Carr Group - Manufacturers and suppliers of ultrasonic and high-frequency welding machinery for the fabrication of PVC tarps, banners, curtains, marquees, pool liners and plastic sheeting. Also, coated fabrics, unsupported plastic sheeting and accessories, and compone -
C.J. Loftus Electronics Pty., Ltd - Australia. Manufacturers and suppliers of a range of high-frequency (HF) welding machinery for synthetic fabrics and polymer films. Also, custom modification, technical consulting, and selling pre-owned machinery. Detailed machine catalogs, including tech -
PROGEO Holding AG - Germany. Development and manufacture of computer controlled information systems for leak detection and location, and long-term monitoring of geosynthetic membrane systems. Extensive technical information and FAQ. List of partner sites. English and German. -
Seamtek, Inc - USA. Design and manufacture of precision seam sealers, hot air welders and tapers for a wide range of technical and industrial applications. Computer controlled digital seam sealing systems for geotextiles. Technical specifications. -
Nawon, Inc - USA. Manufacturers of rotary ultrasonic welders, hot air welders and seam taping machines and programmable tackers for nonwovens and technical textile applications. Technical information and machine specifications. -
Fiab AB - Sweden. Design and manufacture of custom and standard model high-frequency welding machines for textiles, plastics, wood and teflon applications. Technical information on PDF files. Calendar of events. -
Digicon Micro Systems Pvt., Ltd - India. Development and manufacture of software and machinery for a wide variety of industrial applications. Portable welders and seaming equipment for the technical textile industry. -
Sinclair Equipment Co - USA. Design and manufacture of heat-sealing equipment for technical textiles and flooring. Also, grooving equipment, and laminating and hand tools. Wedge welding systems for geotextiles, tarpaulins and awnings, tents, curtains, bags and tubes. Also, parts -
Concord Geotechnical Associates, LLC - USA. Design and manufacture of installation equipment for the geosynthetic lining industry. Wedge, extrusion and hot-air welders, tensiometers, coupon cutters, and vacuum, spark and air test equipment. Extensive technical information and specifications. L -
Miller Weldmaster Corp - USA. Design and manufacture of rotary hot air welding and hot wedge welding machines for the bonding, sealing and fusing of thermoplastic fabrics, geotextiles and membranes, and garments. Custom engineering services. Extensive technical FAQ. -
Demtech Services, Inc - USA. Standard and custom engineered thermoplastic welding equipment, testing equipment and accessories for the geosynthetics industry. Also, consulting services and training. -
Plastic Welding Technologies, Inc - USA. Design and manufacture of a complete line of extrusion, hot-air and wedge welding equipment for the geosynthetics, plastic fabrication, flooring and roofing industries. Also, testing equipment, tools and accessories. Detailed technical specifications -
PolyWeld, Inc - USA. Manufacturers of extruder welding machines, wedge welders, and tensiometers for the geosynthetics industry. Also, distributors of hand held welding hot air guns, and repair facilities. -
Clemens National Co - USA. Portable, hand held welding hot air and flameless heat gun tools for roofing, geomembranes, flooring and industrial applications. -
Novaweld, LLC - USA. Wedge welding equipment for field seaming of geomembranes, geotextiles and geocomposites. Also, welding equipment for coated fabrics for tents, awnings, covers, and marine and medical products. -