SimOS - Full machine simulation environment to study uniprocessors and multiprocessors. Enough detail to boot and run commercial OSs. Models hardware of machines sold by Silicon Graphics, and Digital Equipment: CPUs, MIPS R4000, R10000, and Digital Alpha processo -
Sulima - Instruction set architecture simulator for MIPS64; supports U4600 platform, based on an R4700 processor. -
MIPS-based RISC Microprocessors - Main product page. [Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc.] -
MIPS Technologies, Inc. - Makes popular RISC CPU used in consumer electronics, Sony PlayStations, Cisco routers, some SGI computers. Initiated MIPS instruction set. Now an independent company developing processor cores and intellectual property for license. -
MIPS Architecture - Growing entry, with links to many related topics. [Wikipedia] -