Riggs, Wayne - An American modern abstract artist who works in watercolor and gouache, incorporating older techniques, influenced by the light, life, and time. - http://home.earthlink.net/%7ewayneriggs/
Redinger, Armin - Fresh and innovative modern fine art, inspired by urban surroundings, this is not sculpture, it is 'painting with metal'. - http://www.redinger.co.uk/
RodrÃguez Amat - The paintings and the life of this Spanish artist. Stages of development. Art centre open to artists from around the world. Temporary home for artists. Exhibitions. - http://www.xtec.cat/~jrodri19/eng-ind.htm
Riley, Jacqueline - An abstract contemprary artist from Houston that uses mixed media pieces to create her collection. - http://www.jaccompany.com/
Riske, Jan - Oil paintings by Dutch-born artist Jan Riske, who now lives in Australia. Includes images, interviews and articles, exhibitions, and photographs of the painter. - http://www.janriske.com/
Rogers, Janet - A series of abstract paintings by professional UK artist based in Bruges, Belgium. - http://www.janet-rogers.com/
Rehbinder, Carin - San Francisco artist showcases recent abstract paintings using collage and mixed media. - http://www.rehbinder.com/
Rubell, Laurie - Large scale oil on canvas referential to landscapes, atmosphere,and water. - http://laurierubell.com/
Roth, Richard Lewis and Roth, Ikuko - Richard does abstracts with arrays of idiosyncratic shapes. Ikuko is a landscape painter integrating an abstract foundation with the structures and colors of nature. - http://www.ikdk.com/