PDF4NET - A .NET library for adding PDF capabilities .NET application. Its simple and easy to use object model allows creating complex PDF documents or import existing PDF files. By O2 Solutions. [Commercial] - http://www.o2sol.com/pdf4net/products.htm
DynamicPDF Generator for .NET - A .NET assembly used for the generation of PDF documents and reports based on dynamic data. By ceTe Software. - http://www.cete.com/Products/GeneratorForNET/
ABCpdf .NET - A .NET component for Adobe PDF manipulation. Add text, images, html and graphics. By WebSupergoo Software. [Shareware] - http://www.websupergoo.com/abcpdf-5.htm
PDF.Net - A cross-platform PDF library used to read, write and edit PDF documents. Available as a .Net component and as a C++ library. By pdfTron. - http://www.pdftron.com/net/