About.com: Chess - Information includes rules, tactics, clubs, software, and Internet play. - http://chess.about.com/mlibrary.htm
The Chess Mind - Weblog for chess fans by a chess fan. Author: Dennis Monokroussos. Plenty of discussion about positions and people. - http://chessmind.powerblogs.com/
ChessCountry.com - Site features articles, puzzles, reviews and forums. - http://chesscountry.com
Ten Tips to Winning Chess - Article by International Grandmaster Arthur Bisguier. - http://www.uschess.org/beginners/ten/
GilaChess Website - Contains forums, tournament news, games in PGN files, and links. - http://www.gilachess.com/
Wikipedia Chess - Encyclopedia entry provides hyperlinked information about history, playment, literature, computer games. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess
ChessDryad - Chess education, history, articles, current events, and the CalGames Database. - http://www.chessdryad.com/
GambitDeclined.com - Contains the basics of chess with graphics to explain positions. - http://www.gambitdeclined.com
Finite Chess - A survey of chess information, openings, endgames, midgames, positional play, tactics, biographies, and scholastic level instruction. Animated examples of openings and endgames. - http://www.finitechess.com
Chess training - Includes tactics, lectures, combinations, history, and games of all World Championships. - http://www.chessebook.com/
Chess Guide - Includes history, famous games and players, rules, strategy, tactics, chess and the computer, documentation and literature, and variants. - http://www.chess.freegames.eu.com/
Ed's Ever-Growing Chess Page - Chess pictures, stories, tournaments, games and problems. - http://www.edcollins.com/chess/
Chessnia - Files, online quizzes, a chess coach, links, and a forum. - http://www.chessnia.com/
Chess is Fun - Offers rules, openings, endgames, tactics, book reviews, and game archive. - http://www.princeton.edu/~jedwards/cif/chess.html
Peter's Chess Page - History of chess as well as some interesting facts and useful chess links. - http://peter.ulaska.com/
The Chess Drum - The purpose of the site is to champion the success of black chess players around the world, to give a greater sense of community, and for sharing ideas and knowledge. - http://www.thechessdrum.net/
The Chess Quiz - Features questions to test knowledge of game rules. - http://www.aboriginemundi.com/qqc/chessquiz/chessquiz01.htm
Chess Corner - Includes quotes, rules, tactics, chat, and Internet play. - http://www.chesscorner.com/
My Obsession with Chess - Scott McCloud recounts his childhood and adult addiction to the world of grids, knights, and checkmates. - http://www.scottmccloud.com/comics/chess/chess.html