Jelle Taeke de Boer (1908 - 1970) - Information on the Dutch art collector who amassed many undiscovered art works attributed to impressionist masters. Provides images, exhibitions and ongoing authentication efforts. -
Artcyclopedia: Impressionism - A list of major and minor Impressionist artists with links to online collections and museums. -
WebMuseum: Impressionism (1860-1900) - More from Web Museum: The artists and their work -
Impressionist Still Life - Catalogue and exhibition of paintings by Manet, Monet, Degas, van Gogh, Gauguin, Cézanne at the Phillips Collection, later at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. -
Impressionist and Postimpressionist Masterpieces: The Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Annenberg Collection of Impressionist and Postimpressionist Masterpieces features fifty-three works by Manet, Monet, Renoir, Cézanne, Van Gogh, Gauguin, and Picasso on display at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. -{F74B332B-FFCA-11D3-936F-00902786BF44}
Impressionism: Paintings Collected by European Museums - Online art exhibition including the works of reeminent Impressionists. Learn about the Impressionist movement and experience their art. -