International Quilt Study Center - USA. Research center in the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, aiming to collect, preserve, study, exhibit, and promote discovery of quilts and quiltmaking traditions from many cultures, countries, and time periods. On/line quilt collections. Quilt history -
The Textile Conservation Studio - UK. Part of Historic Royal Palaces' Conservation Department dedicated to preserving, displaying and explaining the extensive collection of historic textiles at Hampton Court Palace dating back to Henry VIII. -
Whitchurch Silk Mill - UK. Working 18th century water mill, producing silk and silk rich fabrics for theatrical costumes, interior designers and historic houses. -
Stroudwater Textile Trust - UK. Local trust involved in the preservation of historic textile mills in the Gloucestershire area through exhibitions, publications and events. -
Textile History - Journal of the history of textiles and the textile industry, their technological development, design and conservation, and the history of dress and other uses of textiles. From the Pasold Research Fund. -
The Bayeux Tapestry - The story of the battle of Hastings where in 1066 William the Conqueror defeated Harold, Earl of Wessex, ensuring the success of the Norman invasion of England, as told in the Victorian replica of the Bayeux Tapestries which is housed in the Museum of Rea -
Textiles of the North American Southwest - Historical resource of the Smithsonian Institute about the hand weaving traditions of the American Indian and Hispanic residents of the North American Southwest over the past 2000 years. Gallery of weave designs, timeline and glossary of terms. English a -
Pano - A Unique Capeverdean handicraft - Homepage about the history and technology of Pano narrow strip weaving technique, including photo's and a reading list. -
Wrapped in Pride - Continuing exhibition, exploring the history of traditional Ghanaian weaving and its impact on cultures beyond Africa's shores. A collaboration between the National Museum of African Art and the Anacostia Museum and Center for African American History and -
The Fabric of Moroccan Life - Exhibition at the National Museum of African Art, focused on the tradition of embroideries, textiles and jewelry from the Kingdom of Morocco. -
African Cloth - Information on the history and culture of Akan, Kente and Adinkra cloth and motifs, Asafo flags, and wax and non-wax printed African colth. Authors: G. F. Kojo Arthur and Robert Rowe. -
Adire African Textiles - History and information resource about African adire, adinkra, akwete, aso-oke, bogolan, ewe, kente, kuba, and nupe cloths. Extensive information on social organization, processes and technologies. Galleries of fabric designs. -
Fashion Era - Comprehensive overview of fashion history with chronological reviews of trends in fashion apparel and accessories. -
The Thai Textile Society - Thailand. Non-profit organization, dedicated to the study and appreciation of textiles, with particular emphasis on the textiles of Thailand and Southeast Asia. Calendar of events. Short glossary of terms. Links to related sites. -
Textile Society Of Hong Kong - Membership organization for design professionals, museum curators, collectors, historians, textile conservators, dealers and craftspeople, aiming to explore all aspects of both traditional and contemporary textiles. Library of newsletter articles. Links t -
The Textile Society - UK. Registered charity for scholars, designers, teachers, practioners, artists and collectors with an interest in the study of textile art, design and history in the UK. Calendar of events. Links to textile resources and related sites. -
Textile Culture of India - Information resource about historical weaving, embroidery and surface finishing techniques in the Indian textile industry. Extensive list of links to related sites. From Indi Studio. -
Textile Arts of the Islamic World - Extensive collection of links to bibliographies on the history and technologies of Oriental and Islamic carpets, textiles and garments. From The Textile Museum Washington. -
OATG. Oxford Asian Textile Group - UK. Membership organization for lectures, study visits and seminars about Asian and Islamic textile art, techniques, history and customs. Newsletter and programs. Links to related sites. -
The Arkwright Society - UK. Registered charity named after Richard Arkwright who was the inventor of the water powered cotton spinning mill, and is engaged in education and publishing, preservation of historical textile related industrial monuments, and recycling of textiles, pa -
Hosiery History - Brief history of the hosiery technology and industry through the ages, written by Rachel Brendle of the Hosiery Technology Center for the 1998 International Hosiery Exhibition. -
Textile Muse - On-line research tool of the US Textile Museum's Arthur D. Jenkins Library, focused on the traditional textile cultures of the Americas, Africa and Asia. -
Textile History Consortium - USA. Non-membership interest group of museums, libraries, archives, and public and private historical and cultural organizations and their staff members, established to encourage and facilitate the identification, preservation and use of the history of te -
Weaving the Past Into the Future: 100 Years of Textiles at NC State University - Exhibit highlighting the history of the College of Textiles at NC State. From early courses in weaving and textile design to the development of the first synthetic aorta and to the present continuing research in textile composite materials for spacecraft -
Latin American Textiles - Introduction to the ancient textile cultures of Meso, Central and South America. Image gallery. From The Field Museum. -
