RafKom - Borland C++Builder and Delphi time comnonents. - http://raelmo.republika.pl/
Infopower - Includes a greatly enhanced data-aware grid, advanced edit controls including controls for lookups, dates and times, visual filtering dialogs, picture mask validation support, record viewers, incremental searching, QBE support, a new datainspector compone - http://www.woll2woll.com/InfoPower.html
Security Components for Delphi and C++Builder - Allows to add password protection and access control to resources like Buttons, Menus, DBGrids, TFields and virtually any component that is a TControl descendant. (Tools&Comps) - http://www.toolsandcomps.com/ing/products.htm
TDx_Library - A series of easy to use Borland C++ Builder components which translate and integrate entire sections of DirectX into native VCL components. [Commercial] - http://bcb-tools.com/
ContourCube Pro - High performance OLAP component for Borland C++ Builder. Allows to add advanced interactive reporting and analytical functionality to BCB application. - http://www.contourcomponents.com/contourcube.htm
Imaging Toolkit for C++Builder - A set of VCL components for image processing, optical character recognition and scanning. - http://www.mcm-design.com/imagingtoolkitforcbuilder/
Lithops Software - Components for C++Builder - TDirectoryTreeView represents a TreeView control that is aware of the drives and directory structure like Windows 9x explorer. You may consider to use TDirectoryTreeView instead of outdated TDirectoryListBox. TFileListView is a specialized list view that - http://lithopssoft.com/component/
Source Code Scanners - A library of visual components for C++ Builder and Delphi intended for creating analyzers and parsers of source codes. By MBLabSoft Company. - http://www.mblabsoft.com/index9.html
Compression components for C++Builder - Native components for multi-file and/or self-extracting compressed archives. - http://www.spis.co.nz/compress.htm
Financial Institutions Service Corp. (FISC) - FISC provides state-of-the-art back office solutions to financial, insurance, commercial, government, not-for-profit, and other organizations in Maine and across New England. - http://www.fiscorp.com/
Nix Software Solutions - Nix Components and AccuLock, two robust, native component suites respectively aimed at enriching and protecting applications. [Shareware] - http://www.nixsoftware.com/
SDL Component Suite - Statistics, mathematics, and chemistry related components. (Software Development Lohninger) - http://www.lohninger.com/sdlindex.html