TSpywareScanner - A component that searches for malicious programs in files, registry and processes and asks what to do or simply deletes spyware without prompt. It has a lot of properties and events which can customize all process of scanning, reporting, database updating - http://www.qwertystudios.com/index.php?name=product&product=tspyware-scanner
Smartcards in Delphi - Delphi classes and components implementing an interface towards PCSC Resource Manager enable the programmer to easily create applications communicating with smartcards. [Free and commercial (with sources) versions] - http://vizyp.republika.pl/delphi.htm
RBarcode for Delphi - Delphi Barcoding components. Its supports all major 1D and 2D symbologies including EAN, UPC, Code128, Industrial, Postnet, Datamatrix, Pdf417, Maxicode. The source code of the components is delivered and can be compiled in any delphi version. [Evaluation - http://www.java4less.com/barcodedelphi/barcodesdelphi.php
Delphi beacon - Big collection author's freeware Delphi components. Also articles and author resume. - http://members.chello.be/ws36637/
Delphi Super Page - Categorized component database, targeting almost all Borland RAD tools. - http://delphi.icm.edu.pl/
ESBPCS - Components and routines to make Data Entry and Manipulation easier for Borland Developers from ESB Consultancy. - http://www.esbconsult.com/esbpcs/
Gnostice eDocEngine VCL - Borland Delphi and C++Builder components to create varous document formats on the fly and generate reports. - http://www.gnostice.com/edoc_engineOverview.asp
abSecure Enterprise - A VCL component package that allow you to add user authentication, multi-user and user rights functionality to Delphi and C++ application without writing any code. [Shareware] - http://pages.prodigy.net/peterpetrov/absecureenterprise/
Bak-O-Soft - Delphi components, units and packages all with source code includes PBSharePack, PBFolderDialog, PBEditPack, PBWatcher, PBPreview, PBClipBoard, PBPrinterSetupDialog. [Freeware and shareware] - http://bak-o-soft.dk
Magic CD/DVD Burner - CD / DVD Burning related components for Delphi and C++ Builder from Binary Magic. - http://www.binarymagics.com/site/magic_udf_vcl.html
Berg - A component set for Delphi and BC++ Builder. Components included: Grid, DBGrid, Object Inspector, Page Control, stand-alone Editors, supported by TBX themes. [Shareware] - http://www.bergsoft.net
dani.paschkes.net - A components for Delphi includes an enhaced TreeViewer that allows view and edit trees, TDPGTryIcon for the system tray. [Free for non-comercial use] - http://dani.paschkes.net
TntWare Delphi Unicode Controls - Powerful Delphi controls that allow you to take advantage of the Unicode capabilities on Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 without abandoning Windows 95/98/ME. [Open source] - http://www.tntware.com/delphicontrols/unicode/
TntWare Delphi LX Controls - Based on TntWare Unicode Controls, TntWare LX Controls add enhanced functionality to the VCL. They help enable the developer to present a more professional user interface by using more standard Windows UI elements. [Open source] - http://www.tntware.com/delphicontrols/lx/
Prosys Sentrol - A component based rapid OPC application development framework for Borland Delphi and C++Builder. Ше enables drag and drop configuration of data flow from OPC Servers to databases and GUI. [Commercial] - http://www.prosys.fi/sentrol.html
Delphi Scintilla Interface Components - A free collection of components that makes it easy to use the Scintilla source code editing/highlighting control from within Delphi and C++ Builder. [Open source, LGPL or MPL] - http://delphisci.sourceforge.net
XML Tools for Delphi - Free XML parser component for Delphi and shareware XML Editor based at this component. - http://www.icom-dv.de/products/xml_tools/
SAX for Pascal - Port of the Simple API for XML Parsing interfaces to Delphi. - http://saxforpascal.sourceforge.net/
ResCode Software - Provide Delphi VCL components and Tools including Muti-font treeview, Delphi VCL installer. [Commercial] - http://www.rescode.com
