Ringwood Manor Gallery - Photos of the five Hudson River School paintings in Ringwood Manor collection. - http://www.ringwoodmanor.com/tour/hudsonriver/picgal.htm
Artcyclopedia: The Hudson River School - A list of major and minor artists of the Hudson River School, with links to online collections and exhibits. - http://www.artcyclopedia.com/history/hudson-river-school.html
New York State Hudson River School Collection Locations - Location and descriptions of 14 significant Hudson River School collections in New York from the state tourism website. - http://www.iloveny.com/travel_ideas/culture_hrsac_map.asp
A Hike to History, With Nature as a Guide - New York Times article from the series "In Art's Footsteps" about an annual class trip to the Catskill Mtn. House, where F. E. Church and other members of the Hudson River School often visited. Fee required. - http://www.nytimes.com/2001/08/03/nyregion/03HUDS.html
In Pristine Grandeur, a Sublime Presence - New York Times Arts Abroad review of exhibition of American Landscape Paintings from 1820-1880 at London's Tate Gallery. Fee required. - http://www.nytimes.com/2002/03/28/arts/design/28ARTS.html
The Artchive: Hudson River School - Long review of the Hudson River School with links to the Artchive's galleries of paintings by the more noted artists. - http://www.artchive.com/artchive/hudsonriver.html
White Mountain Art and Artists - An extensive compilation of art from New Hampshire's White Mountains with an emphasis on those artists who painted during the heyday of the Hudson River School. - http://whitemountainart.com/
Marist College: Hudson River School - A brief overview of the School and biographies of both the commonly known and less recognized artists. - http://www.marist.edu/summerscholars/99/culture/ag02.htm
ArtLex on the Hudson River School - Gallery of many paintings by several artists. - http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/h/hudsonriverschool.html
IHAS Movements: The Hudson River School - A brief summary of the School's place in American philosophy by Thomas Hampson, narrator of the PBS series "I Hear America Singing." Includes a video clip review of Durand's Kindred Spirits. - http://www.pbs.org/wnet/ihas/icon/hudson.html
Tocqueville and the Hudson River School - A review of the Hudson River School and its history, philosophical underpinnings, iconography, gallery, and contrast to de Tocqueville. - http://xroads.virginia.edu/~HYPER/DETOC/hudson/intro.html
Hudson River Reference Collection - A collection of images of Hudson River School paintings by lesser known artists. - http://dfl.highlands.com/DFL_Painters/Index.html
AIHA: Hudson River School Collection - A look at some of the better selections from the Albany Institute of History and Art's collection of over 60 Hudson River School paintings. - http://www.albanyinstitute.org/collections/hudson_river.htm