Exontrol ExFileView - Provide rich display of file and folder information. [Control, Commercial] - http://www.exontrol.com/exfileview.jsp
sortX - File sorting component DLL with type library. Program for handling files form legacy or mainframe type applications. Written in C++ and Assembler, the component can sort all sorts of files fast. - http://www.sortx.com/
CompareFilesX - Compare files and compare folders with this Win32 ActiveX component. Detailed file differences are available. Free trial available. - http://www.softinterface.com/CFX/CFX.htm
Arclab FileIO/System Toolbox - A set of functions for File, Folder, Shell, Windows API and System operations and for gathering information. Demo version. [Component, Commercial] - http://arclab.com/products/afiosystem/
Xceed Backup Library - Multi-threaded file backup/restore engine with built-in scheduler. By Xceed Software Inc. [Component, Commercial] - http://www.xceedsoft.com/products/BkpLib/
FileUtilX - Contains objects that provides file manipulation functions such as file monitoring, file and directory enumeration, disk space queries, splitting large files into multiple smaller files, file copies, and file moves. By Mckisic Software, Inc. [Control, - http://www.mckisicsoftware.com/FileUtilX/FileUtilX.htm
Zaks.Directory - Enumerates a selected file system directory as a collection of objects, file properties returned include size, creation date, last write date, last access date, archive, system, readonly and hidden flags. By Simon Fell. - http://www.zaks.demon.co.uk/code/cpts/dir/
AspTouch - Free component to refresh the timestamp of a file. By Christoph Wille. - http://www.alphasierrapapa.com/IisDev/Components/AspTouch/
Stonebroom.ASPointer - Access and update XML, HTML, ASP and similarly-structured files directly on the server, without having to load them into a browser or other client application. By Stonebroom Software. - http://www.stonebroom.com/aspointr.htm
FDMgt - Provides access to various file/disk management functions. By Dalun Software Inc. - http://www.dalun.com/