Object Technology Jeff Sutherland - Much information on object development methods: weblog, papers, books, links. - http://www.jeffsutherland.org/
Journal of Object Technology: JOT - Online peer-reviewed publication, 6 editions per year, by ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, for intermediate to advanced practitioners, educators, and researchers in the field of object technology. - http://www.jot.fm/issues/
Object-Process Methodology (OPM) - A modeling methodology that supports generic systems development using a single graphic model with objects, processes, and states. OPCAT automatically generates natural language, UML, code, and documentation. - http://dori2.technion.ac.il/opm/
Punit Pandey's Weblog on Portlets, OOA/D and J2EE - Happenings and learning material about Portlets, OOA/D, Software Architecture and Design, Design Patterns, Software Methodologies, J2EE. - http://www.jroller.com/page/portlets
Building Bug-free O-O software: An Introduction to Design by Contract - The notion of DbC is central in the systematic approach to object-oriented software construction, as embodied in the Eiffel method. This article presents the key ideas. - http://archive.eiffel.com/doc/manuals/technology/contract/
Cetus Links / OOAD Tools - Collection of links on OOAD tools - http://www.cetus-links.org/oo_ooa_ood_tools.html
Cetus Links / OOAD Methods - Collection of links on OOAD methods - http://www.cetus-links.org/oo_ooa_ood_methods.html
itmWEB: Object-Oriented Programming - Large set of top resources for OO analysis, design, programming, testing. References to some of the top personalities in the field. - http://www.itmweb.com/ooprogram.htm