ISDN-Objects - A component toolset for Borland Delphi and all kinds of ISDN communication including Fax, Voice, CTI, SMS or data transmissions support. - http://www.isdn-objects.de/
Almediadev - BusinessSkinForm, DynamicSkinForm components help creating skinable application. Also skin collection. - http://www.almdev.com/
X-Files Components - An advanced DBGrid component (TXDBGrid), and QuickReport VCL Grid control (TXQRGrid) for Delphi and C++ Builder. - http://www.x-files.pl/
Crystal Component - DICOM and CAD components for Delphi and C++ Builder. [Commercial] - http://www.codeidea.com/
Delphi Warrior - Components for Delphi programmers in DAO, ADO ,CDO and other fields. - http://kadao.dir.bg/
VCLSkin - A component that extend Delphi application with skinnable user interface . It allows software developers to make their applications skinnable without modifing source code. - http://www.link-rank.com
AlphaControls : VCL's with skins for Delphi - A collection of controls which use alpha channel for drawing and use a new modern way to design enhanced interfaces and make applications more attractive. - http://www.alphaskins.com/
RosySky Runtime Scripter - ActiveX Scripting Host component suite. It consists of controls allowing extend application with macro language engines that support IActiveScript interface. [Commercial] - http://www.rosysky.com/scripter.html
Mixed-Radix FFT - A library provides Delphi implementation (source included) for a complex Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on an arbitrary length data series. [Open source, MPL] - http://www.simdesign.nl/fft.html
XmlDocuments - Contains a small-footprint Delphi XML implementation that allows to read and write XML documents, all in one unit. Free trial and many examples included. By SimDesign. [Commercial] - http://www.simdesign.nl/xml.html
WPCubed GmbH - Word processing component WPTools, the PDF engines wPDF, wPDFControl and WPViewPDF to create, view and print PDF files. - http://www.wpcubed.com/
FastScript - A cross-platform multi-language (Pascal and C++ Scripts) scripting engine. FastScript is written on 100% Object Pascal and can be installed in Borland Delphi 4-7, Borland C++Builder 4-6 and Borland Kylix 1-3. [Commercial] - http://www.fast-report.com/en/fastscript.php
Farsi Components ShDate Solutions - Hijri Shamsi date (Persian or Jalali calendar) support in Delphi and C++ Builder. [Commercial] - http://www.farsicomponents.com/shdatesolutions.htm
Tabdee Ltd - VCL components for writing Palm conduits in Delphi. - http://www.tabdee.ltd.uk/Downloads/DownloadsHome.html
RxLib port to Delphi 7 - Ported by Thomas Muller. - http://www.dummzeuch.de/delphi/rxlib/english.html
IniControls - .INI-aware Delphi components, for configuration programs; edit box, radio button, checkbox, combo box, and string grid. Eliminates tedious coding: load and save an entire .INI file with one line of code each. By Prodigy Computing. - http://www.icon.co.za/~prodigyc/inictl00.htm
T-Rex - Delphi file-parser component with Awk-style pattern/action operation. Has analogues for virtually all Awk tokenizing functions (~0, ~n, RS, FS, and NF). No Awk expertise is required T-Rex. - http://www.icon.co.za/~prodigyc/trex__00.htm
TbcParser - A mathematical expression parser VCL component that can be used with Borland Delphi 4,5,6,7 and Borland C++ Builder 3,4,5,6. Source code might work with Kylix as well. [Commercial] - http://www.bestcode.com/html/tbcparser.html
RuiSoftware.com - Feeware Delphi/BC++Builder Components: TParserAll - a non-visual component that takes parsing one step further by a using a generic approach of a Backus Naur-Form grammar; TComboSpinEdit - a visual component especially designed for efficient data entry of - http://ruisoftware.com/
ZipTV Compression Component Suite - Suite for all 32-bit versions of Delphi & C++ Builder 3, 4, 5 supports a wide range of popular archives and compression algorithms including WinZip. - http://www.ziptv.com/
SmartSCADA - A component system for Borland Delphi, which make Delphi to be powerful SCADA system. [Commercial] - http://www.smartscada.com/
Artifical Neuronal Network - A package implements an Artifical Neuronal Network (ANN), which is based on a backpropagtion algorithm. [Freeware] - http://logiware.de/ann/
