Qizx/open - A Java implementation of the XML Query Language. [Open source, GPL] - http://www.axyana.com/qizxopen/
DBPrism Servlet Engine Framework - A framework to generate dynamic XML from a database. Also an Oracle mod_plsql J2EE replacement. [Open source] - http://www.dbprism.com.ar/
XMLConfiguration - A Java utility class developed by createTank to allow simple parsing of configuration files written in XML. It allows multiple methods of extraction of attributes from an XML file. - http://www.xmlconfiguration.org/
Sparta - Lightweight Java XML package that includes an XML parser, a DOM, and an XPath interpreter. Its goals are: small code size, fast execution, small memory usage, clean and simple DOM API. [Open Source, LGPL] - http://sparta-xml.sourceforge.net/
Presenting XML - A Java web application framework for presenting HTML, PDF, WML etc. in a device independent manner. The framework supports a flow of content (XML files, flat files, SQL, dynamic XML) through SAX pipelines and XSLT transforms to a device. [Open source, GPL - http://presentingxml.sourceforge.net/
XML Processing with TRaX - Article by Craig Pfeifer in ONJava.com. Purpose of TRaX (Java API for specifying and executing XML transformations), code example, links. - http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2001/07/02/trax.html
JXQuick - Quick and easy XML processing. [Open Source, BSD-like] - http://qare.sourceforge.net/web/2001-12/products/quick/index.html
Transformation API For XML (TrAX) - Offers general transformation model for converting XML documents. - http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j/trax.html
JXP - Fast Java XPath 1.0 API implementation. JDK1.1 to 1.4. [Shareware] - http://www.japisoft.com/jxpath/
xmlenc - A fast stream-based XML Encoding Library for Java. Main design goals are performance, simplicitity and pureness. [Open source, BSD License] - http://xmlenc.sourceforge.net/
txt2xml - A simple Java library for parsing arbitrarily structured text input into well-formed XML output as SAX, DOM, JDOM, or through an OutputStream. [Open source, BSD License] - http://txt2xml.sourceforge.net/
DOM4J - XML framework for processing XML with integrated XPath and support for DOM, SAX, JAXP and Java 2 Collections. [Open Source, BSD-like] - http://dom4j.org/
Axis - An implementation of the SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol") submission to W3C. [Open source, Apache Software License] - http://ws.apache.org/axis/
Simkin - Embeddable scripting language for Java and XML. [Commercial] - http://www.simkin.co.uk/
XNGR XML Browser - A simple and flexible browser framework for XML elements, allows for association of pluggable services with specific XML element-types. - http://www.xngr.org/