RPGnet - DragonQuest - Offers a review of the game. - http://www.rpg.net/news+reviews/reviews/rev_1769.html
Dragonquest Frontiers - Offers full game information. - http://www.dragonquestfrontiers.com/
DragonQuest - Contains campaign information, rule changes, forms and aids, links, and credits. - http://www.phoenix.org/atlantis/DQfiles/DQMain.shtml
DQ Archive - DragonQuest Newsletters - Complete collection of all DragonQuest Newsletter issues. Issues are searchable with Google. - http://johnrauchert.brinkster.net/dq/archive/dqnewsletter/
Negative Space: Role-Playing, Fantasy, DragonQuest - One of the earliest archives of DQ material available. Hasn't been updated in a very long time, but some useful resources are available here. - http://www.hoboes.com/pub/Role-Playing/Fantasy/DragonQuest/
Library of the Seagate Guild of Adventurers - Main website for the extensive campaign based in New Zealand. Much of the information is campaign history, but there are good resources for all DQ campaigns as well. - http://dq.sf.org.nz/library/
DragonQuest Newsletter [YahooGroup Site] - This is the present home of the DragonQuest Newsletter. Membership and distribution are handled through Yahoo Groups (formerly eGroups). The Newsletter has been produced only intermittently over the last few years, but much of the online DragonQuest com - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dqnewsletter/
DragonQuest Fantasy Page - Rules expansions and game fiction. - http://www.platinumcrown.com/DQ/