WebCab Components - Java, NET, Delphi, and Excel Components for financial and mathematical applications. [Commercial, trial versions] - http://www.webcabcomponents.com/
OSCAR (Open Standards for Container/Content Allowing Re-use) - OSCAR was formed in 1997 as a LISA Special Interest Group to discuss and develop ways to standardize data exchange between various translation tool systems. - http://www.lisa.org/sigs/oscar/
Buildap - An open source tool for development of enterprise applications using Architected Model Driven (AMD)and Component Based Development (CBD) approaches. - http://www.buildap.com
iCMG - Develop architecture and integrated solutions for enterprise software systems, based on CORBA, XML and J2EE. Also offer support, training and a certification program. - http://www.icmgworld.com/
Middsol GmbH - Offers application development tools and solutions in order to provide interoperability between Java/J2EE and CORBA and the Microsoft .NET architecture. - http://www.middsol.com
Object Edge Inc - Components and frameworks are used in developing component-based large-scale enterprise systems using J2EE, XML, and Smalltalk. - http://www.objectedge.com/
Aumega Networks - Provide PnPStation which is a Software agents platform brings 'plug and play' computing across of different object and component frameworks (.NET/COM+, J2EE, Corba/CCM). - http://www.aumeganetworks.com/
UNO Development Kit - Openoffice's component toolkit - UDK. Similar to Microsoft's COM with some improvements including cross-platform implementation. - http://udk.openoffice.org/
XPLC - A component framework similar to what Microsoft has done with COM or mozilla.org has done with XPCOM, but with slightly differing goals. - http://xplc.sourceforge.net/
xNova - Java and .NET cross-paradigm SOA middleware that provides a coherent set of system services. By Fitech Labs. - http://www.fitechlabs.com/
Working conference on Component Deployment - Information regarding the Working Conference on Component Deployment. Including Overview, Important dates and Co-chairs of the Conference. - http://swt.cs.tu-berlin.de/cd02/
Component-based Developer's Headquarters - Columns, trends, and reviews on designing components and component-based software solutions. By Castek Software Factory Inc. - http://www.cbd-hq.com/
Dependable Embedded Components and Systems - Researching, developing set of certified generic commercial off the shelf (COTS) hardware and software components in time-triggered architecture. Descriptions, schedule, participation forms, links. - http://www.decos.at/