Wavelet Analysis - Code to accompany book by Christopher Torrence and Gilbert P. Compo. - http://atoc.Colorado.EDU/research/wavelets/
NSWC Library of Mathematics Subroutines - NSWC (Naval Surface Warfare Center) Library of Mathematics Subroutines written in Fortran 66. Old but very high quality code. Unfortunately the manual is only available in hard copy, and is very difficult to obtain. The source code is also available - http://www.uni-koeln.de/rrzk/software/mathematik/nswc.html
NAS Parallel Benchmarks - Set of eight programs designed to help evaluate the performance of parallel supercomputers. The benchmarks, which are derived from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications, consist of five kernels and three pseudo-applications. - http://www.nas.nasa.gov/Resources/Software/npb.html
Fortran 90 codes of John Burkardt - Translations of Fortran 77 packages Lapack, Linpack, Eispack, Quadpack, and others. Code for graphics, finite elements, random number generation, and other topics. - http://people.scs.fsu.edu/~burkardt/f_src/f_src.html
Alan R. Miller - Code from the book "Fortran Programs for Scientists and Engineers", 2nd. ed. (1988). - http://infohost.nmt.edu/~armiller/fortran.htm
David Frank - Codes for a number-crunching benchmark, reading Internet URL addresses, and partially convertng C code to Fortran 90. - http://home.earthlink.net/~dave_gemini/
BLUPF90 family of programs - SPARSEM is a collection of sparse matrix classes that makes programming with sparse matrices (and large problems) almost as easy as a matrix language. BLUPF90 is a BLUP program written using SPARSEM. REMLF90 is a REML version of BLUPF90 that uses accelera - http://nce.ads.uga.edu/~ignacy/newprograms.html
Free Software (of Craig C. Douglas) - Fortran and C codes for fast matrix multiplication and multigrid solution of PDEs. - http://www.mgnet.org/~douglas/ccd-free-software.html
XFOIL - Interactive program in Fortran 77 and C for the design and analysis of subsonic isolated airfoils, released under the GNU General Public License. - http://web.mit.edu/drela/Public/web/xfoil/
Optimal interpolation Fortran module with Octave interface - Fortran 90 module to perform am n-dimensional optimal interpolation (OI). The optimal interpolation allows one to interpolate arbitrarily located observations to a regular grid using a background field as first guess. - http://ocgmod1.marine.usf.edu/OI/
Numerical Methods - Code by John H. Matthews to accompany the book Numerical Methods for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, Second Edition. - http://archives.math.utk.edu/software/msdos/numerical.analysis/nummeth/fortran.zip
Utility Code - Fortran 95 code by Paul van Delst for type kinds, comparing floating numbers, error handlers, file processing, endian conversion, list processing, string processing, dates, and fundamental constants. - http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/~paulv/Fortran90/Utility/
Ani2D - Fortran 77 package to generate unstructured triangular meshes adapted to a solution function defined at mesh nodes. - http://math.lanl.gov/~lipnikov/Research/AniGrids/AniGrids.html
LIBXML2F90 - A Fortran 90 library by Alexander Poddey to access (read and write) XML (and similar) structured files via a linked list. This is conceptually different from the SAX approach. The data can be held and 'browsed' in memory. - http://sourceforge.net/projects/libxml2f90/
Fortran Bits'n'pieces - Fortran sources, including Function Parser, that caches functions (for repetitive calling) and compiles functions to a byte-code representation to speed repeated evaluations. By Stuart Midgley. - http://stu.ods.org/fortran
Gridpak - Package for curvilinear orthogonal grid generation, which creates an orthogonal grid when provided with boundary information. - http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/gridpak.html
Cligen Weather Generator - Fortran 77 code to simulate weather, with associated data files. - http://horizon.nserl.purdue.edu/Cligen/
Iounits.f - Fortran 77 module to automatically assign i/o unit numbers, by Judah Milgram. - http://www.tux.org/~milgram/iounits.html
PsSchur - Computes the periodic real Schur decomposition of a matrix product. By Kurt Lust. - http://www.math.rug.nl/~kurt/r_psSchur.html
XML - Module by Mart Rentmeester that reads and interprets XML in standard Fortran 95. Also at the site is code for varying length strings, the complementary error function, an interface to the GD Graphics Library, and nucleon-nucleon potential models. - http://nn-online.org/code/xml/
Weekday - Fortran 77 code to compute the day of the week of a date using the Zeller congruence algorithm. - http://wcarchive.cdrom.com/pub/simtelnet/msdos/fortran/weekday.for
Token - Fortran 77 string tokenizer, similar to the C function. - http://wcarchive.cdrom.com/pub/simtelnet/msdos/fortran/token.for
