Risch, Michael D. - A gallery of paintings by Arizona artist. [Requires Flash] - http://members.cox.net/acidlounge/
Radziewicz, Krzysztof - Contains paintings created in interesting, original technique. Landscape, architecture, human form and musical work inspire the artist. Includes short biography and guest book. In English, Polish and German. - http://www.e-galeria.com.pl/
Ritson, Julia - Images of her paintings, with her curriculum vitae. - http://juliaritson.com/
Raymond, Anne - Artist from New York. Monotype and prints and oil paintings. Includes images, curriculum vitae, quotations from reviews, and short introduction to monotype. - http://www.anneraymond.com/
Renaud, Fabrice - Abstract paintings on canvas by French visual artist living in Dublin, Ireland. - http://www.fabricerenaud.com/
Rodewald, Allan - American abstract artist and painter who also offers custom representational mural paintings. - http://www.allanrodewald.com/
Ries, Martin - A selection of artwork from figurative to abstract expressionism (1940 - 2000), in various techniques. - http://www.martinries.com/
Rogers, Sasha - Canadian artist displays paintings created through contemplation and play; evocative of places experienced in the past. Includes biography and exhibition information. - http://www.sasharogers.org/