Windows Scripting Host Control - Adds fully functional support of Windows Scripting Host engine to Delphi application. [Shareware] - http://www.ekassw.com/wshctrl/
PC/SC ( Smart Card ) Delphi components - An easy access to PCSC resources, hiding the details of the underlying API, allowing for rapid PCSC application development. [Shareware] - http://www.ppuvas.com.pl/components_en.html
Duke Web - Freeware Delphi Component Reviews - Provides reviews of a selection of the best freeware components available for Delphi today. - http://www.dukeweb.co.uk/delphi/freeware.shtml
AidAim Software - Delphi - Compression, encryption and mathematical expressions evaluation Delphi and C++ Builder components. - http://www.aidaim.com/products/delphi.php
Nix Components - A suite of native general purpose components for Borland Delphi and C++Builder (formerly NAG Components). - http://www.nixsoftware.com/products/nixcomponents/
Toolbar97 - Dockable toolbar component set for Delphi and C++Builder, designed to mimic the Office 97/2000 look, and behavior. [Shareware] - http://www.jrsoftware.org/tb97info.php
Delphi Gems - Components for Delphi and C++Builder, like Virtual Treeview and XP Theme manager, color picker, a HID devices control, GLScene, a unicode library. - http://www.delphi-gems.com/
BetaSoft ScroogeXHTML - A non visual component for Borland Delphi(tm) which can convert a small subset of the RTF code to XHTML. - http://www55.pair.com/betasoft/scroogexhtml/
Prof's Components - Delphi and C++ builder threading and synchronization components. Company profile, trial download, and contact information. - http://www.profscomponents.com/
Ortus Software - Ortus Shell Components (10 shell components), Ortus Shell Dialogs (27 shell dialog & wizard 'wrapper' components). A context sensitive component help file is included. [Shareware] - http://www.ortus-software.com/
NTSet (Component Set For Windows NT) - A powerful collection of components for Delphi/C++Builder which implement specific features of Windows NT. - http://www.sam-solutions.net/products/description.php?id=&prdPack=8&prd=8
The .Free Delphi Site - XML-Parser units and VCL component wrapper, Unicode support for Delphi and Tar compression and decompression. - http://www.destructor.de/
Addict - A VCL component suite designed to provide end-to-end solutions for adding spelling check and thesaurus support to your applications. - http://www.addictivesoftware.com/
AthraSoft SmartPlugin Engine - A set of components for Delphi developers to create modular applications. - http://www.athrasoft.com/
PerfectSizeVCL - A form sizing component that automatically sizes your forms to fit any screen resolution. - http://www.perfectdesign.com/
RxLib 2.75 Mirror - Mirror of collection of RX components for download. Also fixes and BCB update. - http://rxlib.wz.cz/
ZieglerSoft - Home of ZieglerCollection one and Crt32. Delphi Tips'n'tricks - http://www.zieglersoft.dk/public/zieglercollection.asp
SMLPack - A components package for Delphi/C++Builder for support multi-language project. - http://www.sunisoft.com/smlpack/
TMaskFtInch - Delphi Component for inputting Feet and Inches (ex. 1 - 1 5/8) and also decimal feet or decimal inches (ex. 120.0625 IN and 10.0 FT). By Enhanced Technology Solutions. [Commercial] - http://www.enhancedtechsolutions.com/delphi/
ShellPlus Components - Delphi components to integrate your application into Windows shell. It includes: context menus, property pages, tray balloons, icons and thumbnails handlers, copyhook. [Freeware, commercial with sources] - http://www.shellplus.com/
TsiLang Components Suite - by SiComponents. It will change language of user interface immediately on request. TsiLang allows to see translated interface in design-time. - http://www.sicomponents.com/tsilang1.html
WPTools - By J. Ziersch Software is the WYSIWYG editor component for Delphi and C++Builder. Also add-on WPReporter for RTF support. wPDF component for creating PDF files and WPForm for paper-based forms. - http://www.ziersch.com/