Peter Benner Fortran 77 code - SLICOT Subroutine Library in Control Theory, Parallel Library in Control (PLiC) for large-scale time-invariant linear control systems in state-space form on parallel distributed computers, eigenvalues of Hamiltonian Matrices, subroutines for compressing a - http://www.math.tu-berlin.de/~benner/Software/index_de.html
Fast Hankel Transform - By Steve Sheng -- further details can be found in his dissertation. - http://www.stanford.edu/~siegman/sheng_fht_package.txt
Fortran code - Fortran 77 codes by Daniel Powers for optimization and statistics. - http://www.la.utexas.edu/research/faculty/dpowers/fortran.html
Software by P.B. Stark and Coauthors - Bvls.f solves least-squares problems with bounds on the variables. Qr.f computes QR decompositions in a stable way. Sbl1.f finds bounds on linear functionals of an n-vector subject to an l1 constraint on the misfit to a set of linear relations, and linear -
Fortran 77 Codes - Programs by Niklaus Zimmermann for climate data analysis, moving window regression, soil profile analysis, and testing predictive (simulated) maps. - http://www.wsl.ch/staff/niklaus.zimmermann/programs/f77.html
Ncregrid - Tool by Patrick Jöckel for data transfer of gridded 2- and 3-dimensional (spatial) geophysical/geochemical scalar fields between grids of different resolutions. The algorithm handles data on rectangular latitude/longitude grids (not necessarily evenly sp - http://www.mpch-mainz.mpg.de/~joeckel/ncregrid/
Problem Generators - Generators for linear ordering and clustering problems, by John E. Mitchell. - http://www.rpi.edu/~mitchj/generators/
Daniel A. Steck - Fortran 90 codes to integrate Ito stochastic differential equations, generate random numbers, compute the FFT, and time programs. - http://george.ph.utexas.edu/~dsteck/computer.html
Open-Source Software - Codes by Richard Brent for multiple precision arithmetic, uniform and normal random number generators, irreducible/primitive trinomials, and parallel sorting. - http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/work/richard.brent/software.html
Introduction to Scientific Computing - Fortran and C codes in gzipped tar file from book by Brigitte Lucquin and Olivier Pironneau. - http://www.ann.jussieu.fr/soft/calsci.tar.gz
PDEs and linear equations - Fortran and C codes by Dong Liang. - http://www.math.yorku.ca/Who/Faculty/dliang/MATH4142/codes.html
Input Routines - Fortran 90 module by Andy Stone that parses input lines into 'words', and routines that read a 'word' and translate it into a specified form, usually an integer or double-precision number. In conjunction with a simple CASE structure this provides a powerf - http://www-stone.ch.cam.ac.uk/pub/input.tar.gz
Fortran 90 Software Repository - Has short, concise examples of specific features of the Fortran 90, 95 or 2003 language. - http://www.nag.com/nagware/examples.asp
Wild-card String Matching - Fortran 77 code by Clive Page to do wild-card matching to a pattern, which may contain "?" to match any single character, and "*" to match zero or more consecutive characters of any type. - http://www.star.le.ac.uk/~cgp/match_wild.f
OpenMP Tutorial - Has examples of Fortran codes using the Message-Passing Interface (MPI). - http://www.dartmouth.edu/~rc/classes/intro_mpi/
KindFinder - Fortran 90 program by Werner W. Schultz that checks for the available KIND parameters available for a given Fortran 90 or 95 compiler. It prints into a file a new Fortran program that can be compiled to write into a unit the various parameters that desc - http://www.unics.uni-hannover.de/rrzn/gehrke/kindfind.f90
Twist: a Compression Utility - Compression tool tailored for fields where node-to-node variations are small, and where undefined (dry) nodes are abundant. - http://projects.dnmi.no/~telecon/twist/
Fortran78 Test Suite - Product of the NIST Information Technology Laboratory (ITL). It is used to determine, insofar as is practical, the degree to which a Fortran processor conforms to FIPS Fortran. - http://www.itl.nist.gov/div897/ctg/fortran_form.htm
Moisture Content Adjustment - Code to predict a property (P2) of dimension lumber at a target moisture content (MC2) given the value of the property (P1) at an initial moisture content (MC1). - http://www1.fpl.fs.fed.us/vicki/mcadjust.html
Texas KZK Time Domain Code - Fortran 77 time-domain computer code to model axisymmetric sound beams in fluids. The code is based on an augmented KZK equation that accounts for nonlinearity, diffraction, thermoviscous absorption, and absorption and dispersion due to an arbitrary numbe - http://people.bu.edu/robinc/kzk/
Fast Wavelet Transform - By Rick Ottolini, based on an article by Gilbert Strang. - http://sepwww.stanford.edu/public/docs/sep65/rick2/paper_html/node2.html
Fortran Resources - Garnatz and Grovender - Keyed file shareware in Fortran 90 and 77, Fortran 90 interface to the X Window system. - http://www.gginc.biz/fort.html
ISO Varying String - Implemented in the F subset by Rich Townsend. - http://www.fortran.com/iso_varying_string.f95
