little critters. - http://www.koboldsatemybaby.com/
City of Solis Library - Maps, advice, and recommended reading. Special focus on D&D, MERP, and 7th Sea. - http://www.seekingsolis.co.uk/
Copper Tales - Explore the story, the game and the people of Vedian. - http://www.coppertales.com
Lost Isles - Includes forums, library, and news. - http://www.lostisles.com/
Shalkith: Last Kin - Offers updates, strategies, downloads, free supplements, and community news. - http://www.shalkith.com/
Kindling Moon - Based in Arabian myth with an emphasis on balancing combat, problem-solving, and interaction. - http://kindlingmoon.com/
The Dying Earth RPG - Based on fantasy writer Jack Vance's Dying Earth Tales. Includes downloadable quick start rules and a free online magazine. - http://www.dyingearth.com/
Hogwarts Academy - Harry Potter message board. Get sorted, go to classes, or become a professor. - http://hoggywarts.conforums.com/.
Medieval Yore - Offers rules, maps, a FAQ, and castles. - http://soutlaws.hyperchat.com/
Lost Souls Evil E-'zine - An on-line resource for the scattered members of the Lost Souls pack. - http://internettrash.com/users/lostsouls/
The Frilond Campaign - A story-driven game set in a low-magic, feudal world, mirroring twelfth century Europe. - http://home.gwi.net/~rdorman/frilond/
Under the Broken Moon - Role-playing game set in the world of the television cartoon Thundarr the Barbarian, using mechanics from Atlas Games' Over the Edge, by Jonathan Tweet. - http://www.rpglibrary.org/settings/thundarr/
Yahoo! Groups: DragonsOfTheEast - Archives and subscription information for a mailing list about systems with Oriental settings. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DragonsOfTheEast/
GateWar - The Official support site for the GateWar and Element Masters systems published by Escape Ventures, Inc. - http://gatewar.com/
Weregamers.com - Character art, maps, and game fiction. - http://www.weregamers.com/
Saga of Logatroth - Official site for a role-playing board game designed to be played by 6 to 16 players and one referee. - http://www.logatroth.com/
Ysgarth Info Page - Ysgarth is a progressive roleplaying system set in a unique fantasy world. - http://www.ragnarokpress.com/ragnarok/ysgarth
Legendgames RPG archive - Resources, adventures, and articles for fantasy gamers. - http://www.legendgames.co.uk/
SenZar - Much maligned high powered bloody fantasy role playing game. - http://www.senzar.com/