Rhetorical Figures - From alliteration to zeugma, and everything in between, all the figures of speech are here. - http://www.uky.edu/AS/Classics/rhetoric.html
SDSU Writing Rescource Crib - Offering tips and lively description on grammar, English, and writing. - http://literature.sdsu.edu/lanzbom/
Guardian Unlimited - Style Guide - The British newspaper's guide to word usage, grammar and punctuation, edited by David Marsh and Nikki Marshall. Includes 1928 edition in pdf format. - http://www.guardian.co.uk/styleguide
ThereTheir.com - A guide to avoiding some of the most common spelling and grammar errors encountered in online communication, such as chat, texting, message boards, online games, and email. - http://www.theretheir.com/
Cliche Web - Thousands of cliches. Fully searchable and interactive. Formerly Steve's Cliche List. Since 1995. - http://www.cambiaresearch.com/clicheweb/
Word Info - An English vocabulary dictionary with free searches of words from Latin and Greek sources. - http://www.wordinfo.info
Word News - Efforts have been made to provide some of the best thoughts, ancient and modern, that are particularly appealing for our time and to promote a greater appreciation for the English language. - http://www.wordnews.info
Word Files of Confusing English Words - A presentation of English words that are often confusing with definitions and context examples. - http://www.wordfiles.info
Word Spy - The word lover's web site by Paul McFedries. - http://www.wordspy.com/
Plain English at Work - Online guide to using plain English and changing the corporate style. Produced for Australia's Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs and the Australian National Training Authority. - http://www.dest.gov.au/sectors/training_skills/publications_resources/plain_english_at_work/
WritingDEN - Interactive site created to help students improve English reading, writing and listening skills. -
Jargon Finder - The use and abuse of jargon. From The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation. - http://www.emcf.org/pub/jargon/words/index.htm
Urban Dictionary - A veritable cornucopia of streetwise lingo, posted and defined by its readers. - http://www.urbandictionary.com/
Web Typography - The elements of typographic style applied to the web. - http://webtypography.net/
Plain Language Center - Articles and information on writing and evaluating plain and target-appropriate language for business publications and websites. - http://www.gopdg.com/plainlanguage/
The Word Detective - The online version of the newspaper column answering readers' questions about words and language. A very extensive column and word archive. Written by Evan Morris. - http://www.word-detective.com/
Illiterate Businesses - An unabashed rant blog featuring English-language business signs with grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors. Includes a free sign editing offer. - http://www.illiteratebusinesses.ca
LousyWriter.com - A free online resource to improve your writing skills. Learn how to write, how to use words, how to write sentences, and how to communicate effectively. - http://www.lousywriter.com/
Slang City - Writing about American slang. - http://www.slangcity.com
Guide to Grammar and Writing - Digital handouts on grammar and English usage. From subject-verb agreement and use of articles to exercises in parallel structures and argumentative essays. You can submit questions about grammar and writing. - http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/
Just Language - A casual and contemporary look at how we humans communicate with each other both at home and abroad. - http://justlanguage.blogspot.com/
Verbivore - Richard Lederer's page, with contact information and a handful of his language-loving articles. - http://www.verbivore.com/
The Word Nerds - A weekly podcast about words, language, and why we say the things we do. - http://thewordnerds.libsyn.com/
Word Rogues - Tips on writing, English, and grammar. This site also contains active community college English syllabii and links to other writing, grammar sites. - http://www.lanzbom.org
Tribe: Linguistics - Group for discussions of words and language. - http://linguistica.tribe.net/
Tribe: Word Freaks - Group for people who love discussing words and writing style. - http://wordfreaks.tribe.net/
Tribe: Words of Power - For people who love words, use them, feel them in their mouths as flavorful bursts of energy. This is the tribe for fun with words and receptive learning. - http://powerwords.tribe.net/
Lingo Factory - A cooperative effort to coin useable terms and then trick people into using them regularly as though they are real words. - http://lingofactory.tribe.net/
Ralph's Manual of Style - A guide to style, grammar, usage, and more by a guy named Ralph. - http://www.rms.hung-sun.com/
Braintique: The Natural Way to Write - A process and system for helping people become better writers. The site includes exercises, examples, and information about descriptive writing and metaphors. - http://www.braintique.com/barticles/writing/what/TOC.shtml
