Ultrasonidos Tironi SL - Spain. Design, development and manufacture of hand held and static, standard and custom ultrasonic welding systems, horns and tooling for industrial applications. Technical information and specifications on PDF files. English, Spanish and French. - http://www.ultrasonidostironi.com/
Ultracut Industries - Australia. Manufacturers of standard and custom designed machinery and equipment for a range of industrial applications. Machine based and hand held ultrasonic systems for cutting and welding of textile fabrics. Also, hoists, and roller blind assembly jig - http://www.ultracut-industries.com.au/
Industrial Ultrasonics, Inc - USA. Design and manufacture of a wide range of ultrasonic welding horns and fixtures. Also, refurbished welders, rebuilt converters, boosters, and ultrasonic welding accessories, and repair of existing ultrasonic horns. Detailed product catalogs. - http://www.industrialultrasonics.com/
Decoup+ - France. Design and manufacture of ultrasonic slitting, splicing and welding equipment for textiles, nonwovens and plastics. Part of the Spoolex Group. - http://www.decoup.com/
Sonotronic Nagel GmbH - Germany. Design and manufacture of ultrasonic bonding equipment for thermoplastic materials and components. Cutting and punching, and thermofixing and coloring equipment for the textile and nonwovens industries. Technical information. Multi-lingual site. - http://www.sonotronic.de/
Evergreen Ultrasonic Group - Taiwan. Design, development and manufacture of ultrasonic machinery and equipment for welding, cutting, sealing and joining applications in the textile and nonwoven fabrics, and plastics industries. Also, ultrasonic cleaners and spare parts. Technical inf - http://www.evergreen-taiwan.com/
King Ultrasonic Co., Ltd - Taiwan. Design and manufacture of ultrasonic machinery and equipment for plastic welding, lace sewing, quilting, and textile and nonwovens slitting applications. Also, ultrasonic instruments for skin and healthcare, and LCD monitors. English and Chinese. - http://www.ksonic.com.tw/
Jentschmann AG - Switzerland. Design and manufacture of ultrasonic bonding machinery and complete systems for the textile, apparel and nonwovens industries. Also, cutting,sewing and gluing machines. Extensive technical information. Links to partner companies. Part of the - http://www.jentschmann.ch/
Texti Sonics - France. Design and manufacture of ultrasonic equipment for sealing and slitting applications of textiles, nonwovens and plastic materials. English, French and German. - http://www.textisonics.com/
Acoustical Tooling Co - USA. Design and manufacture of standard and custom horns and fixtures for ultrasonic welding and assembly in the automotive, packaging, nonwovens, textiles, electronics and consumer products industries. Technical information on PDF files. - http://www.acousticaltool.com/
Dukane Corp - USA. Diversified, multi-national company, active in the manufacture of advanced technology products. Ultrasonic welding systems for the automotive, aerospace, medical, plastics, textile and nonwovens industries. - http://www.dukcorp.com/
Sonobond Ultrasonics, Inc - USA. Design and manufacture of ultrasonic machinery and systems for cutting, welding and bonding of textiles and nonwovens, metals, and plastic materials. Detailed product catalog, including extensive technical information and specifications on PDF files. - http://www.sonobondultrasonic.com/
Herrmann Group - USA. Manufacturers of ultrasonic welding systems for the plastics, nonwovens and packaging industries. Extensive technical information. Description of ultrasonic technology. List of training courses and trade events. - http://www.herrmannultrasonics.com/
Herrmann Ultrasonics, Inc - Multinational group of companies, active in the design, development and manufacture of ultrasonic technologies. Touch and wear free systems for welding, bonding, laminating, embossing, die cutting and perforating of nonwovens, textiles, papers and plastic - http://www.herrmannultraschall.de/
Texmac, Inc - USA. Design and manufacture of high frequency, welding, cutting and sealing equipment for thermoplastics, synthetic textiles, nonwovens and films. Technical information. - http://www.queenlight.com/
Rinco Ultrasonics AG - Switzerland. Ultrasonic assembly, welding, cutting and sealing equipment for theroplastics, synthetic textiles and nonwovens, and films. Introduction to ultrasonic technology. Lists of trade shows and distributors. Part of the Crest Group. English and Ger - http://www.rincoultrasonics.com/
Sonic Italia Srl - Italy. Design and manufacture of ultrasonic welding and cutting robots, machinery and equipment for the textile and nonwovens, automotive, medical, packaging, and electrical and electronics industries. Technical specifications. Multi-lingual site. - http://www.sonicitalia.it/
Sonics & Materials, Inc - USA. Design and manufacture of ultrasonic equipment for welding, joining and fastening of thermoplastic components and textiles. Also, ultrasonic liquid processors. - http://www.sonicsandmaterials.com/
Cera France - France. Ultrasonic welding machinery and equipment for the textile and nonwovens industries. English and French. - http://www.cerafrance.fr/