SMMP - Fortran 77 code for sparse matrix multiplication, transposition, and format conversion. -
OptimQR - The optimqr program will read a description of the sparsity pattern of some system matrix for system of linear equations. It will then apply heuristic branch & bound search to find a near-optimal ordering of the rows and columns of the system matrix. -
Y12m - Fortran 77 code that solves sparse systems of linear algebraic equations by Gaussian elimination. -
SVDPACK - Comprised of four numerical (iterative) methods for computing the singular value decomposition (SVD) of large sparse matrices using double precision Fortran 77. -
PROPACK - Software by Rasmus Munk Larsen for large and sparse SVD calculations, with versions in Fortran and Matlab. -
Block-band Matrix Solver - By Udo Grabowski. -
UMFPACK for sparse linear equations - Fortran 77 source code for solving sparse asymmetric linear equations, including a version for complex matrices. There are copyright restrictions. -
Systems Optimization Laboratory - Code for sparse linear equations (symmetric or general) and sparse least squares, and updating a dense square factorization L C = U. -
SYMMLQ: Sparse Symmetic Equations - Solves a set of sparse, symmetric linear equations using a conjugate gradient type method. -
SPARSKIT - General purpose Fortran library by Yousef Saad for sparse matrix computations. -
SMLIB - Fortran 90 modules by Ernst Meese for the compressed sparse row (CSR) and the modified sparse row (MSR) data storage formats, a very general incomplete LU factorisation routine, the Krylov subspace solvers CGS, BiCGSTAB and GMRES. -
NSPCG - Fortran 77 subroutines for solving large sparse linear systems by adaptive accelerated iterative algorithms. -
NIST Fortran Sparse BLAS - Provides computational kernels for fundamental sparse matrix operations. -
MINRES: Sparse Symmetic Equations - Solves sparse linear equations using a conjugate-gradient type method. -
ITPACK - Collection of Fortran 77 subroutines for solving large sparse linear systems by adaptive accelerated iterative algorithms. -
BILUM - Code by Yousef Saad and Jun Zhang to solve general sparse linear systems by using Krylov subspace methods preconditioned by some multi-level block ILU (BILUM) preconditioning techniques. -