The Well Bred Sentence - This book offers an intensive course in sentence construction and punctuation. - http://www.englishgrammartutor.com/Grammar%20Book.htm
Correct Punctuation - A brief guide to correct English punctuation. - http://www.correctpunctuation.co.uk
Ewriting - Easy to learn electronic writing style that will speed up email and online chatroom discussions. - http://www.e-writing.info
Writer's Dreamtools - A series of useful tools to enhance writers' and students' creativity, spark ideas and fight writer's block. - http://www.writersdreamtools.com/
The Visual Thesaurus - An exploration of sense relationships within the English language. By clicking on words, you follow a thread of meaning, creating a spatial map of linguistic associations. - http://www.visualthesaurus.com/online/index.html
Wordelizer - Delve deeply into a word or subject. Quick search of several word and language related sites. - http://www.emse.fr/~yukna/kahula/wordelizer/wordelizer.html
Crazy Colour Writing Skills Handbook - Includes useful tips to help your spelling including homophones, words often misspelled, a dictionary search, an introduction to fingerspelling. Grammar, spelling and writing style guide. - http://www.crazycolour.com/os/hb05.shtml
The Economist Style Guide - Guide based on the style book given to all journalists at The Economist. - http://www.economist.com/research/StyleGuide/
Findaphrase.com - Free phrase database to help journalists, copywriters and content editors search common phrases. - http://www.findaphrase.com/
SecretariesUSA.com - Reference for the home and corporate office, including capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, sentence structure, forms of address, abbreviations, letter styles, and business forms. - http://secretariesusa.com/
World Wide Words - Explores the history, evolution byways, quirks, and curiosities of the English language. New and recent words and phrases are often featured, as are books on aspects of English. A weekly newsletter is sent by e-mail and RSS. - http://www.worldwidewords.org/
Garbl's Editorial Style Manual - Provides advice on abbreviations, capitalization, grammar, numbers, plurals, possessives, punctuation, spelling and word usage. - http://garbl.home.comcast.net/stylemanual/
Wordiness - A list of words and phrases to purge from your writing. - http://web.uvic.ca/~gkblank/wordiness.html
Yale Style Manual - For the design of Web pages and Web sites. Covers graphic and information design, page layout, Web graphics, site organization, navigation, and Web multimedia content. - http://www.webstyleguide.com/
Word Quests - Word lists that provide thematic units of English words derived from Latin and Greek sources. - http://www.wordquests.info
Phrases Thesaurus - A generator of headlines and copy for journalists. Enter a word and the database is searched to provide a list of phrases related to that word. - http://www.phrasefinder.co.uk
The Philosophy of Punctuation - Paul Robinson's classic essay on periods, commas, semicolons, dashes. - http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/721833.html
Plain Language Action Network - Promoting clearer communication between the public and government. This site has resources for writers to attain that goal. - http://www.plainlanguage.gov/
Glossarist.com - A searchable directory of thousands of glossaries and topical dictionaries containing terms and definitions on hundreds of subjects. - http://www.glossarist.com/
Language Wrangler - Provocative essays on word usage, writing ideas and style. - http://www.languagewrangler.com/
AskOxford.com - For questions on English grammar, spelling, and usage. Search a dictionary of words, names or quotations. - http://www.askoxford.com/
Verbage - If you are looking for just the right word, you may find it here. If not, you can suggest your own. - http://www.oceansiderevolution.com/verbage
Pseudo Dictionary - The dictionary for words that wouldn't make it into dictionaries. - http://www.pseudodictionary.com/index.php
The Wonderful Writing Skills Unhandbook - An interactive site that uses the writing process to teach writing skills. - http://www.wonderfulwritingskillsunhandbook.com/
A.Word.ADay - The music and magic of words. This is the website for the mailing list A.Word.A.Day (AWAD), which sends a vocabulary word and its definition to the subscribers every day. - http://www.wordsmith.org/awad/index.html
Exploring English - An online tutorial for the parts of speech with style notes for the English Language. - http://www.shared-visions.com/explore/english/
Suite101: English Grammar - Archive of articles about English grammar and style. - http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/english_grammar_style
CBC News: Words, Woe & Wonder - An in-depth look at the words we use from CBC News. - http://cbc.ca/news/indepth/words/
Suite 101: Workplace Communications - Archive of articles covering writing and speaking skills, with emphasis on clear communication, basic design, communicating with international and multicultural audiences. - http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/communications_skills
