Dragon Chess - Description, photos, and where to buy this chess variant with a new piece, a dragon. - http://www.dragonchess.net/
Infinite Chess - The traditional rules of chess on a figure eight board. - http://www.infinitechess.com/ichess/
World War Chess - Modern military game with rules and download. - http://www.worldwarchess.com/
3x3 Chess - Analysis, problems, and discussion on nine-square board gameplay. - http://kd.lab.nig.ac.jp/3x3-chess/
Dimensionalized Chess - Relies on regular chess rules and explains how the pieces move dimensionally. - http://www.dimensionalized.com/game/rules4_3d_chess/
Star Trek Tri-D Chess - Includes rules, notation, and instruction book ordering. - http://www.grigor.org/startrek.htm
Speed Chess - A non-turn based variant. - http://modecideas.com/chess.htm
PowerChess - Played on an eight-based variated board but with 66 squares, by Gerd P. Degens, Germany. - http://www.mehrinfo.de/u-img/48085/page0004.htm
Omega Chess - Has new pieces and movements. Includes rules, general information, purchasing, and tournaments. - http://www.omegachess.com/
Millennium Chess - Played on a fifteen columns wide board with several rule changes. Includes rules, setup, FAQs, and ordering information. - http://www.vipchess.com/
Gogol - Includes rules and game play instructions. [Requires Flash] - http://home.swipnet.se/gogol/
Circular Chess - Uses a circular board. Offers rules and download. - http://www.ochess.com/
Charlatan Chess - A variation of Western-style game play by using analytical strategies. - http://www.charlatanchess.com/eng8.htm
Cardinal Super Chess & Super Checkers - Adds new piece and played on a ten-based square board. Features description of game, online version, and history. - http://www.cschess.com/
Arimaa - A game where two opposing teams race to reach the opponent's goal line. Includes rules, championships, news, and downloads. - http://www.arimaa.com/