The Quilt Index - Images and contextual information on hundreds of quilts from several major collections developed by the American Quilt Alliance. Searchable image archive and frequently asked questions. -
Amish Quilt Collecting - Article detailing the history, craftsmanship, and regional differences of Amish quilts, with specific information and resources for collectors and buyers. -,12922,284656_293945,00.html
America's Quilting History - Quilt history including broderie perse, Civil War quilts, friendship quilts, Victorian quilts, Depression era quilts, Black American quilts, native American quilts and Amish quilting. -
A History of the Art Quilt - A detailed history of art quilting, excerpted from Robert Shaw's 1997 illustrated book, The Art Quilt. -
Patches From the Past - The history of quilts and the lives of the women who created them. Articles on quilting include periods, styles, book reviews and information on making reproduction quilts. -
Quilt History - Quilt Heritage ListServ is a forum for quilters to discuss the historical aspects of quilting. -