JfControls Library Suite - Library of visual controls with packages technology, multi-configuration, multi-language, customizable menu bars, new masks administration, embedded forms, variables recording system, privileges administration, regional configuration local to the applicat - http://www.jfactivesoft.com/
The Delphi Inspiration - Freeware Delphi Components: rjExContainers Library (Vector, List, Tree and Hash Containers), rjHtmlParser (Parser for Html files), rjMime (Encode and Decode), rjPCRE (Perl Regular Expressions for Delphi), rjPasDoc (Generate Html Help from Pascal Sources). - http://www.zeitungsjunge.de/delphi/
EZ Delphi - Home of Threads, EZ-Print, LongColl, ZipBLOB compressor and other Delphi shareware and freeware components. - http://www.ez-delphi.com/
Rubicon - From Tamarack Associates, the full text search engine. - http://www.tamaracka.com/
AfalinaSoft FlatControls - Microsoft Office style for all standard VCL controls in one place. [Shareware] - http://www.afalinasoft.com/flat-controls/
SUIPack - A suit of enhanced GUI components for Delphi/VCL. - http://www.sunisoft.com/suipack/
PSOFT - Delphi components: Barcode library - set of components for design and print barcode. Eval library - parser, runtime formula compiler with visual user interface. - http://www.psoft.sk/
Online-Admin - Component collections to perform system administration for Delphi and C++Builder. Components are based on Windows API and WMI technologies. [Shareware] - http://www.online-admin.com/
Advanced Application Controls and Disk Controls - Advanced Application Controls - set of 50+ multipurpose components. Disk Controls - over 30 components for work with files, folders and drives, contains two advanced search engines, several components that provides you detailed information about disks and - http://www.appcontrols.com/
TActiveMovie Delphi component - TActiveMovie is a Delphi VCL component. It allows you to include Microsoft ActiveMovie player in your Delphi application. You can adjust the sound volume, speed rate, and the display properties. It gives you access to all the ActiveMovie features. - http://www.delphicity.com/amovie/features.htm
Steema Software SL - Home of teeChart and teeTree software products. - http://www.steema.com/
SEDLAN A.D. - #7 Components Home - TSDBGridFooter, TRestructure (restructure Paradox and dBase tables the easy way), TRunner, TEllipseBevel, TFileSplitter components. - http://www.sedlan.com/
LFM Programming - Neural networks and signal processing in Delphi. Components and objects like MLP, SOM, K-Means and RBF, signal and image processing, computerized tomography, examples and sample applications. - http://www.netpar.com.br/lfm/
Alexey Dynnikov's Delphi pages - PerfUtils is a set of Delphi components that encapsulates Windows NT Performance API. SvCom is a set of components, classes and wizards that implement Services framework and NT Security framework. - http://www.aldyn.ru/
IG's Software - WinHelp and HTML Help components for Delphi and C++Builder. - http://www.igweb.pair.com/
TExplorerD4 Home Site - a freeware component for Inprise Delphi 4.0 that embed a Microsoft Explorer 4.0 or earlier ActiveX and can control a Delphi application using HTML pages and links. - http://www.pragma-net.it/explorercmd/
ShellBrowser - The component set gives a Delphi programmer easy access to the Win32 shell functionality. Delphi popup menus and OLE drag and drop operations are supported. [Shareware] - http://www.jam-software.com/delphi/index.shtml
Code Office - Offer a Delphi library enabling your application to bind files into executable files at runtime. [Shareware] - http://www.codeoffice.com/
Woll2Woll Software - Specializes in the creation of high-quality, professional and easy-to-use components for database application developers for Delphi. Includes advanced grids, treeviews, graphical and image components, richedit word processor. - http://woll2woll.com/
CoolMenus, CoolMenus Pro and CoolControls - Menu component for creating Office 97 and Windows 95 style menus. The menus can incorporate fonts, pictures, cursors, colors, and wallpaper. Also more 50 other components and classes. [Shareware] - http://www.cooldev.com/