KStocks - An application that allows you to manage your stocks and shares. - http://ftp.kde.com/Financial_Investment/KStocks
Akount - A small program to manage your personal accounts. - http://omnis.if.ufrj.br/~lsk/akount/
EuroCalc - A little program to convert between Euro and the previous european currencies. - http://home.wtal.de/i-jandt/frEuro.htm
KBudget - A budgeting and money management program. The preview release has the ability to add accounts and transactions, and view a summary display for any month. - http://www.garandnet.net/kbudget/
Kapital - A personal finance manager package for KDE and Linux. This is only available commercially. - http://www.thekompany.com/products/kapital/
Keurochange - A currency converter. - http://sourceforge.net/projects/keurochange/
Kash - The KDE Personal Finance Application. - http://kash.sourceforge.net/
KMyMoney2 - A Finance Manager for KDE. Documentation, screenshots and downloads. - http://kmymoney2.sourceforge.net/
The K Money Manager - The purpose of this project is to create a good personal financial management program for the KDE Desktop environment. - http://kmoneymanager.sourceforge.net/
QHacc - The Q Home Accountant - http://qhacc.sourceforge.net/
LogisTUX - A program to process accounting information. Information about the application and the software for download. - http://logistux.sourceforge.net/