Realizing eBusiness with Components - The book provides advice for planning, analysis and design of e-business systems using component-based development. It includes architectures, processes, modeling techniques, economic models and organizational guidelines. By Paul Allen, Addison-Wesley. -,1144,020167520X,00.html
Objects, Components, and Frameworks with UML: The Catalysis Approach - The book covers how to use objects, frameworks, and UML notation to design, build, and reuse component-based software using the Catalysis method. By Desmond Francis D'Souza and Alan Cameron Wills, Addison-Wesley. -
UML Components: A Simple Process for Specifying Component-Based Software - The book covers requirements definition, component identification, component interaction, component specification, and provisioning and assembly stages of a component-based software development lifecycle. By John Cheesman and John Daniels, Addison-Wesley. -,1144,0201708515,00.html
Component-Based Software Engineering: Putting the Pieces Together - The book is about the processes required to implement component-based development. By George T. Heineman and William T. Councill, Addison-Wesley. -,1144,0201704854,00.html
Using UML Software Engineering with Objects and Components - The book gives an introduction to the Unified Modeling Language for learning about object- and component-based software design and development. By Rob Pooley and Perdita Stevens. -
Component Software: Beyond Object-Oriented Programming - The book provides an introduction to and overview of component software. Covers MS (D)COM(+), OMG CORBA, IBM SOM as well as more theoretical programming language aspects. By Clemens Szyperski, Addison-Wesley. -,1144,0201745720,00.html
Business Component Factory - TRhe book presents a component-based strategy that applies and extends component thinking to all aspects of the software life cycle for enterprise systems. The site provides a sample chapter and reviews as well as a glossary, related links, and event cale -