IHBS. International Hajji Baba Society - USA. Non-profit organization of collectors, enthusiasts and scholars dedicated to the understanding and appreciation of fine textiles from Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Newsletters. Links to related sites. -
The Emergence Of Ring Spinning In The American Textile Industry - Exhibition organized by the Historical Collections Department of the Baker Library Graduate School of Business Administration in Harvard University. Extensive biography, and links to textile articles and resources. -
Textile Special Interest Section - Section within the International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH), responsible for the preservation of historical textile mills world wide. Introduction to the project. List of known textile sites of international signifi -
Scottish Textiles Heritage Online - Pilot project offering images, archives, museum descriptions and additional resources for information about historical Scottish textile collections. Not available. -
Thistle Hill Weavers - USA. Custom and commission weaving company, specializing in historic textile fabric, trims, carpets and furnishings reproductions for museums, private homes, and the film industry. Also, museum consulting services. -
The URI Historic Textile and Costume Collection - USA. Extensive collection of textiles and historic costumes of the Department of Textiles, Fashion Merchandising and Design in the University of Rhode Island. -
UKIC. United Kingdom Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works - UK. Textile section of a membership organisation created to promote the profession of textile conservation and the interests of textile conservators, and the discussion of current issues and information exchange. -
Marjorie Russell Clothing and Textile Research Center - USA. Study center for the understanding of historic costumes and textiles, created under the direction of the Nevada State Museum and Nevada Historical Society. On-line exhibits of costumes, textiles and quilts. -
Threads of History - Textile conservation project of the Trinity County Historical Society, dedicated to the preservation and display of a collection of historical garments, rugs, household linens, quilts, flags, and fraternal order banners. -
Historic Textiles Studio - USA. Offering a wide range of textile conservation services including stabilization, cleaning and restoration. -
Historic Textiles from Egypt - Virtual gallery of an extensive collection of Egyptian textiles from the Pharaonic, Roman and Byzantine, and later Islamic periods of Egypt's pre-modern history, in possession of the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. -
Glossary of Fabric Terms - Extensive glossary of textile technical terms in use from medieval times to the mid 1900's. From Class Act Fabrics. -
The Language of Revolution - Glossary of terms in use during the Industrial Revolution in England. Also, the story of the Lancashire cotton industry, with biographies of the inventors and engineers -
Zucchi Collection of Handblok Prints - Collection of historic handbloks for the printing of textile fabrics from 1785 to 1935, categorised in abstract, cashmere, floral, geometric, ornamental and pictorial designs. Comprehensive description of the handblok printing technique. Links to related -
Imatex - Spain. Terrassa Textile Museum and Documentation Centre run Internet service for textile designers and researchers of textile history. Comprehensive resource, searchable by materials, techniques, periods, designs and uses. English, Catalan and Spanish. -
Textiles in History - Home page of Anne Wanders about textile materials and products from the early history of human kind till the present day. Extensive collections of links to publications, institutions, dictionaries, reviews and articles, symposia and biographies. -
Tampere Mill - Finland. Extensive on-line reconstruction of the water powered textile mill at Tampere. -
European Textiles Routes - Thematic travel routes organised by the European Textile Network, connecting historical European textile mills, including monuments and recurrent events, textile heritage and production, and education and research. -
Boott Cotton Mills - Classroom-ready lesson plan on the development of the Boott millyard to understand the workings of the industrial system at Lowell. -
Knitting Together - Joint Internet project of the Leicester City Museum Service and its partners, dedicated to the history of the East-Midlands knitting industry. Timeline. Oral and photographic history. Virtual museum. Resources and links. -
Lancashire Textile Project - Homepage about the history of the steam driven weaving industry in the North West Of England. Photographs and transcribed tape recordings of interviews with individuals who worked in the industry. -
Eli Whitney Museum - Extensive historical resource about the inventor of the cotton gin and the technique of mass producing military firearms. -
International Textiles Archive - UK. University of Leeds institute which collects, preserves and documents textiles and other related design material from most of the major textile producing areas of the world for the benefit of the public. List of events. Links to related sites. -
The Pasold Research Fund - Registered charity, active in publications, organizing conferences and awarding grants for research in the economic and social history of textiles. Comprehensive international directory of textile historians. -
The Center for Traditional Textiles of Cusco - USA. Non-profit charitable corporation focused on preserving, reviving and education in Peruvian Inca textile design and techniques. -
The New Draperies in the Low Countries and England - Book on the history and identification of draperies in the Netherlands and England, manufactured from medieval to early modern times. From Oxford University Press. Author: N.B. Harte. -