SUBLEQ - Simple one instruction language; type of OISC; specifications from Clive Gifford eigenratios self-interpreter page. Each subleq instruction has 3 operands which are memory addresses. Oleg Mazonka. -
E25 Computer Architecture: Lab 5: OISC: One Instruction Set Computer - Class project to design and implement One Instruction Set Computer; using instruction: SUBLEQ A B C. Meaning: subtract value in M(A) from M(B) and store it in M(B), if result is not positive, go to instruction C. Descriptions, diagrams, code, tables. -
Wikipedia: One Instruction Set Computer - Online encyclopedia article about this single machine language opcode, with links to related articles. -
Microprocessor Architectures from VLIW to TTA - By Henk Corporaal; John Wiley, 1998, ISBN 047197157X. Introduces Transport Triggered Architectures, TTAs. In standard architectures, programmed operations trigger internal data transports. TTAs work by programming data transports themselves. This removes -
MOVE Project - Automatic Synthesis of Application Specific Processors. Goal: design, build high-performance processors via a new class of transport-triggered architectures, TTAs, programmed by specifying data-transports not operations; well suited for application specif -
Wikipedia: Transport Triggered Architectures - Online encyclopedia article about this approach to computer architecture. -
A No Instruction Set Processor - Benefits: simple, easily pipelined, useful in self-clocked systems, very flexible and optimizable, good memory access, highly. Problems: awkward to program. [] -
MSL16 Processor - Minimal instruction set, small, low power 16-bit CPU optimized to run Forth on a Xilinx FPGA. When system is stable, VHDL source code for CPU and all other code will be released to make a full open source public domain CPU. -
4stack Processor - Research project for high performance, low cost computing. Uses stack-based instructions for a 4-way VLIW processor. Implemented in current technology, it would outrun high-end DSPs (TMS 320C6x, TigerSHARC), and let the full program run on one processor, -
The Ultimate RISC - Explains extreme, simple RISC, with only one instruction, move memory to memory; yet it is useful. Revision of paper first published in ACM Computer Architecture News. -
Stack Computers: The New Wave - By Philip J. Koopman, Jr; Ellis Horwood, 1989, ISBN 0470214678. Read on-line, or download in formats: HTML, PDF, zip file. First book to explore a new breed of stack computers led by introduction of Novix NC4016. [Free] -
Stack Computers & Forth - Philip J. Koopman, Jr., CMU page. Many reports, studies, links. Compares: CISC, RISC, Stack systems; 2 & 3 stack systems. Excellent resource. -
Triangle Digital Services Ltd. - Small, powerful Forth embedded computers: let you quickly design applications: controls, portable instruments, terminals, data loggers, GPS, CAN bus, multitasking, LCD and keyboard systems. High level language makes development simple and fast; needs no P -
T-Recursive Technology - Embedded systems consultant for small (8/16-bit) and distributed microprocessor systems. Contract hardware and software development for most microcontrollers. Specialist: Forth, Assembly, C. By Bradford J. Rodriguez, Ph.D. -
Enumera, Inc. - Goal: dominate very low cost, low power, single core CPU market, and have the only ultra-high-end supercomputer on-a-chip system. Because the CPU core is so small, it is possible to put 1000s of cores and memory in one IC chip package. -
New Micros, Inc. - Designs, builds: single board computers (SBC), peripherals, embedded systems, PCB design/layout, high level programming (industry leaders in Forth), custom design work; large line of stock products: from full handheld computers to development packages. Si -
NASA: Space Related Applications of Forth - Uses of Forth microprocessors and programming language: controllers for spacecraft flight systems, on-board payload experiments, ground support; hardware or software to build or test flight or ground systems. -
PTSC: Patriot Scientific Corp. - Makes IGNITE I ROSC (Removed Operand Set Computer), PSC1000 32-bit embedded shBoom-based microprocessor line, many ISDN interface products, sophisticated antenna/radar technologies. -
Java Optimized Processor - JOP is the implementation of a small java processor with the JVM fitting in a FPGA. -
SandPiper Technology - Course on minimal processors: Guided Exploration of two FPGA-based CPU Designs, led by John Rible. -
Minimal Instruction Set Computers - Stack-based processors, 5-bit words, 25 instructions, 7000 transistors, 80 MIPS, 50 milliwatts, low cost; designed by Chuck Moore, creator of Forth programming language. -
Forth Chips - References, links to Forth and stack machines in various technologies. -