Hello, World - Example of simple program in Fortran. - http://www2.latech.edu/~acm/helloworld/fortran.html
Fortran CGI - Fortran 77 CGI examples using GET and POST. - http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/bickel/colorit.html
High Performance Fortran Applications Software Catalog - Links to fragments, which are very short codes or code fragments to demonstrate the language features and constructs, kernels, which are short self-contained codes chosen as representative of particular application algorithms and their language feature re - http://www.npac.syr.edu/hpfa/codes.html
G77_i386_fpe_demo - Demonstrates handling of floating point exceptions under g77/i386/Linux. By Tom Crane. - http://www.mklab.rhul.ac.uk/~tom/g77_i386_fpe_demo/index.html
Jeff Cameron's Fortran code - Code for the VMS operating system and for a fractal figure called Sierpinski's Gasket. - http://www.jcameron.com/vms/fortran.htm
Nick Yas'ko Products - Codes for ANSI control sequences, solving linear equations, and creating Poscript graphics. - http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~yasko/products.htm
Finite Elements - Fortran 90 code by Jacques Laminie. - http://www.math.u-psud.fr/~laminie/F90_lib/vers-1.04/
Ernesto Martin's codes - Random generator networks and other algorithms. - http://www.mat.uc.pt/~eqvm/cientificos/fortran/codigos.html
Introduction to F - Examples of the F (Fortran 95 subset) language, by Harvey Gould. - http://sip.clarku.edu/tutorials/F.html
BIEPACK - Code for boundary integral equations, by Kendall E. Atkinson. - http://www.math.uiowa.edu/~atkinson/bie.html
Algorithms and Data Structures in F and Fortran - Codes from book by Robin Vowels for sorting, linked lists and trees, complex arithmetic, text processing, solving linear equations, graphics, searching, numerical methods, and whole array operations. - http://www.fortran.com/F/adsff.html
Benchmarks of N. Tajima - Codes to time floating point and integer arithmetic, intrinsic functions, and random access to memory. - http://serv.apphy.fukui-u.ac.jp/~tajima/bench/source_e.html
Examples - Fortran 90 codes from introductory course by John Mahaffy. - http://www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/j/h/jhm/f90/progref.html
Numerical Methods and Software - Code from book and for nonlinear optimization and matrix equations, by Stephen Nash. - http://iris.gmu.edu/~snash/nash/software/software.html
MathFinance - Financial Functions Library - Fortran 90 code for the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein binomial model, the analytic Black-Scholes formula, and Monte Carlo Simulation. - http://www.mathfinance.de/FF/f90lib.html
TLM3D - Code by J. L. Herring for transmission line modelling of electromagnetic fields in 3-dimensions using the symmetrical condensed node. - http://www.wjrh.ece.uvic.ca/wjrh/tlm/prog-fortran.html
PSIDE (Parallel Software for Implicit Differential Equations) - Code for solving implicit differential equations on shared memory parallel computers, by Jacques J.B. de Swart, Walter M. Lioen, and Wolter A. van der Veen. - http://www.cwi.nl/archive/projects/PSIDE/
Prime - Counts prime numbers. - http://www.math.utah.edu/prime.html
DownGradePrecision - Code by Kevin Rhoads to allow precision to be deliberately thrown away in an IEEE floating point compliant computing environment in order to more closely model computations in less precise floating point systems. - http://www.fortranlib.com/downprec.txt
ShareBufferWin32 - Easy Inter-Process Shared Memory Communication Utilities for Win32 using a simple Fortran 77-style interface. Written for Compaq Visual Fortran by Gary Scott. - http://www.fortranlib.com/ShareBufferWin32.f90
OSCall - OS Command line interface utility for Compaq/Intel Visual Fortran with immediate return or wait specified in milliseconds (routine automatically quotes the command string). - http://www.fortranlib.com/OSCall.f90
F (Fortran 95 subset) Program Examples - Factorial function, iterative computation of the square root, nonadvancing I/O, dynamic arrays, Towers of Hanoi, and other topics. - http://www.fortran.com/F/example_code.html
FXDR - Library by David W. Pierce that allows calls to the XDR (eXternal Data Representation) routines from Fortran. - http://meteora.ucsd.edu/~pierce/fxdr_home_page.html
StopWatch - Fortran 90 module, by William Mitchell, for measuring execution time of program segments. It is designed to be a portable, easy-to-use means of measuring execution time. - http://math.nist.gov/~WMitchell/StopWatch.html/
Utilities in Fortran 90 - Fortran 90 code by Michel Olagnon: pre-processor and pretty-printer, with command-line interface for Unix, fsplit utility for splitting large files into separate ones for each procedure, PostScript converter, interface bloc generator, and format creator f - http://www.ifremer.fr/ditigo/molagnon/fortran90/contenu.html