Spread - Data-aware spreadsheet component. By FarPoint Technologies Inc. [Commercial] - http://www.fpoint.com/products/spread/spread.aspx
Exontrol EXMLGrid - Control provides an innovative grid view look and handles data in XML fashion way. - http://www.exontrol.com/exmlgrid.jsp
Exontrol ExGrid - A multi-purpose data visualization control that can display information as a tree, a grid or list, or a combination of both - in either data-bound or unbound mode. - http://www.exontrol.com/exgrid.jsp
SharpGrid - A database-aware ActiveX grid control. It can be used in bound (both OLEDB and ICursor), unbound and virtual data modes. By Data Dynamics. [Commercial] - http://www.datadynamics.com/Products/SG/ProductTOC.aspx
FlexCell Grid Control - Provides functions such as Chart, Merge Cell, Print Preview, Print, etc., and can export to Excel Workbook, no need of Excel runtime support. It provides 6 cell types and 8 programming objects. [Shareware] - http://www.grid2000.com/
DbNetGrid - Database driven grid component based on DHTML behaviours. Grids can be searched, sorted, edited and results saved in HTML, Word or Excel formats. - http://www.dbnetgrid.com/
EasyGrid - ActiveX has exceedingly powerful functions, can do form control such as edit, input, print, print preview, and connect to multi-databases. - http://www.share2.com/easygrid/
SCGrid - An ActiveX grid control which provides only essential features, like CellOver, CellOut, ScrollTrackCol/Row events, ColWidthPercent property, fixed cells are numbered negative so non-fixed cells always start with 0. Requires Visual Basic 6 runtimes. - http://www.scgrid.com/
itGrid - An ActiveX grid and combo package. It supports sorting, subtotalling, multiple column styles, advanced hierarchal capabilities, bound (OLEDB) and unbound modes. [Commercial] - http://www.it-partners.com/
Grid Tools - Control for grid-style presentation. Provides functions for calculations, runtime cell read/write access control, and customizable printing. By DBI Technologies, Inc. [Commercial] - http://www.dbi-tech.com/show_products.asp?id_prod=8
S-Grid Control - A lightweight grid control with smooth displays and Outlook style features. VB source code is available. By Steve McMahon. [Free, Open Source] - http://www.vbaccelerator.com/codelib/sgrid/sgrid.htm
Janus GridEX - Grid control designed to display data using an interface patterned after Microsoft Outlook. Also includes Janus ButtonBar, a control which organizes icons into logical subsets using a sliding-group metaphor like Outlook Bar. By Janus Systems SA de CV. [Co - http://www.janusys.com/