Yahoo! Groups: Y Dungeons and Dragons - Chat room and message board for players and gamemasters. Registration required to post. -
Yahoo! Groups: Tudragons - Mailing list for a resource site which provides free untilities and programs. -
Dungeon Keeper's Domain - A online D&D Community that offers hosting for personal forums and chat rooms. -
The Pits of Evil - D&D and D20 Forums - A large forum containing about 36 boards. Has PBP games and various discussions on official settings as well as other RPGs. Very active. -
Family Dungeons and Dragons Gaming - A community made up of parents, teens, and youth mentors using the game as a method of creating or enhancing parent-teen relationships. -
Yahoo! Groups: AD and D Players - Chat room and message board pertaining to all editions. Registration required to post. -
Yahoo! Groups: AD and D - Chat room and message board about this game. Registration required to post. -
Yahoo! Groups: TSR Core Rules 2.0 - Chat room and message board for discussion of the CD-ROM product. Registration required to post. -
Yahoo! Groups: Dungeons and Dragons Idea Forum - Chat room and message board for players and gamemasters. Registration required to post. -
Yahoo! Groups: Calibs Campaign Design - Chat room and message board for dungeon masters about creating and designing game worlds. Registration required to post. -
Dungeons and Dragons - Articles, message boards, and links. -
AD&D Archives - Subscription form and current year's archived messages for a mailing list. -