The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing - Popular, award-winning online writing guide. Authoritative help with research, style, structure, major citation styles, mechanics, and revision. - http://www.nutsandboltsguide.com
Suite101: Word Play - Archived discussions and articles concerning words. - http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/words
Linguistic Phenomena/Devices - A list of lesser-known features in English writing. Hendiadys, holonyms, and hypernyms. - http://www.csi.uottawa.ca/~kbarker/ling-devices.html
The Sports Cliche List - A large, searchable collection of sports cliches, lingo, and jargon. - http://www.sportscliche.com
Guides for Better Science Writing - Bibliography of style manuals for scientific research, writing, and presentation. Guides for biology, medicine, chemistry, engineering, geology, and mathematics. - http://www.indiana.edu/~cheminfo/14-05.html
Top20Composition.com - Online directory for grammar, spelling, punctuation, research, creative writing, and proofreading resources. - http://www.top20composition.com
Plain English Campaign - An independent group fighting for plain English in public communication. We oppose gobbledygook, jargon and legalese. - http://www.plainenglish.co.uk/
Common Errors in English - Catalogue of writing or speaking mistakes and easily confusable words, with corrections. - http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/
Grammar Slammer - This help file indexes style and usage, capitalization, abbreviations, punctuation, letter writing, common mistakes and a grammar glossary. - http://englishplus.com/grammar/index.htm
E-dition: Dictionary of Concise Writing - A look at word usage in popular culture. The Dictionary of Concision is a complete manual of several thousand wordy phrases. - http://www.e-dition.net/dictionary.html
SoYouWanna Avoid Common Writing Errors - We compiled a list of the most common writing errors people tend to make. This is not a primer on grammar or essay-writing. This is a checklist of things which you might well do and which you must stop doing. - http://www.soyouwanna.com/site/syws/wrerrors/wrerrors.html
NoodleBib - The MLA Bibliography Composer - A free tool to create, edit, and save your MLA-style bibliography online, then publish it to a Web page, email it, or save it as RTF and open it in Microsoft Word. - http://www.noodletools.com/noodlebib/
The Word Centre - Consulting firm dedicated to training businesses to use plain English. Free newsletter and professional editing services. - http://www.wordcentre.co.uk
The Book of Cliches - A compilation of common phrases, euphemisms, and rationales for times of trouble. Organized by occasion. - http://utopia.knoware.nl/users/sybev/cliche/
Guide to Grammar and Style - The information ranges from copy editing to elements of style to discussions. Practical information about the writing craft. - http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Writing/
Good Grammar, Good Style - Articles and answers to frequently asked questions about grammar, mechanics, and style. Links and bibliography. - http://www.protrainco.com/info/grammar.htm
Modern Language Association - The Modern Language Association is the official guide to non-fiction writing. The site includes a guide to MLA style. - http://www.mla.org
The Tongue Untied - Grammar, punctuation and style for journalists. - http://grammar.uoregon.edu/
Cliche Site - Clichés, sayings or phrases listed with definitions and explanations. Clichés are organized by subject and alphabetically and you can use the search function. - http://www.clichesite.com/index.asp
Word Lab - A message board where you can request and brainstorm unique words, names, titles, coinages, puns, phrases, slogans and slang. - http://www.wordlab.com/
Word Fugitives - An interactive column by The Atlantic's Barbara Wallraff. Discovers needs in our language and recommends new words to fill them. - http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/fugitives/index.htm
Paradigm Online Writing Assistant - Help in discovering, organizing, revising, and editing informal, thesis, argumentative, and exploratory essays. - http://www.powa.org/
Cliche Finder - Special tool word-searches 3,300 cliches. - http://www.westegg.com/cliche/
Writing For Multimedia - Michael Butzgy's style guide for multimedia. - http://home.earthlink.net/~atomic_rom/contents.htm
Bartleby.com: Strunk's Element of Style (1918) - For use in English courses in which the practice of composition is combined with the study of literature. It aims to give in brief space the principal requirements of plain English style. - http://www.bartleby.com/141/
WordWizard - Portal for word lovers. Learn about word meanings, slang, quotations, insults, and famous authors. Wordwizard offers a round trip across the English language. - http://www.wordwizard.com/
11 Rules of Writing - Concise guide to some of the most frequently violated rules of writing, punctuation, and grammar. - http://www.junketstudies.com/rulesofw/
Focusing on Words - Subscription-based site for vocabulary development, showcasing the Latin and Greek roots of English words. - http://www.wordfocus.com/