Yale Web Style Guide
- A manual covering graphic and information design, page layout, graphics, site navigation, and multimedia content.
- http://www.webstyleguide.com/
Stylegala - A showcase of graphic design for the web. Particularly supports coding standards. - http://www.stylegala.com/
10 Rules of Website Design - Checklist of guidelines for designing and building a website that works from Sharpened Productions. - http://www.sharpened.com/about/rules.html
Information Design - Digest of knowledge on interaction design and information architecture, including the web and new media. - http://www.informationdesign.org/
Writing - An index to A List Apart's articles on writing, style and usability. - http://alistapart.textdrive.com/topics/content/writing/
What is Good Hypertext Writing? - There is more to writing than putting words next to each other, and there is more to writing hypertext than throwing together a bunch of links. By Julia Degener. - http://kbs.cs.tu-berlin.de/~jutta/ht/writing.html
Adding Value to your Links - A bulleted guide to using links effectively in hypertext writing. - http://www.robotwisdom.com/web/value.html
Cyberfrem - Offers basic guidance and advice on designing effective, usable, easily navigable web sites. - http://homepage.ntlworld.com/cyberfrem/guide/
Writing Well for the Web - Internet-specific copy writing tips for non-writers. Covers common mistakes. - http://www.webreference.com/content/writing/
Style Guide for Online Hypertext - Defines common terms and outlines good design principles. - http://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/Overview.html